one year later.

The Beidou Realm, among the Heavenly Xuan Holy Land.

At this time, in the deepest part of the holy place, next to an ancient tea tree full of charm.

A young man and woman meditate cross-kneeled.

The two of them were surrounded by purple qi, and each of them had twelve Dao Rhyme auras, which haunted the surface of their bodies.

They are all innate Dao embryo physiques!

Along with the enlightened tea tree, the wisps of light that continue to sway.

The breath of the two also rose rapidly.

The potential of one's own physical fitness has also been further developed.

A few hours later.

The two of them exhaled a mouthful of turbid qi in unison, ending their state of cultivation.

"Nebula, we are now in the Wheel Sea Realm."

"Can you activate the five-color altar?"

Liu Meng'er asked a little urgently, already feeling homesick.

After all, in this Fang Immortal Cultivation World, everything is extremely strange, completely beyond her understanding!

Fortunately, it was teleported by the five-color altar.

Lin Xingyun always accompanied her and comforted her.

Let her be calm and not lonely.

"Well, it should be about the same."

"Let's try to stir the altar tomorrow and take us home."

"But Meng'er, after returning home, will you come back to continue cultivating immortals in the future?"

Lin Xingyun held her in his arms and asked while caressing.

Now the five-colored altar is in his Qiankun ring.

In fact, if it is in this world.

With their two Wheel Sea Realms, it was impossible to urge this ultra-long-distance teleportation altar.

But now in the dreamland, everything is decided by Lin Xingyun!

Liu Meng'er is homesick, he also wants to go back to accompany his mother, naturally it is time to go home and see.


" "I think I have to come back!"

"Homesick, homesick, but this is the world of immortal cultivation!"

"If we can cross here, there is hope of immortality!"

Liu Meng'er's eyes lit up and kissed Lin Xingyun on the cheek.

"Life is only a hundred years, and there are still decades of old and weak years."

"But in the future, we will succeed in cultivating here."

"How good it would be to be able to live for a thousand years, ten thousand years, and look like each other!"

"Hmm! Bao, we really have a soul, and we want to go together!

Lin Xingyun also kissed her pretty face and agreed with a smile.

After all, immortality is indeed tempting to the extreme!

This is the source of motivation for countless people to cultivate.

Liu Meng'er is naturally no exception.

"That's right, Nebula."

"I feel that this Heavenly Xuan Holy Land... It's a bit outrageous!

"We continue to practice here, and we always feel..." "

Sooner or later something will happen here!"

Liu Meng'er suddenly remembered something.

Holding Lin Xingyun's hand, he reminded with a strange face.

"Well, I think so too!"

"This holy land doesn't even have a Great Emperor Realm powerhouse."

"But he shouted all day long, he wanted to attack the forbidden area and fight for a chance to become an immortal!"

"It's really a move - the mussels can't stop!"

Lin Xingyun also shook his head and smiled, a little speechless.

A year ago, they were teleported outside this Heavenly Xuan Holy Land by the five-color altar.

Just in time for the Heavenly Xuan Holy Land, it was recruiting disciples.

Lin Xingyun took Liu Meng'er, who had just teleported over and was shocked, after calming his mind for a while.

In order to seek a foothold, he and she worshiped into the Heavenly Xuan Holy Land.

And as soon as the qualification test was conducted,

the two directly awakened the innate Dao embryo on the spot!

Avenue Tianyin, boundless purple qi, immortal bell ringing eighteen rings!

It completely shocked the entire Heavenly Xuan Holy Land!

The Holy Land Sect immediately came out of the mountain and accepted the two as personal disciples on the spot.

It is also directly established as a holy son and a holy daughter!

After that, it provided the most superior cultivation environment for the two and helped them practice.

Now in just about a year, with the top qualifications of the two innate Dao embryos, they have already reached the perfection of the Wheel Sea Realm.

But this Heavenly Xuan Holy Land has a hundred million small problems.

Although in this world, the Heavenly Xuan Holy Land is already the number one power.

Although there is no Great Emperor Realm ancestor, there is an imperial soldier left behind as a holy land heritage.

For many years, they enjoyed a hegemonic position in this world, fueling their greed and ambition.

And in this world, there is an ancient forbidden area.

It is said that there is even a great chance to become an immortal!

But there are also crises everywhere, and there is a great horror of life and death!

However, the high-level of the Tianxuan Holy Land was the overlord of this world for too long.

Ambition swells to the extreme.

He has not yet become a great emperor, and he has already begun to vainly attack the forbidden area!

In order to achieve this goal.

They had long decided to lead the Holy Land, exert the power of the Holy Land, and attack the forbidden area!

Explore the chance of becoming an immortal!

And under their arrangement, and the painting pie of "lifting the pie into immortals".

Many of the elder disciples of the Tianxuan Holy Land were very enthusiastic about this.

In order to break into the forbidden area, it has been prepared for hundreds of years.

Now offensive action is not far off.

Every day in the Holy Land, there are disciples who have been fooled and lame, shouting their blood there.

What to say "fight to no regrets, fight a fairy"!

Lin Xingyun and Liu Meng'er, the two newcomers, did not eat this bite of cake.

Coincidentally, there was a Wudao tea tree in the Holy Land, which was suitable for developing their innate Dao embryo physique.

The two of them were cultivating peacefully here.

After cultivating, he returned to his residence and continued to eat three meals a day............


[There are still two chapters, but the system is a little convulsive, I don't know when to recover, QAQ family good night, watch it tomorrow].

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