However, in this cave, gray terrifying flames are everywhere, and it is the lowest level of the molten fire abyss.

When the magic moves are cast, it is like being mired in a deep quagmire, and it is easy to be burned.

Although the lapis gold sword grass was endless, it still formed small sword formations in an instant, attacking Xiao Chen.

However, limited by the surrounding environment, the power has been weakened a lot.

"Creation Seal!"

Xiao Chen had to respond to the enemy and once again shot out a five-colored flame palm print.

Under one blow, he directly wiped out all those sword grasses!

The spiritual power of the fire system here has been vigorous to the extreme, suitable for all fire system exercises and magical powers.

It was simply Xiao Chen's home turf, causing his combat power to surge!

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun didn't care, and raised his hand to punch again.

The dragon and elephant particles in the body flickered in unison, shooting out an ancient god elephant phantom, crossing the roaring sea of fire, and trampling towards Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen felt the powerful power of that divine elephant, did not dare to be careless, and immediately gushed out various colors of fire from his body.

"Nine turns of Tianyan!"

He drank violently, and countless flames radiated surging spiritual power for him one by one, causing his cultivation aura to skyrocket!

This amplification secret method, after years of fusing various strange fires, has greatly enhanced its effectiveness.

In an instant, he was lifted up heavily, and it was actually his cultivation breath that forcibly mentioned the early stage of the prince realm!

Then countless flames flashed in his hands, and under the mysterious dance of his hands, with all his strength, it quickly formed a fire lotus!

"Burning Flame Lotus! Go ———!

He didn't dare to keep it, and directly cast this extreme move, throwing out the fire lotus in his hand!

As that fire lotus whirled, boundless destructive power floated out, as if it was enough to burn and blast everything!

"Boom ————!"

The fire lotus and the divine elephant, under the collision of the two, instantly exploded and exploded!

The boundless fire wave spiritual power, like a wind and a remnant cloud, exploded everything in this cave except for that [Chaos Fire]!

Then he actually broke through the divine image phantom, and the aftermath did not disperse, and all of them burst towards Lin Xingyun!

"Oh? Nice magical powers.

Lin Xingyun realized the power of that fire lotus divine power, and couldn't help but nod in admiration.

I feel that under this kind of field advantage, the opponent just performing this move is enough to hurt the foreign person who picked the opponent before!

"Then I'll try your sword too!"

He raised his hand and flipped it, and the Great Luo Dao Sword was already in his palm.

Then countless sword grasses rippled out from his body, but they did not go out, but constantly gathered around him.

His spirit and spirit fused into one, and he quickly condensed a strong horizontal sword intent.

He intends to go all out and display the fifth magical power of the Nine-Leaf Sword Technique that he has mastered in the past five years!

When the lapis gold radiance shone all over his body, he shot out in an instant, heading straight for the boundless wave of fire!

"Transform into a sword!"

With a loud drink, the dazzling lapis gold sword light flashed around him, as if he had transformed into a peerless immortal sword, sweeping out of the air.

Then it broke into the terrifying bursting fire wave in front of him, instantly cutting the large fire wave into two!

In the state of incarnating swords, his attack power and body speed have gone further, reaching his own extreme.

At this time, his figure flickered, like a shocking sword, and he quickly attacked Xiao Chen!

"Nine Fire Wheels!"

Xiao Chen had an infinite aura in his heart, and immediately turned into a five-colored fire wheel to resist in front of him.

However, Lin Xingyun's eyes flashed countless rays of light, and the heavy pupil Juntian Technique was cast, making him more imposing.

The heart mouth was even more flying immortal light, so that his sword qi power suddenly increased by several percent.

"Oh ————!"

In the next instant, he slashed obliquely with a sword, like a golden cracking stone, and the wheel of fire was cut to pieces!

Xiao Chen was no longer able to resist, and was slashed into his body by this sword qi, flew sideways and retreated, and smashed into the rock wall again!

"Ahem... Ahem————!

He coughed out a large mouthful of blood, and his breath quickly weakened.

Feeling that the crisis of life and death was imminent, he did not dare to hesitate, and immediately turned his hand and took out the boundary-breaking talisman given to him by Han Feng, ready to go for the best plan.

"Soul Fixing Law Ring!"

However, countless divine soul magic rings seemed to descend from the sky, freezing him from body to heart for a moment!

Lin Xingyun rushed in front of him, and the splitter took the boundary-breaking talisman down.

Then he blessed the flying immortal light with one hand, threw out a palm, and slammed Xiao Chen back to the ground from the rock wall!


Xiao Chen was injured again and fell to the ground, spitting out another mouthful of blood.

But he just wanted to struggle to get up.

He saw a broken jade sword already in front of him.

"Ouch, it's good, you actually have a boundary-breaking charm too?"

"What about the remnant soul? Why don't you come out of your Qiankun Ring to help in the war?

Lin Xingyun played with the boundary-breaking talisman in his hand and still asked with a smile.

"Lin Xingyun... You... Do you ———!

Xiao Chen was already furious, and looked at Lin Xingyun with a face full of disbelief.

He remembered when he was in the Apocalypse Dynasty.

The other party is still only in the Qi and Blood Realm, and the combat power is weak.

But in just a few years, he now has all the advantages of cultivation and location, and he was actually defeated by him!

He suddenly had endless frustration in his heart, and he almost doubted life!

And at this juncture, he lost his escape hole card, and he was unable to fight again.

There was despair in his eyes.

"Little Brother Xiao Chen, you have lost."

"Hey, this little snake really can't leave a hand!"

Lin Xingyun held a sword in one hand, touched the small snake on his waist with the other, and smiled playfully at Xiao Chen.

I only felt that while playing with the snake, I looked at Xiao Chen's fiasco.

What a double joy!

And Xiao Chen looked at the little snake, which was touched all over his body by Lin Xingyun wantonly.

Although it is still unclear and unclear.

But his face is still getting more and more emerald!

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