"Thank you Dad!"

Lin Xingyun also accepted it generously, and Liu Fengyi and Lin Mo were even more happy.

The breakfast was eaten loudly and colorfully, but Liu Meng'er was embarrassed and confused and couldn't

think of what way the other party wanted to use.

Can you actually let her give birth to ten babies?!

And after the two spent their honeymoon on this planet.

He returned to the Purple Micro Realm and officially began his long-term cultivation.



Five years later.

Purple Micro Realm, in the Heavenly Xuan Holy Land.

On this day, the old leader finally issued an edict.

After January, the Holy Land set out.

Break into the forbidden area and explore the chance of becoming an immortal!

After being notified of this decree.

The Heavenly Xuan Holy Land is completely boiling!

Everyone is like a chicken blood, and the blood is surging all day long!

"Fight to the point of no regrets, fight for the first immortal!"

"This time out of the forbidden area, our Tianxuan Holy Land poured out!"

"What's more, there are imperial soldiers accompanying them, and their combat power has reached the top of this Beidou realm!"

"It's my advantage!"

"This time, we must break into the forbidden area and explore the great opportunity to become an emperor and become an immortal!"

"Fight to the point of no regrets, fight for the first immortal!"

The elders and disciples were burning with passion, and they were making all kinds of preparations.

Lin Xingyun already took Liu Meng'er with him.

Go to the Tianxuan City outside the Holy Land.

After all, Liu Meng'er has been cultivating for a shallow time, and there are many ordinary women's preferences, which are indelible for a while.

Today, I let Lin Xingyun accompany her again.

Come to Tianxuan City to shop, buy clothes, jewelry, shoes and socks.

"Nebula, it's so strange."

"This is obviously a world of immortal cultivation, actually... There are also various styles of stockings and heels for sale!

Liu Meng'er sighed while shopping and choosing.

"Isn't that nice? You can save yourself and buy it again!


The two held hands for a long time and bought a lot of things.

I walked to a restaurant and planned to eat.

However, I just arrived at the door of the restaurant.

I saw a dirty little girl begging for food in front of the restaurant.

But she's clearly new to this.

Although the appearance is extremely cute.

But the movements and tone when begging for food are slightly stiff and deliberate.

The acting skills obviously need to be improved!

And when Lin Xingyun saw the little girl, she couldn't help but show a bright smile.

The next moment, the little girl seemed to have noticed them a long time ago.

Walk directly to them.

It was directly pulled on Liu Meng'er's skirt.

"Big sister... I'm hungry... Hungry..."

"I've been for a long time... I haven't eaten for a long time..."

"Big sister... Please... Can you... Buy me something to eat..." Liu

Qiuyan tried to make a pitiful appearance.

Raised his little head, looked at Liu Meng'er with teary eyes and said.

At the same time, my heart was speechless.

She was also puzzled.

I don't understand why I arranged such a role for her in a dream!

However, she has complete trust in her apprentice.

At this time, I can only try to play my acting skills!

"Little sister is good, sister will take you to eat delicious!"

Without hesitation, Liu Meng'er directly took her little hand and touched her little face and agreed.

After all, she looked at the pitiful appearance of this little girl, and she had already pityed it very much.

Plus these five years and more.

She strictly grasped the construction progress and opened up the direction of construction.

But I still didn't conceive a child............

Now this little girl, she feels even more cordial.

It's as if you've seen it somewhere!

The maternal love that has nowhere to vent in her heart can't help but overflow.

"So what are you waiting for? Advanced Restaurant Bar.

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate, and led the two of them into the restaurant.

Quickly ordered a large table of delicious food.

He ate the dish absentmindedly.

While relishing, he observed Liu Meng'er and Liu Qiuyan.

I saw that Liu Meng'er was extra patient, feeding Liu Qiuyan bite by bite.

Liu Qiuyan originally seemed to be eating only performatively.

But with Liu Meng'er, he began to pick fish bones, blow soup, and wipe her mouth.

Take great care of her.

It was as if she had recalled a long time ago.

She was still young, and when she was with her mother, those warm and bright scenes.

The expression is getting more and more moved!

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