The next day, the two took leave from the palm and said that they would go back to visit their relatives.

Logically, the old master should have stopped it.

But influenced by some mysterious force, he directly agreed!

Lin Xingyun took out the five-color altar, urged Liu Meng'er together, and embarked on the road home.



When the two returned to the parking lot of Blue Star, the famous mountain.

The time that had been suspended suddenly resumed flow.

The sounds of cicadas and birds began to sound all around again.

"Whew... It's back!

Liu Meng'er stroked her heart and sighed.

She looked up and saw that the mountains in the distance had been smashed into shape by the corpse of the nine-headed dragon.

Such a big movement must soon attract people from all sides.

Especially now, they were still wearing the costumes of that Fang Immortal Cultivation World.

If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid you'll be on the hot search and make headlines!

As soon as she thought of this, she quickly pulled Lin Xingyun into the car and turned out her clothes to change.

Then drive quickly away from the seaside city.

"Nebula... It's fantastic!

"After we left, the time here has not changed in the slightest!"

"It's like a dream!"

Liu Meng'er was still feeling emotion while driving.

She glanced at the time, it was still one o'clock in the morning.

Even now on this car.

The rich breath of the two after climbing the mountain has not yet dissipated..........

The so-called sudden like a dream, is just that!

"Meng'er, it's okay."

"If it comes, it is safe."

"Anyway, whether it's reality, dreaming, or cultivating the immortal world, I will accompany you."

Lin Xingyun was on the co-pilot, looked at her and comforted her softly.


As long as you are by my side... I'm not afraid to go anywhere!

Liu Meng'er's eyes were red, and her expression was moved.

Recalling the past year, she and the other party depended on each other in the world of immortal cultivation and supported each other, she couldn't help but choke a little.

"Po, don't cry."

"I'll tell you another joke."

Lin Xingyun saw that she was about to cry, and joked with a smile.

"You... You're talking about you!

Liu Meng'er wiped her eyes and urged.

"Speaking of which, aren't we here for a class reunion?"

"Guess my favorite class when I was in college?"

Lin Xingyun said mysteriously.

"Guess... Guess your size! You just say it!

Liu Meng'er was a little anxious, and reached out and punched Lin Xingyun twice.

Lin Xingyun raised his face and revealed the mystery.

"It's every moment that loves you ~~~

" "Poof———!"

"You... Can you stop saying these earthy words! "

I don't like to hear it, it's really old-fashioned..."

Liu Meng'er bit her lower lip and smiled, and said coquettishly and happily.

But I have forgotten my sadness and stopped crying.

"Okay! You squint for a moment, I'm going to concentrate on driving.

"Hey, hey!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and flattened the chair, and began to close his eyes and rest.

Liu Meng'er drove on the highway, completely away from the coastal city.



A month later.

The wedding night of the two.

After a few busy days, this day was even more busy from morning to night, and finally completed the entire wedding process.

Although the two have cultivation, their bodies are not tired.

But the emotions in this day are really ups and downs, and still make people feel very tired.

And I was busy walking the wedding process all day.

Today, the two of them haven't eaten three times a day!

Now I really become a couple, after returning to my new house.

The two quickly took off their clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower together.

When she returned to the room after taking a bath, Liu Meng'er was already crimson.

Lin Xingyun gently placed her on the bed, and then reached out and held the pair of clean and beautiful white lotuses.

"Gee! You... Still so perverted!

Liu Meng'er snorted.

But skillfully used his toes to gently pinch at Lin Xingyun's heart.

Lin Xingyun looked at the familiar white lotus, and couldn't help but recall some beautiful scenes in the past.

The corners of his mouth gradually drew into a smile.

He was playful and asked with a smile at Liu Meng'er.

"Po, have you seen Mizukage?"

"Huh? It seems like...... It seems like I've watched a few episodes before.

"I saw Naruto as the Shanghai Thief King, and then I didn't watch it."

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Liu Meng'er was also stunned and replied in confusion.

"Then do you remember Naruto Uzumaki's younger brother, what is his name?"

Lin Xingyun held her ankles, and the corners of her mouth rose even more.

"Huh? He still has a younger brother? What's it called?

"It's called Xuan My Mouth!"

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate anymore, and opened his mouth to bite down............

(100,000 words omitted first)




The next morning.

The two went to have breakfast with Liu Fengyi, Liu Jinyuan, and Lin Mo, the three elders.

At the dinner table, the two mothers were smiling and knocking on the side, urging the two to have children early.

And Liu Meng'er listened.

But it was as if he had been poked in the sore spot, and his face showed a little embarrassment.

Because over the years, Lin Xingyun and her have never worn a hard hat when they are building.

But it was carried out very frequently, at least one or two thousand times.

But she just never conceived a child!

At this time, in the face of her parents' urging, she couldn't help but secretly transmit to Lin Xingyun.

"Nebula, or... How about we go to the hospital and check up?

"Bao, we have all started cultivating immortals, and we still need to go to the hospital?"

"It's a little outrageous!"

"But before I practiced, I couldn't conceive a child, and after cultivation, wouldn't it be more difficult to conceive?!"

Liu Meng'er's face was anxious, and she was already worried about this matter.

"It's okay, when there should be pregnancy, there will be naturally!"

"Huh? Pregnancy? What pregnancy?

Liu Meng'er was asking.

Lin Xingyun had already explained to Liu Fengyi and the three with a smile.

"Don't rush everyone, we will have a child as soon as possible."

"To be honest, you are in a hurry, I am more anxious than you!"

"I even thought of the child's name!"

"The first child is called Liu Qiuyan!"

As soon as Lin Xingyun's words fell, the four people present were directly stunned.

"Nebula, you... You have to let the child... With my last name? Liu

Meng'er's face was very complicated.

It's both a little embarrassing and inexplicable.

Lin Xingyun said quietly.

"It's the first child with your last name."

"The remaining nine have my last name."

Liu Meng'er was directly stunned again!

After reacting, she pinched Lin Xingyun a few times with shame.

"You... Are you dreaming?!

"I can't even give birth to a baby, you let me... Let me give birth to ten?!

"Go find a pig!"

"Hehe, don't worry, you'll naturally understand by then!"

Lin Xingyun responded with a smile, but did not continue to explain.

And when the two flirted.

Liu Jinyuan was directly excited and slapped the table.

"Good boy! Too sensible! Uncle Liu didn't hurt you in vain!

"For your heart, I have decided to add another 8.88 million to the dowry!"

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