And Yuan Ang saw his own people, and was rapidly reducing personnel.

His eyes showed a fierce look, his aura was crazy and turbulent, he was already planning to make an extreme move, at least he had to completely defeat Lin Xingyun and take him away!

"Purgatory Moon Nothing!"

He drank violently, and the murderous knife in his hand seemed to fit his body.

After condensing the momentum and spiritual power of his whole body, he slashed out a huge black blade that seemed to connect heaven and earth to Lin Xingyun!

Lin Xingyun knew that the other party's most extreme move had reached the moment of winning and losing.

Immediately, the light of the flying immortal flickered and bloomed, and a petite figure immediately appeared.

He casually handed the Great Luo Dao Sword to the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus, and he killed with blood in his hand.

"Flying Immortal with a Sword!"

"Transform into a sword!"

As tens of thousands of sword grasses fused into his body, his whole body flashed with lapis gold sword light, and his killing power suddenly increased!

Then he held the blood kill, and came out with the sword in his hand with the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus.

It was like a pair of sword immortals forming a pair, joining forces to meet that majestic crescent sword!

"Oh ————!"

The two swords, each cutting out a shocking sword move, completely shattered the crescent sword in an instant!

Then the two merged, like two flowing shadows, and in an instant, they were in front of Yuan Ang!

Yuan Ang was completely frightened, and subconsciously swung his sword with all his strength to resist.

But under the dance of the two swords, the cooperation is seamless, and thousands of sword moves are unleashed.

Together with Yuan Ang's body and murderous knife, they were all cut into heavenly fragments!


When Yuan Ang screamed bitterly, he was also decisive, and immediately broke his wrist and gave up the foundation of his flesh.

The same weak and disabled divine soul fled out quickly!

However, before he could escape far, a small dark purple tower had risen to the storm, suppressing him to death!

It is the Tianji Town Magic Tower!

While urging the magic technique in the Spirit Treasure Scripture, Lin Xingyun suppressed the other party's divine soul with the help of the small tower, and he couldn't escape.

While summoning the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar, swallowing all of Genang's corpses into it!

Although the other party's physique is mixed, it is also a lot of physique origin.

Devouring after thorough refining would also be good for his physique, and he didn't want to waste it.

"Whew..." After

completely solving Yuan'ang, Lin Xingyun put away the magic pot and vision.

When the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus handed back the Dao Sword, he smiled and rubbed it on his cat's ear again before letting it reintegrate into his heart.

This combination of swords was his first attempt, and the effect made him extremely satisfied!

"In the future, if Yaoyao wakes up, the two of us will really join forces..."

"What are you afraid of [the enemy of the world]?"

"Directly invincible in the world!"

"Of course, when she didn't get pregnant..."

No, the conscience must be hardened again ... It hurts again!

Lin Xingyun shook his head, stopped thinking, and then looked down.

I saw that the tens of thousands of exotic cultivators had been completely killed, and fragments of corpses were scattered all over the ground.

Cai Xuan was satisfied with this and flew into Lin Xingyun's arms.

It dangled proudly, and the snake letter spit in and out.

It seems to be waiting for Lin Xingyun's praise.

"Good, good!"

"Well done!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and stroked the snake body, surprised by Caixuan's combat power.

The heart is worthy of being a ruthless person who forcibly fuses the origin of the world.

In this Burning Flame Realm, it is now an invincible existence!

However, after experiencing the only cave in the sky condensed by Tilin Xingyun, he killed tens of thousands of exotic cultivators.

Caixuan also seemed a little tired.

It yawned, curled up in Lin Xingyun's arms, and slept peacefully.


Lin Xingyun caressed Caixuan's snake body and called out to Bai Ze.

I saw that Bai Ze had already turned into a human form and stepped in front of him.

Then with an impatient look, he stretched out his hands.

"Well, Dabai, you are also very well-behaved, and now you have become so conscious!"


Lin Xingyun smiled and handed over his two swords and two pieces of armor.

Bai Ze took a bite of him, and then began to collect the loot with a black face.

And just a few moments later.

Lin Xingyun was pranayama, while stroking Caixuan.

I saw two old figures, rushing towards them in a hurry.

It was Gu Ling and Ji Yin.

"That was... Is it Lin Gongzi?! "

Old Immortal meet Young Master Lin!"

"Meet Young Master Lin! May I ask Young Master Lin, where is Xiao Chen's little friend? "

Huh? Why is there a place full of corpses of foreigners?! Could it be..." After

the two noticed the battle situation here, they were instantly shocked to the extreme.

Before Gu Ling escaped by luck, knowing that the foreigners would go straight to the abyss of molten fire and plot against him.

He wasn't sure if the aliens could really interfere with Xiao Chen and Lin Xingyun.

I had to immediately find Ji Yin and the main force of the Burning Flame Realm army and gather here.

I want to delay time for the two Upper Realm talents!

In a hurry, the two princely realm powerhouses naturally took the lead and rushed here.

"Oh, don't mention it!"

"Little brother Xiao Chen, he failed to fuse the origin of the world, and he felt faceless to face the father and elder of the Burning Flame Realm!"

"Already discouraged and lazy, I ran back to the Immortal Domain alone."

Lin Xingyun shook his head slightly and said bitterly.

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