The boundless chaotic qi in his body was surging, and a heavy blessing was placed on the Great Seal.

"Boom ————!"

Under the sudden collision of the two sides, the landscape in the pot was destroyed in large pieces!

And with that Chaos Great Seal, after dozens of breaths of confrontation.

Although in the end, it was shattered into boundless chaotic qi.

But Lin Xingyun and the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus were also forced to retreat.

The two swords in their hands are still shaking!

That heavy wisp of chaotic qi even carried the power to destroy everything, constantly invading Lin Xingyun's limbs and hundreds of remains!

Around Lin Xingyun's body, the Xuanhuang Linglong armor that had always been fully covered had also been worn out by half at this time.

This body protection power, since Lin Xingyun obtained it, has been protecting him thoroughly with the blessing of strong horizontal cultivation and giant elephant and dragon elephant particles.

Any strong enemy will hardly hurt him!

It is a pity that for the time being, I have not encountered those rare and incomparable Xuanhuang Mother Qi for their cultivation to go further.

Now it's finally overwhelmed!

"Don't fight him! Enter the Heavenly Machine Town Magic Tower!

Bai Ze no longer dared to hesitate in the slightest, grabbing Lin Xingyun and Caixuan.

In a flash, he entered the Tianji Town Demon Tower!

She knew that the other party's combat power was unbelievably strong, plus there was a palm pot to cooperate with it.

In this pot of the world, with the current them, it is impossible to win the battle!

And after they entered the tower.

The pagoda immediately bloomed with dazzling purple light, resisting all of Jun Changsheng's attacks!


Jun Changsheng's eyes were cold, and he continued to control the demon god vision, and his eight arms seemed to be able to shatter the sky.

However, in an instant, thousands of Chaotic Fist Shadows were shot towards the Tianji Town Demon Tower!




A shocking noise smashed the countless mountains and rivers in the pot!

However, those mountains and rivers seem to be spiritual, and after being broken, they are slowly reorganized elsewhere.

It seems that as long as the body of the pot is not destroyed, it can continue to slowly regenerate.

And at this time, Tianji Town Magic Tower.

A vision of the Great Dao Immortal Bell appeared on the top of Lin Xingyun, and countless Dao Yun Purple Qi fell, quickly dispelling the remnants of Chaotic Qi.

The Flying Immortal Divine Fetus was also withdrawn into the Supreme Bone by him, and the Great Luo Dao Sword was back in his hand.

Then, he and Bai Ze ran the Spirit Treasure Sutra together, punching out one magic trick after another, urging the powerful defensive ability of the Tianji Town Demon Tower.

At this time, the purple light of the Tianji Town Magic Tower bloomed, and it was as motionless as a mountain.

It is as if nothing in the world is enough to destroy it!

The chaotic heavy fist of the eight-armed demon god could almost shatter the void.

But it still can't damage the tower's identity!

"What is this magic weapon?"

"It actually seems to be comparable to the palm pot, the grade?"

Jun Changsheng's heart was a little surprised.

But he still kept attacking, continuing to control the vision of the demon god and constantly bombarding the tower.

But he had already realized at this time that this pagoda was extraordinary.

I'm afraid that with my current self, with all my strength, it is not enough to destroy it!

And inside the Magic Tower of Tianji Town.

"He is the chaotic body you mentioned, the Jun family?"

With the protection of the Tianji Town Demon Tower, Bai Ze was much relieved, and asked while casting the Spirit Treasure Sutra.

"Well, I didn't expect that he not only has a strong physique, but also has extraordinary roots and feet, and he also has such a treasure as the palm heavenly pot."

Lin Xingyun was also solemn.

The opponent's talent, combat power, and origin are all strong to the extreme.

He is already the strongest opponent he has ever faced!

"You don't have to worry too much, after all, the other party has the first physique of the Immortal Domain."

"And he has the help of the palm heavenly pot, taking advantage of the time, and is still a big realm higher than you, it is normal to be invincible!"

"Stay in Qingshan, it's not too late to fight with him in the future!"

Seeing this, Bai Ze was afraid that he would be discouraged.

Subconscious concern encouraged.

"I'm fine, I already knew that he was not easy to deal with."

"Come to Japan, he will eventually lose at my hands!"

Lin Xingyun shook his head and didn't care too much.

Instead, the fighting spirit in his eyes rose.

After all, the other party is the first physique of the Immortal Domain.

Even more relying on the palm heaven pot, he actually cultivated at least two hundred years more than him!

Now he has only been cultivating for more than seven years, and he has still started early.

Moreover, in the future, if he can swallow the origin of a primordial holy body with the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill.

After perfect fusion with his own innate Dao embryo.

It can be transformed into a [Innate Body Dao Embryo] that can be compared with the [Chaotic Body]!

At that time, it will naturally be able to smooth out the gap in physique and compete head-on with Jun Changsheng!

And Bai Ze saw that his fighting spirit was still high, and he was not hit in the slightest.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

"You and I work together, first urge the pagoda to take us out of here!"

"When you get to the outside world, with the help of this little snake, although it is still difficult to kill him, it is definitely not a problem to return to the Immortal Domain!"

Now this pot is a world of its own.

Whether the boundary-breaking talisman can work or not, no one dares to guarantee.

Naturally, she had to try to get out of trouble first.


Lin Xingyun answered, and he and Bai Ze cast the Spirit Treasure Sutra together, urging the ability of the Heavenly Machinery Town Demon Tower to escape.

The next moment, the Tianji Town Demon Tower rushed up into the sky.

Turned into a purple light, it was actually about to flee out of the world in the pot!

"I have to kill you today!"

Seeing this, Jun Changsheng's eyes showed fierceness, and he also stepped into the air.

I saw him harnessing the tall vision of the demon god while eight arms came out.

Punch countless fist shadows and block the Delay Pagoda with all his might.

While his mind was spinning, he urged the palm heavenly pot to burst out with divine energy!

I saw a big sun and a bright moon in the sky on both sides of the pot.

Instantly gathered, towards the pagoda burst thousands of rays of sun and moon.

Under the combined force, he finally delayed the Tianji Town Demon Tower, so that it could not escape smoothly!

Now the two sides are like a wrestle, two immortal domain treasures, each other deadlocked.

For a while, it was difficult to distinguish between high and low!

But after all, this is the world in the pot, and Jun Changsheng's strength is even more terrifying.

The two sides faced off for a moment, and the Tianji Town Demon Tower was still difficult to break through the obstacles, and it was even gradually suppressed back!

"Not good! This goes on... Still can't get out of trouble! Bai

Ze's face was already oozing sweat.

For such a crisis, even she couldn't help but be alarmed.

And when Lin Xingyun saw this, his eyes were also cold.

I already plan to use the system to open an intermediate lottery to see if there is a way to break the game!

The mentality of tossing Xiao Chen before, plus the continuous plundering of the second half of the "Sword Soul Emperor Sutra", [Chaos Fire], and Caixuan.

One hundred and eleven thousand villain values have been harvested for him.

Now his villain value has reached more than 700,000!

Although it is not far from reaching the million-villain value and conducting an advanced lottery.

But at this time, the situation was stronger than people, and he couldn't care about that much for a while.

"System, open the intermediate level..." But

Lin Xingyun was just about to communicate the system.

The Great Luo Dao Sword in his hand.

But suddenly a voice came from the sword body.

"With that... Armour..."

The voice was ethereal and clear, as if it came from before the oldest times.

But it is quite similar to Su's light dance!

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