> "Hmph! Woman, you're playing with fire!

Lin Xingyun snorted with a smile.

Just turned around and picked Liu Meng'er up.

But just when Liu Meng'er closed her eyes expectantly.

Lin Xingyun put her next to the bed and began to dress herself.

"Huh? Are you going out at this time? Where to?

Liu Meng'er reacted and quickly asked.

"You accompany me, and we'll go hiking!"

"Mountaineering? Right now?!

Liu Meng'er was taken aback.

But Lin Xingyun had quickly dressed.

He also handed over her clothes.

Liu Meng'er had no choice, so she had to put on her clothes and freshen up simply.



One o'clock in the morning.

Late at night, above that famous mountain.

The scenic area, which has long passed the time of closing the mountain, is now empty.

It was a summer night, and the chirping of the insects was particularly loud.

But in the parking lot outside the scenic area.

A Maybach, which is swaying up and down slightly.

After an hour, the car finally calmed down.

And in the back seat of the car.

Liu Meng'er and Lin Xingyun hugged each other tightly.

While gasping, she was both ashamed and excited, and took a bite on Lin Xingyun's shoulder.

"This... This is what you mean by mountaineering?!

"You said you didn't climb the peak, right?"

"Death! Actually in the car... Also specialized... Come to this kind of place specifically............,"

Lin Xingyun said with a smile, and Liu Meng'er patted his heart hard as if coquettishly.

But the two rested for a while.

Liu Meng'er groped indiscriminately on Lin Xingyun, and seemed to want to climb the mountain again!

Lin Xingyun stopped her again.

Pulling her to get dressed, he got out of the car.

"Why get out of the car? There are many hot mosquitoes outside, go out and feed the mosquitoes? "

Liu Meng'er is being interrupted in Xing's head.

After getting dressed and getting out of the car, I couldn't help but complain angrily.

"If you come to climb the mountain, you naturally have to really climb this famous mountain."

Lin Xingyun replied with a smile.

"You really want to climb the mountain?! I thought you were just............

Liu Meng'er asked in surprise.

But suddenly his face was strange, and he noticed that something was wrong.

In the past four weeks, it was clear that insects and birds were constantly calling.

Now it has suddenly become extremely quiet!

Except for her and Lin Xingyun, no sound came out.

"Nebula! I feel...... It feels a little weird!

Liu Meng'er had some heart palpitations and quickly hugged Lin Xingyun.

"It's okay, Meng'er, no matter what happens, I will accompany you!"

Lin Xingyun hugged her and comforted her softly.

I couldn't help but secretly feel that I was sincerely glad that I had a good teacher.

With the help of his master, he was able to suspend the time of this planet at will.

After all, this small planet is still too weak compared to the Immortal Domain.

With Liu Qiuyan's full help, he can naturally evolve, weave, and control at will.

And then according to his arrangement.

He and Liu Meng'er should be ushered away from this small planet and officially start cultivating.

But he didn't want himself and Liu Meng'er to experience the pain of returning from immortal cultivation and the death of their relatives.

This is the dream he has weaved!

Naturally, do whatever you want.

So just pause the time here before leaving this little planet!

In the future, they will be able to return at any time after cultivating for a while.

At that time, the suspension will be lifted, and you can continue your happy life with the parents of the two!

He was secretly thinking about it.

In the distance, nine ancient dragon corpses that were too large to be estimated were slowly flying.

They pulled a copper coffin, like an alien, and smashed straight on the famous mountain.

With landslides, the ground cracked, and rubble flew away.

An ancient altar also appeared from that mountain!

The altar floated and bloomed with countless brilliance.

It seems to be some kind of extremely old teleportation array!

"That... What is that?!

Liu Meng'er was even more stunned, but Lin Xingyun tried to comfort her.

The next moment, the altar seemed to be self-generated spiritual.

It fell straight towards the two of them.

In just a few breaths, the five-colored brilliance enveloped them.

Lin Xingyun hugged Liu Meng'er tightly, accompanied her, was teleported by the altar, and left the planet.

And this planet, time is still suspended.

The Maybach, and a bunch of Mercedes cars, were still honestly in the parking lot.

And no one will come to collect parking fees........................

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