"Become a sword with your body!"

"Flying Immortal with a Sword!"

Lin Xingyun immediately opened his heart, and the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus manifested.

After it took the Great Luo Dao Sword, it turned into an extraterrestrial fairy, stepped on the Peerless Flying Immortal Light, and attacked and killed Jun Changsheng.

Lin Xingyun himself also flashed with lapis gold light all around his body, cast his body transformation sword, held a blood kill, and attacked with the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus!

Bai Ze even turned into various spells and hit the orb in front of him.

Activating its power in an all-round way, countless divine lights burst out like meteors, attacking that Chaos Great Ding together!

Caixuan even spat out a gray fireball and cooperated with the two to attack Dading.


The next moment, it was accompanied by an explosion of qi waves that shattered the earth for thousands of miles.

After a stalemate for a while, that Da Ding was finally broken by the three of them!


Jun Changsheng finally showed a hint of surprise.

It's time to strike again.

But in the next instant, Lin Xingyun and the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus had already killed with two swords!

The two were like sword immortals in pairs, and they each cut out thousands of sword rays in front of him in an instant, making it difficult for him to completely parry for a while!

He has a chaotic body, although it is strong to the extreme.

But at this time, the Great Luo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword were slashed down by two divine weapons.

Together with Lin Xingyun and the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus, they are already unreserved.

Like drops of water and stones, above his body, there were finally scars!

The next moment, Lin Xingyun harnessed the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus, combined with his two swords, and cut out a shocking sword radiance!

With the jade sword and the killing sword, they all came out of the sky.

This sword radiance cut through all of Jun Changsheng's defenses and slashed heavily on his torso!

"Uh——! uh"

He finally snorted and was cut back.

Above the torso, a narrow wound is also revealed!

Wisps of gray blood flowed out of it, as if every drop could crush the mountain!

However, those countless chaotic qi and chaotic blood were working together to wipe out the remaining sword qi in the wound mouth, trying to restore his injured body.

After receiving this sword.

Jun Changsheng was finally unable to maintain the light color of the clouds!

His robe danced all around, and the rolling murderous aura almost turned into substance!

Lin Xingyun's mind moved, and a dark purple pagoda soared out from his body.

Facing the wind, it turned into a hundred-zhang-tall nine-storied pagoda and suppressed it towards Jun Changsheng!

"Huh? This tower is ———?! "

I feel that the Tianji Town Magic Tower is extraordinary.

Jun Changsheng's eyes finally showed a bit of solemnity!

After a split second.

He waved his robe sleeve and threw out a small quaint bronze pot.

The small pot had round feet, the whole body was blue, and the whole body was covered with complicated inscriptions.

Although there is no trace of rust, it has gone through all the vicissitudes, as if it has crossed the oldest years, and has existed all the way from the most ancient times to the present!

It was the magic weapon that once saved Tianzun, the palm heavenly pot!

After Jun Changsheng threw out the bronze pot, it also rose to the storm and turned into a hundred zhang jug.

Then he burst out with spiritual light, resisting the suppression momentum of the Tianji Town Demon Tower.

"God and Demon Open the Sky!"

In the next instant, chaotic qi surged around him, and behind him seemed to turn into an uncivilized cosmic galaxy.

The vision of the demon god was also inspired, and immediately became powerful, shattering the power of the surrounding heaven and earth into large pieces.

Then eight Heaven-Shading Arms came out in unison, striking a world-shattering blow towards the Tianji Town Demon Tower!


Tianji Town Demon Tower was hit hard, and it was inevitable that it would shake violently, and it would be knocked upside down and fly away!

Jun Changsheng also immediately seized this fleeting opportunity!

The Demon God controlled the Heavenly Kettle in his hand and unveiled the mouth of the pot.

"Could that be... Palm Heavenly Kettle?!

"Not good! Get out of the way!

Bai Ze suddenly recognized the origin of the copper pot and hurriedly flew up.

Pulling Lin Xingyun is going away.

However, they did not wait far away.

Thousands of mysterious rays of light had erupted from that pot, aiming at Lin Xingyun, Bai Ze, and Caixuan!

That brilliance is like thousands of invisible silk threads, which are difficult to guard against.

And almost instantaneously, immediately enveloped them all!

"Sun and moon in the pot!"

Jun Changsheng drank.

A vast spiritual power, combined with chaotic qi gushing out, all blessed in the palm heavenly pot!

The palm heavenly pot immediately burst into power, but in an instant, it forcibly absorbed all three of the other party!

The Tianji Town Demon Tower finally recovered, and immediately burst out the Lord Protector Spirituality, quickly flew into the pot on its own, and went to protect Lin Xingyun.

However, Caixuan was also sucked into the palm pot.

The suppression of heaven and earth in all directions began to subside rapidly!

Jun Changsheng then converged the vision of the Chaos Demon God, and his face showed a fierce expression.

He also stepped into the pot and closed the lid with a wave of his sleeve.

He actually planned to kill Lin Xingyun and the others in the world in the pot!

And the party that just fought fiercely and hit the space inch.

In the blink of an eye, only a bronze pot remained, slowly spinning and floating in the air!



In the palm of the heavenly pot.

Lin Xingyun, Bai Ze, and Caixuan were like three shooting stars, wrapped in countless brilliance and falling downward.

After entering the pot completely, the brilliance suddenly dissipated.

They fixed their figures and quickly saw the situation in all directions.

I saw that this was already another piece of heaven and earth, two small sun and moon statues were separated into the eastern and western skylines, and below were the vast mountains, the big rivers gushing, and a desolate and dead scene.

But apart from the limited size, there are no living beings.

It's like a small world on the other side!

"This is ... Inside the palm pot?

After Lin Xingyun observed it, he couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"Not good... Not good!

"This is the supreme treasure of the Immortal Domain, the pot world in the palm of the heavenly pot!"

"This place is a world of its own, ordinary people are included in it, and it is simply difficult to escape!"

Bai Ze's face was solemn and urgent.

She lived a long life and self-styled for countless years.

Obviously better than Lin Xingyun, he knows better that the power of this palm heavenly pot is terrifying!

But she was eagerly explaining.

A pagoda also followed, flying straight down next to Lin Xingyun.

"Whew... Fortunately, you subjugated this pagoda before the Nether Realm!

"Later, you and I will run the Spirit Treasure Sutra together, work together to urge this pagoda, and there is a chance to take us to escape!"

Bai Ze was slightly relieved when he saw that the small tower also flew in to protect the lord.

But immediately after, a gray-robed figure also arrived as scheduled.

The volley was in front of the three.


"The world in this pot is where you are buried!"

Jun Changsheng scolded coldly.

The tall Chaos Demon God vision behind him once again manifested like a heaven and earth!

"Hiss——! Hiss———!

Caixuan shook the snake body, wanting to mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth again and suppress it.

But it was a little panicked to find out.

This world is strange to the extreme, and it actually isolates all its connection with the Burning Flame Realm!

It originally had the origin of the world, and when it was taken into this pot without being prepared, it had already lost its greatest combat power to rely on!

"Open the Heavenly God Seal!"

Jun Changsheng suddenly waved his robe sleeve and drove the vision to strike a chaotic seal.

Towards Lin Xingyun, the three of them pressed horizontally!

"Wanhua Sword Technique!"

Lin Xingyun and the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus once again attacked head-on, and the two swords came out in unison, each cutting out one after another shocking sword rays.

Bai Ze and Caixuan also played extreme moves in the air, and joined forces with Lin Xingyun to bombard the Great Seal!

However, Jun Changsheng, now he has no power of heaven and earth to suppress the Burning Flame Realm.

With a strong combat power, there is no scruples!

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