However, the three sighed for a while.

But for a moment, suddenly they all looked up.

I saw a white-haired fairy beast, carrying a young man, and in an instant, it volleyed into the air and stepped on the abyss.

"Dare to ask who is the Taoist?"

The three of Gu Ling were on guard, and immediately asked in a loud voice.

But after seeing that the other party was not an alien, he also relaxed a little.

"I am Xiao Chen's good brother, I came from the Immortal Domain to help him!"

"Three, where is Brother Xiao Chen now?"

Lin Xingyun's eager look made Gu Ling and the three of them suddenly surprised.

"It's someone from the Immortal Domain again?!"

"Thank you very much! I can't wait so much appreciated!

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, you have just descended into the abyss."

"But that abyss is extremely dangerous, and this Daoist friend is still waiting for Xiao here..." Before

the three of Gu Ling could finish speaking, Lin Xingyun patted Bai Ze's double horns and let her swoop down.


"Taoist friends beware ——!"

Gu Ling and the three hurriedly reminded them.

But Lin Xingyun felt that the two-colored flame was indeed extremely powerful in incineration.

Immediately, his mind moved, and he summoned the green lotus immortal fire from his body, wanting to protect himself and Bai Ze with the most extreme flame in this world.

However, to his surprise.

As soon as he summoned the Qinglian Immortal Fire, the black and white flames around him, as if they had found an extremely close old master, converged towards him.

Then it quickly merged into the green lotus in his hand!

"These flames ... Could it be the same origin as the Qinglian Immortal Fire?

Lin Xingyun thought for a while, and he saw some clues.

But there are countless flames in this abyss, and it seems that it cannot be absorbed for a while.

"But if you let Xiao Chen wait too long, it would be rude!"


With an evil smile on his face, he continued to urge the green lotus in his hand, protecting himself and Bai Ze while absorbing the two-colored flames around him at will.

Without stopping, gallop towards the depths!

"Huh? This ——?!

"How can he be afraid of those flames?!"

"The people in the Immortal Domain... Is it really so extraordinary?

"Seeing that this young man is so eager, he must be a little friend with Xiao Chen, and he has a great friendship!"

"And actually cross-border to come to help, it is really brotherly and touching!"

Long Yuan and Dan Xuanzi both smiled and sighed.

But Gu Ling on the side sensed that something was wrong.

"Wait, aren't we being too hasty!"

"I haven't completely determined whether he is friend or foe, so I can easily let him go, in case..."

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou is from the Immortal Domain, not a close person in the same Immortal Domain, who can know his identity, and also know that he is in this Burning Flame Realm?"

"And the other party is not a foreigner, without those weird black lines and evil qi, this cannot be concealed and impersonated."

"As long as it's not an alien, what is there to worry about?"

Long Yuan said with a smile, looking like a worldly master.

"That's not right! Although he is from the Immortal Domain

..." "But is there a possibility..." "

He really came to help the foreign realm, to overthrow my Burning Flame Realm and seize the origin of the world?!"

Gu Ling was still suspicious, frowning and asking.

"Oh, it's unfounded!"

"That kind of rebel, throughout ancient and modern times, is an extremely rare existence!

"My little Burning Flame Realm, how can He De?"

"In the case of an attack from a foreign land, you can simultaneously attract the people of Heavenly Destiny, rebel with the Immortal Domain, and come to the Nether Realm together?"

"If it's really so outrageous, I'll take off my dragon head and pay it to you!"

Long Yuan said disdainfully, making Gu Ling's old face twitch with anger.

Dan Xuanzi saw that the two old guys were arguing again, and quickly stepped forward to dissuade them.

"Okay, now that the origin of the world has been found, we can't go down to the abyss, they are in it, and no one can interfere."

"I and the other three have tried their best, and everything else can only be entrusted to these two little friends!"

"Good, let's rush to the battlefield of Zhongzhou to help in the battle, I hope that the battle situation at this time will not deteriorate too much!"

After deliberating for a while, the three of them set off together and headed towards Zhongzhou.



At this time, the bottom of the molten fire abyss.

This place is tens of thousands of feet away from the ground, deep and silent.

Xiao Chen stepped on this place and found that the countless black and white flames around him were already extremely rich.

The roaring fire illuminates this underground world extremely strangely.

And if it weren't for his Burning Fire Body, he would have the strange Divine Fire Protective Body that had been fused over the years.

Even if the princely realm is complete, staying here for a moment will be burned into nothingness!

But after coming here, he felt extremely strong in his heart.

Almost instantly, the target was locked.

He looked at a rock wall and saw a giant broken bronze door embedded in it.

Between the gaps in the giant door, wisps of black and white flames were constantly wafting out.

It was as if behind the copper door was the source of this abyss boundless flame.

And on the simple and heavy door body, there is a strange gap that is one foot square.

It seems that a small piece was forcibly broken a long time ago.

The black and white flames floating out of it are even more endless!

"Huh? Why was this door broken open by a small piece? "

Could it be that someone got there first?"

Xiao Chen was secretly surprised, and immediately flew forward to check.

And when he approached, the broken bronze door seemed to sense the arrival of the Destiny Man.

The ancient runes inscribed on it actually flickered and danced on their own.

The next moment, accompanied by a muffled sound of rotation.

The copper door slowly opened on its own, revealing a deep cave behind it.

"Sure enough! This Burning Flame Realm really has a deep relationship with me!

"Since the destiny of this side of the world is mine, I will definitely protect the safety of this side of the world!"

Seeing this, Xiao Chen became more and more proud and ambitious, and secretly decided.

I only felt that since escaping from the Apocalypse Dynasty, I finally regained some of the hearts and blood of the people in the world!

After all, who doesn't aspire to be a hero and save billions of lives?

And he did not hesitate any longer, and immediately flashed in.

As he traveled all the way, he found that the deeper he went.

What was floating around was no longer black and white flames, but an even more terrifying gray flame.

Even though he had a burning fire body, he actually felt difficult to support at this time, and his spiritual power was rapidly depleting.

However, when he insisted on moving all the way, he reached the end of the cave mansion.

I saw a huge eighteen-petal gray lotus flower, suspended in mid-air.

As it slowly rotated, a cluster of terrifying gray flames was floating out.

It seems to contain a terrifying power that can burn everything and destroy everything!

Above the lotus, a huge demon beast egg floated, slowly rotating, constantly absorbing the flames gushing from the lotus below.

"This... What is it——?! Xiao

Chen just glanced at the lotus flower and the demon beast egg, and he felt that it was rare.

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