However, in the face of Lin Xingyun's sword qi coercion, he was still unyielding.

"Lin Xingyun, if you want to kill, kill!"


No, eighteen years later, I'm still a good man!"

Xiao Chen said angrily, but then his face sank.

"If you kill me, you will kill, but don't forget, you are also from the Immortal Domain, and you are the young master of the Immortal Family!"

"Now that the aliens are coming, the world is in danger."

"You should also see that the little snake around your waist is the key to saving the world!"

"Now this place, only you and I can get here."

"Lin Xingyun, although you have lost your conscience!"

"But after you take my life, I hope you can still have a trace of humanity, so as not to leave this small world alone!"

Xiao Chen said righteously, but Lin Xingyun felt more and more interesting.

"Oh? Little brother Xiao Chen is too benevolent, right?

"You are not the indigenous of this world, why are you so kind?"

"Hmph! I have long promised those seniors that I will protect the peace of this world, and I only hate to be blocked by you!

"That's it, how can a person like you understand how much the word 'faith' weighs!"

"Let's do it!"

Xiao Chen shook his head and closed his eyes resolutely.

It's ready to be killed.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

"Gee! It seems that after a few years, you have really grown a lot.

"It's no longer the little prince who was selfish and only wanted to pick up all kinds of cheap things at the beginning!"

He recalled when he was in the Apocalypse Dynasty.

Again and again, cut off the other party's chances.

Make the other party angry and furious, and the villain is worth a continuous explosion all the way!

But now that several years have passed, the other party has obviously matured much more, and he is more like a truly decent child of destiny!

"That's interesting!"

"Unlike that Tang Yu, he is not thinking about women all day, or thinking about revenge."

"The pattern is too small!"

"However, my pattern seems to be average, and I don't have to think about revenge!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and thought secretly.

Immediately looked at Xiao Chen, and the little snake wrapped around his waist.

"Eh, the scene of Lin Chuan and Xiao Chen fighting the most that I am most looking forward to has not yet appeared!"

"Killing him at this time is really tyrannical!"

"And how do I always feel that Xiao Chen will have other red faces in the future..."

"Ah no, other big opportunities, waiting for me to harvest?"

After Lin Xingyun thought for a moment, he smiled at Xiao Chen.

"Little Brother Xiao Chen, didn't you just say that you want to lower the realm and fight me fairly?"

"Since you are so faithful, now give you a chance to fulfill your promise!"

"You cut your cultivation to the Cave Heaven Realm, after you cut yourself, I may be able to consider it and let you go."


"Since ... Self-beheading?! "

Lin Xingyun... Do you ———!

Xiao Chen almost suspected that he had misheard, and exclaimed with a confused look.

He was also speechless for a while.

He only meant to control his cultivation to descend the realm, but he didn't say that he would kill himself!

But looking at Lin Xingyun's expression, it didn't seem like he was laughing............

"You... Do you mean that?

"As long as I kill myself, you will consider letting me go?!"

"You... Why are you doing this? If you want to kill me, why let me kill myself?!

Xiao Chen asked suspiciously.

I can't figure out the other party's intention to do this at all.

Lin Xingyun was the old god, and he still smiled.

"Alas! Brother Xiao Chen, you are really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and you don't know the hearts of good people! "

You have only cultivated from the Yuanfu Realm to the Divine Fire Realm in just over seven years, which is really against the sky!"

"The Immortal Domain does not allow such a person against the sky to exist!"

"Let you kill yourself, but it's for your good, otherwise you will be wiped out by the Immortal Domain Heavenly Tribulation sooner or later!"


"What are your broken reasons?!"

"Aren't you yourself from the Qi and Blood Realm, and you have cultivated to the Cave Heaven Realm in a few years?!"

Xiao Chen was a little strained when he heard it, and immediately retorted angrily.

"Huh? Still dare to talk back?

"You don't really think you have a choice, do you?"

"Either kill yourself, or I will kill you!"

Lin Xingyun snorted coldly, and the Dao sword in his hand randomly released a sword qi.

Directly on Xiao Chen's body, a blood stain was drawn!

"Good! Lin Xingyun... Count you ruthless! Xiao

Chen was shocked.

Faced with this glimmer of survival, he finally had to compromise.

I saw that his face was livid, and he summoned all the innate divine fire from his eyebrows, and between the crazy surge of breath, he actually forced that five-color divine fire, together with most of his spiritual power, out of the body with great difficulty.

The next moment, his palms were like knives, and his face showed a heavy expression.

Between the condensation of the mind, he slashed down with a palm on himself!

A moment later, the foundation of divine fire and spiritual power that he had worked hard to condense was finally cut out!

And his cultivation realm also declined extremely rapidly, and it didn't take long to fall back to the Cave Heaven Realm Perfection Level.

"Ahem... Cough............"

Xiao Chen's face was tired, and his breath was already extremely weak.

But he still had a bit of luck in his heart.

I wanted to converge the divine fire that I had painstakingly collected and fused over the past few years into the Qiankun Ring.

This is the foundation of his life, and he will save it for later when he breaks through the realm.

However, he didn't have time to make a move.

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