Seeing this, Genang did not take it lightly, and directly waved his robe sleeve.

After himself, countless dark red hook and claw visions appeared, blocking towards Dan Xuanzi!

However, a princely realm consummation cultivator burned all the blows he issued.

Even if he is strong and far superior to Yuanzhang, it is still difficult to completely stop him!

I saw that Dan Xuanzi relied on burning his own power to forcibly break through a heavy dark red hook and claw vision, and a large number of exotic cultivators' magical attacks.

Finally, it was like an off-string arrow, slamming heavily on the alien demon pillar!


After an earth-shattering loud bang.

Dan Xuanzi, who had also been burning the Yan Realm for hundreds of years.

Finally, it exhausted everything and completely shattered into fly ash!

And that alien demon pillar also appeared a narrow crack!

Obviously, under multiple influences.

His life-threatening blow was far from enough to completely destroy this alien demon pillar.

"Oh? It's a bit backbone. "It's

a pity, it's just an ant after all!"

Genon smiled contemptuously, but had already raised his guard.

He looked back, ready to kill the remaining Gu Ling immediately to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.


However, when he fixed his eyes.

But he found that everyone had just joined forces to block Dan Xuanzi and was distracted.

That Gu Ling didn't know when, but he had quietly broken free and disappeared!

"Huh! In the end, he did not live for hundreds of years in vain, and he escaped quickly.

"But this small world is going to fall, where can you escape?"

Yuan Ang didn't care either, and instead ordered Yuan Xiong and Yuan Xuan.

"Fifth brother, sixth brother, you two will stay here and guard, don't let those ants take advantage of it!"

Although there is a crack on the Alien Demon Pillar now, it is not enough to affect its effectiveness.

However, it also has to be prevented, it is difficult to ensure that there are still princely realm consummation cultivators who are willing to sacrifice their lives and forget about death and come to destroy!

"Fourth brother, come with me, and shame on you!"

"Yes, big brother!"

After receiving the promise of the three brothers, Genon immediately transmitted a message to announce the eight directions.

"Obey the order! Immediately go to the Molten Fire Abyss and kill the Heavenly Destiny people in this realm and that Lin family together! "


Tens of thousands of exotic cultivators immediately responded in unison, urging their warships one after another, led by Yuan Ang, towards the Molten Fire Abyss at an extremely fast speed.




Far East, the deepest abyss of molten fire.

At this time, seven days had passed since Xiao Chen fled back to the Upper Realm.

Among the caves.

Caixuan's snake head was still against Lin Xingyun's eyebrows, and the three-foot snake body gently wrapped around his neck.

The power of the origin of the world around him surged to help him take the last step.

Now behind Lin Xingyun, a huge cave shadow has emerged that is extremely solid.

It is constantly exuding a torrent of powerful spiritual power far beyond the past!

And in his body, one thousand and seventy-nine cave heavens have been condensed into one, turning into that only cave heaven!

Only the cave in the last cave is still limited by some strange rule.

It is difficult to be condensed.

And Caixuan's spirituality is extremely high, and it seems that he can clearly feel the difficulty of condensing the last cave sky.

But it also noticed.

The two immortal fire lotus flowers below had also almost merged into one.

It has turned into a thirty-six-petal nine-colored fire lotus!

The nine-colored fire lotus revealed infinite vitality and destructive power.

It seems that the most fragrant delicacy in the world is beckoning to it!

It swallowed, apparently impatient!

And when its patience runs out.

As if he was ruthless, he raised the snake's body back.

The spiritual power in the body and the origin of the world surged out.

Then, from behind the snake, a female shadow appeared.

The woman was tall and plump, with snow skin and jade skin, blue silk scattered at will, and her appearance was already beautiful to the extreme in the world.

Although she was covered in no wisps, she was as clean as porcelain, and her phoenix eyes were closed.

But it is still delicate and powerful, like a natural emperor, which makes people awe in their hearts and dare not blaspheme.

The next moment, the little snake raised its head.

With a powerful body, he pasted it towards Lin Xingyun's eyebrows again!

The woman's phantom followed.

With her smooth forehead, she also pasted Lin Xingyun's eyebrows.

At this moment, the two powers seemed to be fused, and suddenly poured into Lin Xingyun's last cave cave sky!


The next moment, I only heard a strange cracking sound, which instantly resounded from the cave mansion.

The sound was not harsh and loud, but it crossed the boundless sea of fire.

In an instant, it spread throughout the entire Molten Fire Abyss, and even the entire Far East!

The last hole in Lin Xingyun's body was finally condensed, and it turned into the only hole behind him!

At this time, he sat with his eyes closed, realizing this state of perfection and wishful harmony.

And the only hole behind him is completely complete, and thousands of rays of light are blooming!

Surging several times the previous strong force!

He breathed for an hour, after being completely secured.

He let out a breath of turbid air, converged the hole behind him, and opened his eyes.

But I saw that in front of me, it was the shadow of a snow-white woman, with her eyebrows closed and her face expressionless.

And it is gradually fading and dissipating.

"Hey, is this the true body of that snake Terran queen? It's so big?!

"If you wait for this little snake to really take shape

..." "It's not good to poke its mouth again, I'm afraid that I'll have to..."


Lin Xingyun coughed twice and retracted his thoughts.

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