"Another one? That's just the right time to borrow you and try my current combat power. "

Yin Yang Divine Light!"

Lin Xingyun said with a sneer, showing fighting intent on his face.

However, his eyes had already turned into heavy pupils, releasing blue and red brilliance, and slammed towards Yuanang!

"Sonorous ————!"

Yuan Ang was shocked, and had to wave his sword to resist, although he broke through the Yin and Yang Divine Light, he was already forced to withdraw dozens of kilometers away.

In the next instant, Lin Xingyun's left hand formed a fist, punched out a primeval divine elephant, and trampled towards him!

After condensing the only cave sky, Lin Xingyun's strength skyrocketed.

This divine elephant is several times stronger than in the past!

If at this time, it is still changed to Xiao Chen to resist.

I'm afraid that in an instant, I will be smashed all over my body!

But after all, Yuan Ang has cultivated for more than nine hundred years and his strength is profound.

At this time, the horizontal knife immediately fell to resist the divine elephant.

"Oh ————!"

The two collided suddenly, and although Gen-Ang was hit by the divine elephant and retreated into the air, he still did not suffer any injuries.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun ordered Bai Ze and Caixuan.

"Go and kill those little minions."

"Leave this big one to me."

Saying that, he took the blood to kill, held the sword in both hands, and stepped towards Genang to attack and kill!

"Phew! Stinky little ghosts, you know how to be strong!

Bai Ze scolded angrily, and then raised his claws to shoot out pure white blades, cooperating with Caixuan, slaughtering those foreigners to their heart's content!

And in the sky, Lin Xingyun and Yuanang have already passed several rounds, colliding with thousands of sparks and electric lights!

"Heavy Pupil Juntian Technique!"

Lin Xingyun's eyes flashed gray lines, blending into himself, making him a little stronger.

Now in the sky, the Great Desolate Scripture has a poor increase effect, and only this heavy pupil divine power can make his combat power rise to a higher level at any time!

He swung his sword with both hands, and the immortal light in his heart surged with immortal light, and thousands of sword grasses flew out continuously between each swing.

At this time, a large area of the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain had been connected in the air.

While besieging Yuan'ang to death, he is also constantly releasing thousands of sword qi, and continues to attack and kill Yuanang!

"How is this possible?!"

"He is a complete cave realm, he can actually fight with me to this point?!"

"Even if he has innate Dao embryo, heavy pupil, and supreme bone, he..."

It's really a treasure!

"But this combat power is also too exaggerated!"

While swinging his knife and slashing, Genang was secretly shocked to the extreme!

But at this time, there was no turning back, he summoned his three great avenue flowers, and the spiritual power in his body surged wildly to protect his body, resisting the invasion of the ubiquitous sword grass.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun's heart moved, and the Tiangang Sword Box had flown from the Qiankun Ring to the front.

In the next instant, the sound of the machine was loud at the same time.

, Thirty-six sword grasses that have been cultivated for more than five years flashed with a strong horizontal sword light, and they appeared in the world, and attacked Yuan'ang in unison!

But he frowned slightly, and found that although these thirty-six sword grasses had been cultivated for five years.

However, it only wiped out part of Yuan's protective spiritual power, and failed to penetrate the opponent's defense.

"It seems that the opponent's realm is too high, and the power of this Tiangang sword box has gradually become beyond its strength."

"Unless you find a new magic weapon or refine it, it will be good to use again."

As he thought, he put away the sword box.

After all, he liked this sword box very much, and it was very useful every time he caught himself by surprise and killed someone violently.

However, at this time, the battle was still fierce, and he could not care about this much.

And Genon has already slashed out with all his strength again.

"Heavenly Remnant Moon Slashing Technique!"

A crescent-shaped sword burst out of the air, shattering a large area of sword grass and sword domain.

Immediately, with the power of killing everything, he attacked Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun swung his sword and danced, and countless tens of thousands of sword qi were unleashed.

The two sides are like a tug-of-war, constantly grinding each other and attacking each other.

That crescent blade was finally turned into nothingness!

Lin Xingyun waved his hand, and an immortal bell phantom immediately appeared on the top, heading towards Yuan'ang to suppress it.

"That was... Dao Immortal Bell Vision?!

"It's really the innate Dao embryo physique! Even if you don't get the origin of the small world this time and take you away, it's worth the trip! Yuan

Ang's eyes showed endless greed, and his heart had already made up his mind.

His body shook, his white hair flew, and he also manifested a physical vision behind him.

I saw that his physical vision was extremely complex.

Not only did they have the dark red hook claw vision inherited from the bloodline of their source ghost clan.

There are also more than a dozen secondary physique visions such as the Wind Spirit Body, the Thunder Spirit Body, and the Dingzen Treasure Body.

This is all obtained by his years of conquest and slaughter, relying on the secret method of their source ghost clan.

Although they have limited abilities, they are not yet able to fully integrate these constitutions into one and turn them into more powerful physiques and visions.

But at this time, all of the more than a dozen visions were unleashed, and the power was equally strong and terrifying, which also made his combat power suddenly rise!

Heavy winds and thunder, ancient temples, mountains and seas, and more than a dozen visions all blasted towards the Great Avenue Immortal Bell.

Resist it to the death, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner and the loser for a while.

At a time when the two sides are constantly clashing.

The battle situation below is completely one-sided!

Caixuan after hundreds of years, slightly shot.

It is already the limit of this heaven and earth!

As soon as it spit out, countless heaven and earth spiritual power turned into a huge tide, constantly submerging and burying those tens of thousands of exotic cultivators!

Bai Ze watched it kill in all directions, and he was also happy to paddle.

He is casually raising his claws, occasionally shooting two divine rays to make up for some fish that have slipped through the net.

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