Seeing a group of nuns, they had already begun to fall into a strange involution.

Noisy and noisy.

Lin Xingyun smiled and didn't pay much attention.

Not long after, Bai Ze finished collecting the battlefield and flew back to him.

He took the four magic weapons and put them away separately.

He only felt that those two pieces of armor had become hundreds of times heavier, and he was even a little hard to hold them.

However, after the armor swallowed the black qi, it still returned to dead silence, and there was no divine stimulation.

"Eat and sleep? Take me for wrong?!

Lin Xingyun smashed it with two pieces of armor, but he couldn't make a seal.

I had to throw my hand into the cave.

"Let's go, it's time to get down to business."

He rode Bai Ze and ordered.

He only waved his hand at everyone, and then turned into light and shadow, and galloped away towards the Far East.

Seeing this, everyone present quickly bowed and knelt down again.

"Congratulations to Young Master Lin——!"

And although the female cultivators were anxious and regretful, they could only sigh and glimpse the immortal disappear one after another!

As the person in charge, Ji Yin bowed to Lin Xingyun's distant figure, and immediately began to transmit the voice and give orders.

Now that the main force of the aliens has been lost, he will command everyone to go to all parts of the Burning Flame Realm and begin to regain those invaded territories with all his might!



Burning Flame Realm, Far East.

Above a scorching abyss that stretches for thousands of miles.

The old man was sitting cross-legged and watching, guarding a black-clothed young man in the middle.

The young man was heroic and demeanorous, and flames of various colors were wafting from all around him, gathering on the top.

It was the ninth prince of the Apocalypse Dynasty, Xiao Chen!

I saw that the flames had different forms and colors, but they were contained by him, and they began to blend with each other, and they were not excluded.

Half an hour later, he finally fused those flames into one, turned into an even stronger Essence Divine Fire, and floated back to his eyebrows.

The next moment, his cultivation aura rose again.

Finally, he has steadily reached the Divine Fire Realm and completed his cultivation!

If you want to talk about Xiao Chen, why has cultivation reached the perfection of the Divine Fire Realm in just over seven years?

I saw that after he got up, he solemnly surrendered his hand to one of the three old men.

"Thank you for the grace of the ancient senior protector, after three years, the junior will definitely take you to the Immortal Domain!"

"Little friend doesn't have to be polite, you..." Gu

Linggang asked for a few polite words.

Seeing Xiao Chen, he directly turned to another old man.

Another hand-over.

"Thank you for the grace of the dragon senior's protector, after three years, the junior will definitely take you to the Immortal Domain!"

"Xiaoyou is polite, I am also for us to burn Yan..."

Xiao Chen bowed to the last old man again.

"Thank you Dan Senior for your grace of protecting the Dharma, after three years, the junior will definitely take you to the Immortal Domain!"

"Thank you Xiaoyou! But..." "

But please forgive the old man, ask more!"

"Why don't you just thank and promise the three of us?"

Dan Xuanzi was speechless.

Can't help but ask with an old face.

"This is the secret of the junior, please don't inquire more."

Xiao Chen replied with a smile, not intending to tell.

But then, Gu Ling and the three were shocked to find out.

The other party's cultivation breath has actually risen again!

Although the increase is not very large.

But this sudden increase in cultivation out of thin air really made them all widen their eyes in shock!

"Xiao Chen! How do you cultivate this...""

Seniors don't need to ask more, it's just a fluke!"

Xiao Chen replied with a smile, his face full of joy.

Since leaving the Apocalypse Dynasty, he has been completely released.

Put your innate special abilities to the fullest!

Review: [Three-year contract] orange - every time you make a three-year contract with a person, within three years, cultivation and luck will continue to increase, after completing the three-year contract, the effect will double, and if it cannot be completed, the effect will be withdrawn after three years, and the stronger the strength of the person who made the contract, the more difficult the agreed things are, and the better the effect!

Over the years, he has wandered around.

Still the same as in the Apocalypse Dynasty, taking the opportunity to make a three-year covenant everywhere.

In the past, in the imperial dynasty, his strength was low, and he could only make some small agreements.

For example, looking for you three years later, scolding you three years later.

Three years later, patronize your shop, and help you repair the cave house three years later.

Or even take your dog's life three years later!

However, as long as you make a three-year contract, you can continue to obtain cultivation and qi luck increase.

Completing the agreement is a direct multiplication of the effect!

If the contract cannot be completed, the effect will be withdrawn.

And it must be three years, and two and a half years cannot be completed!

After leaving the Apocalypse Dynasty, he continued to cultivate and become stronger, and the people and things he made covenants with also rose, and the effect was naturally better.

In addition, Xiao Chen attaches the most importance to faithful promises, and almost promises will be fulfilled.

After more than seven years of continuous signing and consummation.

Even his master Han Feng, not long ago, by chance, asked for the help of a Great Sage, successfully repaired his body, and initially restored the cultivation of the Great Sage Realm!

Let him complete the three-year contract with his master, and his cultivation will skyrocket directly!

This trip to the Burning Flame Realm was after he sensed a great opportunity.

It was up to his master Han Feng to open a realm gate so that he could come to the lower realm!

"It's just that, the monk has some secrets, and it is also natural!"

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, although your cultivation has gone further, the Molten Fire Abyss is extremely dangerous, so you still have to be careful!"

Gu Ling and the three shook their heads and no longer asked, but instructed.

At this time, in the abyss below them, there were countless black and white flames surging.

It was emitting a terrifying wave of fire that could burn a large number of cultivators!

The Molten Fire Abyss is an absolute death place in the Burning Flame Realm.

It was full of terrifying flames, and even the cultivators of the Wang Marquis Realm were contaminated, and it was difficult to resist.

The Princely Realm Perfection cultivator can only stay in it for a few more moments, and they will still be burned to ashes by those two-colored flames!

However, Xiao Chen looked at the bottom of the abyss at this time, but he was confident and fearless.

Because he was born with a [Burning Flame Body], he is not afraid of the ten thousand fires in the world, but can fuse it as nourishment!

[Burning Flame Body] purple: Strange fire body, born with great affinity with the flames of the world, can fuse various flames between heaven and earth to strengthen itself, and after gradually fusing flames, it can turn into orange and gold levels, grow to the extreme, and even comparable to the ten physiques of the Immortal Domain!

After more than seven years, it has continuously fused various heaven and earth flames.

His Burning Fire Body was actually a little short of reaching the orange level.

If it weren't for Lin Xingyun, he plundered him of a [Green Lotus Tinder].

At this moment, his physique has already reached a higher level!

"The two-colored flame below is truly extraordinary, much stronger than any flame I've ever seen!"

"If I can subdue them all, my cultivation will definitely advance again!"

"First go and fuse the world origin, and then come and subdue these flames!"

Xiao Chen secretly hesitated, and then promised to the three old men.

"The three seniors rest assured, I will definitely find the origin of the world this time."

"This time it won't take three years, after fusion, I will completely kill those foreigners!"

The origin of the small world, the power is endless.

After gaining its recognition and fusing it into the body, it is like entering the world as an incarnation, and can control the spiritual power and all the original creatures of this world at will!

Even if he only had Divine Fire Realm cultivation.

Once integrated into the origin of the world, as long as he wants, he can break into the princely realm!

And as long as everything is controlled by him in this Burning Flame Realm, it seems to be an absolute home field, and it has been invincible from the beginning!

"There is Lao Xiaoyou!"

"Little friend take care! I will wait for the three to continue to protect you here!" Gu

Ling and the three also gave thanks, full of expectations for Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen did not hesitate any longer, and immediately jumped into the abyss.

I saw five-colored divine fire wafting around him, protecting him tightly.

The black and white flame also seemed to be attracted by his physique, and did not show the power of incineration, but was a little more affinity.

He was allowed to easily step over the raging fire and go all the way down into the abyss!

"Worthy of destiny! Even this abyss flame can be fearless! "

With the help of Xiao Chen's little friend in my Burning Flame Realm, this catastrophe will definitely be able to survive safely!"

"It's outrageous! At the beginning, even the old man could not hold out in those terrifying flames for long, and he couldn't go down to the abyss! "

Xiao Chen's little friend only has the Divine Fire Realm, can he actually be safe and sound?!"

"Oh, how old are you?"

"Even the queen of the snake race back then never returned to the abyss, old dragon, your little skill is far worse than her!"

"Huh? Speaking of which, that queen seems to have been gifted at the beginning, and can swallow all kinds of divine fire and strange fire, which is very similar to Xiao Chen's little friend!

"But she is too greedy to explore this Molten Fire Abyss!"

"Maybe she also noticed at that time, there is a big opportunity hidden underneath?"

"It's a pity, everything has a fate."

"Chance is not enough, not a person of destiny, even if you find the origin of the world, how can it be so easy to get?"

The three old men sighed.

It seems to recall the worldly demeanor of the queen in red.

After all, the other party is extremely strong, and he is the number one master in the Burning Flame Realm.

And the appearance is absolutely beautiful, and the fame is far and wide.

It is a pity that as soon as he entered the abyss of molten fire, there was no more news, and it has been hundreds of years now.

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