And the woman's phantom quickly dissipated.

The little snake was also a little tired and fell into his arms to rest.

"Hard work!"

"Alas! It's rare that you are so well-behaved and sensible.

"Who else can be ruthless and be a reckless hero?"

"Who can be ruthless enough to let you give birth to a bunch of baby snakes?"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

But his hands still skillfully caressed the snake's body.

The little snake also rubbed affectionately in his hand.

Bai Ze, who had been waiting on the side, couldn't help but look strange when he saw it.

"I don't even let go of a snake, and I have a little girl who is half human and half cat at home..."

Is it still a Personal?!

"How perverted is it?!"

She cursed secretly while remembering her identity.

I remembered the way this kid looked at himself

... I couldn't help but blush and shiver.

But seeing that the little snake didn't rub a few times, he suddenly curled up the snake's body.

He ran towards the nine-colored fire lotus and began to gulp and swallow.

"Oh? The fusion of the two immortal fires is also completed?

Lin Xingyun looked at the nine-colored fire lotus, and his mind flashed, urging the connection with the green lotus fire.

Then with a wave of his hand, he dragged the nine-colored fire lotus and the little snake together in his palm to observe.

Feel the mysterious and terrifying aura emanating from the fire lotus at all times.

His eyes couldn't help but show eager anticipation.

Now he has forged the most extreme foundation of the Cave Heaven Realm, and he can break through to the Divine Fire Realm at any time!

After breaking through the realm at that time, if you can integrate this nine-colored fire lotus into the Essence Divine Fire again, you will definitely benefit immensely!

But just as he was thinking about his plan.




A dull sound, accompanied by the violent tremor of the rock wall of the cave, was coming from above.

And the little snake that was happily eating fairy fire suddenly stopped.

The vertical pupils showed a cold color.

It seems that some creatures that make it extremely hateful and disgusted have come to the outside world, making it very unhappy!

The next moment, it was like an off-string arrow, turning into a gray light.

In an instant, he swept out of the cave mansion and soared towards the abyss!

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun was afraid that the little snake would have an accident, so he had to take Bai Ze and follow.

The three stepped at extreme speed, and in a few breaths, they crossed the abyss of tens of thousands of zhang of molten fire and came to the ground.

I saw countless pitch-black warships, straddling in mid-air.

He was consuming a large amount of spirit stones, and he spewed out his own magic array spiritual light in unison, and attacked the abyss together.

Try to blast away the black and white flames in the abyss!

Genon is also casting several great magical powers, constantly dispersing large expanses of black and white flames.

With the cooperation of both sides, they actually wanted to forcibly enter the abyss of molten fire!

He had searched for Long Yuan's soul before, and he had already understood everything here, and knew that this abyss was extremely dangerous.

But if you break the law by force and forcibly open a way down to the abyss, it is not impossible!

However, he was just about to slash the world.

I suddenly saw three figures rushing out of the abyss.

"Big brother! He is the Lin family!

"And that white-haired beast, they killed the third and seventh brothers, and also destroyed my body!"

When Gen-shik saw them, he immediately angrily identified them.

But he quickly retreated behind everyone.

No way, his cultivation is now greatly reduced, and it is the time of weakness.

In order to avoid being affected by the big war, you can only watch the battle from afar.

"Good to go! It saves me the trouble of going down to the abyss to find it..."

Gen-Ang smiled proudly.

I saw Caixuan suddenly open the snake's mouth, as if it was just blowing a breath normally.

But between heaven and earth in all directions, a huge amount of spiritual power surged in an instant!

Then, it turned into a wave of spiritual power, like the heavens collapsing, pressing towards Yuan Ang and countless exotic cultivators!


"This... Is this the power of the origin of the world?!

Gen's face was amazed, and he recognized that this was a terrifying divine power emitted by the power of heaven and earth!

But he never expected that the one who used this power would be a small snake that was no more than three feet long!

The next moment, that majestic wave of spiritual power smashed down, and he had to resist it with all his strength!

"Heavenly Remnant Holy Saber!"

He suddenly swung the fierce knife in his hand, and under the blessing of powerful cultivation, an earth-shattering sword slashed through the sky.

"Oh ————!"

With one blow, he finally broke through the wave of spiritual power and made him not hurt.

But those exotic warships behind him seemed to be swept away by big waves, and they were all impacted by vast spiritual power.

It was smashed to pieces in a few breaths!


"The Grand Commander save me——!"


The screams of countless exotic cultivators came out from the boundless wave.

But Caixuan seemed to have incarnated as the master of this heaven and earth.

Between its breaths, one after another huge waves of monstrous spiritual power quickly formed, continuously bombarding towards the exotic camp!

Yuan Ang was already struggling to resist these attacks, and he had no time to take care of those subordinates.

He resisted for a while, feeling that the situation was not good, and immediately went all out, cutting out thousands of fierce sword lights.

"Heavenly Remnant Nether Slash!"

Countless sword rays danced like a round of residual moon, finally barely breaking through that heavy wave.

The next moment, he flashed with a knife, shook in front of Caixuan, and raised his hand to cut out the murderous knife.

If you want to capture the thief and capture the king, solve this little snake first!


However, a broken jade sword was already in front of Cai Xuan.

Stopped the knife for it.

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