Lin Xingyun had already waved his sleeve and took that five-colored divine fire into his palm.

Although the power of this divine fire was good, it was far inferior to the Qinglian Immortal Fire.

He threw it directly to the little snake around his waist and let it swallow it at will!

Seeing this, Xiao Chen was stunned for a while!

Until he saw that the divine fire that he had painstakingly collected and fused over the past few years was completely eaten clean by that little snake.

He covered his heart and screamed violently!

"I... My Divine Fire——! "

Lin Xingyun! You—you ———! "

Even though he's matured a lot.

At this time, his mentality was finally completely strained!

"How? Otherwise, why do you think I let you kill yourself?

Lin Xingyun had a natural expression.

Then snatch it off.

He also snatched the Qiankun ring in Xiao Chen's hand!

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, and finally he couldn't hold it back and began to scold angrily.

"Lin-star-cloud ———!"

"You traitor, thief——!"

"Because you are still the young master of the immortal family, you and the robbers... What's the difference?!

"It's just bandits! Even bandits are inferior to ——!

Lin Xingyun didn't care, while playing with the Qiankun ring.

While educating Xiao Chen.

"Gee, little brother Xiao Chen, it seems that you are still not mature enough!"

"Why do you care so much about the things outside your body, if you don't bring death to life?"

"There's a song that sings well!"

"If the heart is there, the dream is there ♫ ♬."

"It's just starting all over again! ♫♬

"You... You beast———!


As soon as Xiao Chen heard the four words "start all over again", he blocked his heart with a depressed breath.

Coupled with an injury, I finally couldn't help it.

He spat out dozens of taels of blood on his back!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for causing the Child of Destiny mentality to collapse, and the reward villain is worth 25,000!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for continuously plundering the Son of Destiny, and the reward villain is worth 25,000! "

Oh? Such a high-value opportunity, there is a treasure in this Qiankun ring! Lin

Xingyun raised his eyebrows, picked up the Qiankun ring and rummaged through it.

Soon, he found a dark gold copper book from it.

"Huh? The second half of the Sword Soul Emperor Sutra? Can only be cultivated in the realm above the prince realm?

"This entire Emperor Sutra is really related to him!"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but sigh.

I remembered the first time I cut Hu Xiaochen's copper piece in the Treasure Pavilion.

When the past is really like smoke, the aftertaste is long!

He smiled with satisfaction and withdrew the half of the Emperor Sutra into the Qiankun Ring.

And he was sure that if he completely subdued the little snake on his body at that time, there was also the [Chaos Fire] lotus flower on the side.

At that time, the luck value of the plundered qi must be tens of thousands larger!

After a little thought, he took out two more life copy cards and swept at Xiao Chen, who was still vomiting blood.

After checking Xiao Chen's fate.

Because the [Burning Flame Body] cannot be copied.

He set his sights on [Three-Year Covenant] Orange and [Alchemy Genius] Purple!

He knew that the [three-year contract] was the core life of the other party, and the other party must be able to use this to advance all the way and grow to this point.

And [Alchemy Genius] Zi is also a rare skill fate.

In the future, if he can use this to achieve the power of the Dan Dao, he can refine various qidan that is comparable to [Fairy is also crazy].

It must be a great use!

"But this [three-year contract]... It's too humble!

Lin Xingyun thought that if he also learned Xiao Chen.

Every time someone makes a "three-year covenant"..........

I can't help but be a little speechless!

Moreover, this kind of fate, only a person like Xiao Chen who values faith and righteousness can give full play to its role.

Changed some people with poor conduct, who always gave up, owed money and did not pay back, and painted bread for subordinates.

It's useless to get this hit.

"Forget it, the skills are not pressing, and they will be left to others in the future!"

He thought to himself that the two copy cards had been scanned and copied.

It feels like I've been able to finish it, and I've done it all.

He looked at Xiao Chen, who was still vomiting blood in the sky.

Nu smiled kindly and threw back the other party's boundary-breaking talisman.

"Almost, little brother Xiao Chen, have a good journey!"

"Looking forward to meeting next time, you can bring me more surprises!"

"Ahem... Ahem————!

Xiao Chen spat out another mouthful of blood, and finally grabbed the boundary-breaking talisman tremblingly.

But before leaving, he still did not forget to keep the habit.

I saw him covering his heart and shouting at Lin Xingyun with a face like the bottom of a pot.

"Lin... Lin Xingyun..."

"You wait! Three years... Three years later..."

But he just wanted to make a three-year contract.

Suddenly remembered, with the other party's family background, and this combat power............

Don't say three years yourself....

I'm afraid that for thirty or three hundred years, it will be difficult to help each other!

Faced with this obvious inability to do it, he immediately changed his words.

"There is... One day, I will definitely look for you... Shame before snow!

Suddenly, he remembered something again and asked hesitantly.

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