Jun Changsheng was naturally also different.

As soon as he came here, he locked Lin Xingyun, the future enemy, in an instant!

When Jun Chengdao was killed, he already knew the identity of the other party through his doppelganger.

At this time, both sides do not need a word of nonsense, they are all premonitions.

Between the two, it is destined to be a life-and-death enemy!

In this Burning Realm today, even if each of them is not for the origin of the world, not for the Chaos Immortal Fire.

Even if there is no reason, the two of them will inevitably fight!

And when Lin Xingyun was about to make a move, he suddenly remembered something.

"This person's life count, either red or gold, is too outrageous!"

"How is one black light enough, give you another balance, don't be polite with me!"

He smiled wickedly, and his mind moved.

An orange card flew out of the Qiankun ring.

It is inscribed with the Black of [Heavenly Evil Lone Star].

It was the life card that he copied from Qin Di Yao before he left the Yaochi Holy Land!

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and the card swept at Jun Changsheng not far away as he wished.

[Heavenly Evil Lone Star] Black life number, just over all obstacles, directly pasted on the other party!

When the life card disappeared, Jun Changsheng couldn't help but show surprise.

"Huh? This is..." He

only felt that although he was not attacked in the slightest.

But suddenly a strange premonition arose in his heart.

It seems that the Jun family is old and young............

They will all encounter something unexpected!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

He snorted coldly and punched out directly.

After countless chaotic qi exploded and shattered everything around, it bombarded towards Lin Xingyun!


Without waiting for Lin Xingyun to make a move, Caixuan felt the crisis and immediately opened his mouth to vomit.

The tide of spiritual power between heaven and earth surged and instantly blocked that fist shadow!

Then its mind moved, and the wave-like tide of spiritual power immediately turned into a cage.

Surround Jun Changsheng from all sides and kill without dead ends!

At this time, if you change to Yuan Ang and the others, they will be trapped in this heaven and earth cage.

It won't take much time to be worn out into a broken corpse and a remnant soul!

However, in just a moment, a vision of a demon god that seemed to be able to hold up heaven and earth broke free from the cage of spiritual power!

That demon god was dressed in an incomparably mysterious gray pattern, with long hair and long beards, and eight huge arms that covered the sky.

A terrifying power shocks the world, like a mythical figure!


Seeing this, Cai Xuan was not afraid, but became angry.

It raised its head again and continued to mobilize the tide of spiritual power to rush in, this time even the space of heaven and earth gradually distorted, continuing to besiege that demon god vision.

It was as if he wanted to use the power of the heaven and earth of the Burning Flame Realm to completely crush Jun Changsheng to death!

And Jun Changsheng's robe floated, and his arms were extended.

The vision behind him resisted countless attacks for him, shattering every tidal wave of spiritual power into nothingness!

His gaze was also fixed on Caixuan at the same time.

"Chaos Sky Snake? Also fused with the origin of the world?

"It's also good that a chaotic bloodline is also beneficial."

Jun Changsheng's eyes were grim, and he struck again.

His chaotic body can absorb all the chaotic treasures in heaven and earth, further stimulate the potential of the physique, and strengthen himself, and at this time, seeing Caixuan, he will naturally not let go.

I saw him swing out a palm, driving a huge vision behind him.

After breaking a large area of spiritual power tides with one palm, he grabbed it towards Caixuan!

Facing the giant palm of the demon god, Bai Ze's mouth was already bursting with beams, and Lin Xingyun also cut out the Wanhua Sword Technique with both swords.

"Boom ————!"

When the three strong offensives collided, everything in all directions was destroyed!

After a moment of stalemate, the three offensives finally fell into nothing.

Cai Xuan's body shook again, and countless world spiritual powers converged into the Heavenly Snake Shadow, hissing and rushing towards Jun Changsheng.

It shook its body, and the entire Burning Flame Realm seemed to be ordered and began to respond with all its might!

The majestic and boundless power of heaven and earth continued to suppress Jun Changsheng.

It was as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and his every move was greatly restricted!

The combat power has been greatly weakened!

However, his physical vision turned out to be a chaotic realm of its own, and it was quite invincible!

At this time, he was in the midst of a vision, still solid.

Although it is necessary to be distracted and distracted, resist the suppression of heaven and earth.

But it can still block most of the offensive.

The remaining small part of the spiritual power wave was already difficult to hurt his chaotic body!

"Nine Leaves Sword Domain!"

Lin Xingyun raised his sword and slashed out more than ten heavy sword domains, cooperating with Caixuan to continuously attack and kill the demon god vision.

That demon god also wielded eight sky-shading giant arms, attacking countless sword qi and spiritual power, and smashed them into smashes with one punch!

The Burning Flame Realm is just a small world, and the space is much more fragile than the Immortal Domain.

At this time, under the strong attack of these four people, under the continuous killing, the surrounding space was shattered into cracks!

"Destroy the Divine Light!"

Lin Xingyun swung his sword and slashed, and at the same time, a pair of pupils flickered, and two divine rays burst out.

This is also the strongest attack power that his double pupils can currently unleash!

Seeing this, the demon god immediately struck with his fist.

"Oh ————!"

After an earth-shattering explosion, the vision was directly penetrated by the divine light through one arm, revealing a flaw!

Lin Xingyun immediately turned into a flowing shadow and deceived Jun Changsheng.

The heavy pupil Juntian technique was cast, the flying immortal light rippled all over the body, and the two swords danced countless sword moves in an instant.

Jun Changsheng was still calm, and the chaotic qi gushed down, and his hands came out together.

With a pair of palms blessed with chaotic qi as a blade, he took the opponent's thousands of strong sword moves.




Countless dull sounds shook the earth below!

Lin Xingyun only felt that every sword was slashed on the peerless Divine Iron Immortal Gold!

Although the Great Luo Dao Sword has recovered half, it is difficult to achieve anything for a while!

Obviously, the other party's physical strength alone has reached the point of being rare and unbelievable in the world!

"Lingbao Royal Soldier!"

On the other hand, Bai Ze punched out the Dao Mysterious Charm with both claws.

Urging a great saint soldier in the shape of a treasure orb, he continuously blasted out the Dao Strange Light Offensive towards Jun Changsheng.

It was a defensive magic weapon given to her by Lin Xingyun before, and now she was urged by the Spirit Treasure Sutra, and she was able to exert the terrifying power of some of the Great Saint Soldiers.

That Chaos Demon God Vision was a little overwhelmed, and it was bombarded and retreated one after another!

And Caixuan was even more non-stop, continuing to use the power of burning the heaven and earth of the Flame Realm, oppressing Jun Changsheng to death.

He is stuck in a deep quagmire and difficult to exert his full strength.

Jun Changsheng faced the siege of the three, but he was still calm and relaxed.

After he forced Lin Xingyun back a few feet with both palms, he raised his hand and waved, revealing a giant shadow.

"Dingzhen Chaos!"

As soon as he drank, the big ding was like the collapse of the sky.

Circling towards Lin Xingyun and Bai Ze to suppress down!

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