And since he came to this battlefield, the cave heaven where the treasure in his body was stored began to have fever.

At this time, Minamoto was killed, after this prince was consummated.

He felt that the two pieces of armor became more and more impatient.

"Two foodies, just eat and don't work!"

He had to take out two pieces of armor with a look of contempt and let them absorb the black qi of the corpses of this alien everywhere.

On the other hand, Bai Ze has also ended the fighting.

Genshi had been shattered to the point that only one head remained, and the rest of his body had collapsed.

"You guys wait... Wait!

"My eldest brother will come soon, you ants... All have to die!

Genshi roared angrily, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Bai Ze was also not polite to him, raised his claw and shot a divine light, about to wipe him out.

"The wine corpse fell into the Yin Curse!"

But just before Genshi was about to turn into flying ash, he suddenly drank violently, and countless strange black spells burst out from his divine soul.

The next moment, he seemed to suddenly lose his mind, and his eyes turned empty.

But immediately after that, the divine light in Bai Ze's claws bombarded him, completely annihilating him into ashes!

Immediately flew to Lin Xingyun's side, looked at the battlefield below and asked.

"These two princes have been killed, do you want to kill all the foreigners below?"

"It's all coming, it's rude not to kill."

"Just feed it to those two foodies."

The two of them had a spirit in their hearts, and immediately turned into two rays of light and shadow, rushing to the battlefield below.

As the dust of the air battle situation settled, he watched as the two generals of his family, Genaki and Gensik, were killed.

No matter how fierce the foreigners are, at this moment, the big and small commanders of the Yuan Mansion and the Divine Fire Realm can no longer maintain their fighting intent, and they all begin to retreat violently, and the number of dead and injured begins to surge!

"Fellow Taoists! Eliminate evil! Kill ———! Seeing

this, Ji Yin was extremely ecstatic, and immediately loudly transmitted the audience.

"Kill ———!"

The Burning Flame Realm coalition army also had a great increase in morale, and they all burst out with all their strength, and began to hunt down and kill the fleeing foreigners.

Yet they haven't advanced much front.

A thin pure white beam of light fell from mid-air, sweeping against the alien camp!

The power of that beam was so powerful that all the creatures on the battlefield were irresistible and all wiped out!

Under this blow, even everyone in the Burning Flame Realm was instantly shocked, and they all stopped and did not dare to step forward!

And Lin Xingyun was already in shape, straddling the back of the battlefield.

I saw that with a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of sword grasses formed the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain, blocking the rear of the Alien Front.

That sword domain was like a desperate wall.

But whenever an alien escapes here, he will be directly killed by the sword grass flashing out of it!

The prince realm in the exotic camp has been completely killed, only a few leaders of the highest cultivation are no more than the Divine Fire Realm, and most of the rest of the cultivators are even lower realms, and they can no longer withstand the bloody slaughter of Bai Ze and Lin Xingyun!

And the cultivators of the Burning Flame Realm below, seeing such a terrifying scene, were already terrified and unable to move!

"You Daoists don't need to panic, this is Lin Gongzi of the Immortal Domain Immortal Lin Family!"

"Young Master Lin came specifically to save my Burning Flame Realm, and he is the great benefactor of my Burning Flame Realm!"

Ji Yin shouted loudly, already excited to tears.

As soon as his words fell, there was already a loud gasp in the audience.


"Immortal Domain?! Changsheng Lin family?!

"No wonder this prince only has the Cave Heaven Realm, but his combat power is terrifying!"

"The Immortal Family is worthy of being a giant of the Immortal Domain!"

"Young Master Lin turned the tide and killed powerful enemies in foreign lands, such a great kindness, I should pay tribute to Prince Lin!"

"Prince Bai Xielin——!"

In the blink of an eye, there were countless cultivators who were grateful.

Immediately looked towards Lin Xingyun and bowed down from afar!

And in just a few blazing kung fu, all the foreigners in the audience were completely turned into broken corpses and scattered all over the battlefield.

Lin Xingyun's figure flashed and swept to Bai Ze's side.

As usual, he threw the Da Luo Dao Sword, the Blood Killing Sword, and the two pieces of armor to her, and asked her to collect everything.

"Again? You're using me as a sweeper!

"Well, you will always be my good mount!"

"Get out!"

Bai Ze pouted and snorted, and took four magic weapons to collect the loot.

And Ji Yin had already come to the forefront of the battlefield and fell to the ground.

He was still in tears, and immediately took the lead and led a group of cultivators.

Bowed down to Lin Xingyun and thanked him.

"Lin Gongzi Shenwei, Fuze I burn the flame realm!"

"I wait for hundreds of millions of living beings in the Burning Yan Realm, thank you to Young Master Lin for saving your life!"

"Thank you Lin Gongzi for your great grace!"

Just as everyone bowed and knelt in thanks.

Countless female cultivators finally saw Lin Xingyun's appearance clearly.

Almost at a glance, all the female cultivators in the audience were already swallowing their saliva, their faces red and their hearts beating.

There were even several female cultivators who immediately rushed to the front of the crowd and bowed down to Lin Xingyun.

"Young Master Lin's great kindness, I really can't repay it!"

"The little woman is willing to promise to serve Lin Gongzi in the future!"

"Young Master Lin! I can repay the favor too! I can do the same!

"Young Master Lin! I also have three younger sisters, the youngest has just turned eighteen, and I would like to take them all together!

"Young Master Lin! My mother has been widowed for many years, and the charm remains, and the little woman is willing to work with her as a slave and serve the son!

"Kaoru'er, don't mix it blindly, although your mother is beautiful, she is already a wife and mother, and the son of the upper realm, how can you look at such a broken flower!"

"What do you understand? What if Young Master Lin happens to like my mother's one?! "

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