Lin Xingyun said with a sense of justice.

Before Ji Yin could react, the two brothers Genzhang and Genshi were first surprised.

"The Immortal Lin family? How could the Lin family suddenly come to this Burning Flame Realm! "

The Mo Feilin family wants to send someone to rescue this small world?!"

Both were stunned.

After all, if it was really the Immortal Domain Immortal Family who intervened in this battle, things would become too difficult again!

But after the two of them probed and found that only Lin Xingyun and Bai Ze came to the battlefield, they still relaxed a little.

And Ji Yin was first stunned, and then ecstatic!

He immediately bowed deeply to Lin Xingyun and thanked with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you Lin Gongzi!

"Gongzi is righteous, it really makes the old immortal admire a lot!"

"God bless me to burn the flame realm! There is actually a Tianjiao of the Upper Realm Immortal Family, who is honored and noble, and works tirelessly, and the Nether Realm comes to my Burning Flame Realm to save Cang..."

"Sect Master Ji is almost there, let's quickly say where Xiao Chen is."

Lin Xingyun urged impatiently, almost revealing his true face.

"Oooh! Be... It's..." Ji

Yin hurriedly responded, and immediately secretly transmitted a message to Lin Xingyun with his divine soul.

"Young Master Lin, Xiao Chen's little friend is now accompanied by three Daoists to the Molten Fire Abyss in the extreme east of the continent!"

"He is a person of destiny, and after coming to the Burning Flame Realm, he began to guide the origin of the world and interact with it."

"Now that I have finally found the exact location, I am in the abyss of molten fire, I believe I will get it soon!"

"At that time, Xiao Chen's little friend fusing the world origin will definitely be able to completely repel these differences..."

"Okay, then I'll help him first."

"Keep insisting, the advantage is yours!"

Lin Xingyun interrupted with a wave of his hand, and greeted Bai Ze, intending to go to the Far East.

However, Yuan Chang and Yuan Zhi had already completely set their sights on him.

Even unabashedly, showing greed!

"Third brother! Can't be wrong, that kid... It is actually a congenital Dao embryo physique! "

Well, I also sensed it, it is indeed the Dao Yun Purple Qi of the Innate Dao Embryo!"

"If you capture him and bring him back to the Upper Realm Clan, then wait to extract the origin of those two Primordial Sacred Bodies!"

"At that time, I will be a ghost clan, but I can hope to artificially create the [Innate Eucharistic Dao Embryo]!"

The two brothers were both excited and inexplicable, and between the transmission of the divine soul, they had completely regarded Lin Xingyun as prey!

They are from the ghost race, and they are extremely sensitive to all the special physiques in the world, and they have studied extremely deeply.

As for the top ten physiques of the Immortal Domain, they have been coveted for a long time!

The thought of being able to create the [Innate Body Dao Embryo], this kind of terrifying physique comparable to the [Chaotic Body].

The brothers are completely overwhelmed!

"Although he is also a member of the Lin family, compared to the [Innate Saint Body Dao Embryo], it is worth taking all risks!"

"Third brother, don't hesitate! Do it! "

Falling Yin Imperial Curse!"

Gen-shik couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately drank heavily.

With a wave of his robe sleeve, he punched out a large area of strange runes, turned into thousands of miserable white corpses, and howled fiercely towards Lin Xingyun and Bai Ze!

Seeing this, Bai Ze spat out a pure white fairy light again.

"Oh ————!"

With just one sweep, those thousands of corpses were shattered into ashes!

"Sure enough, I have some skills!"

"Fourth brother, I'll deal with this evil beast, you go and capture that kid!"

Yuan Chang snorted coldly, raised his hand, and held a black green demon halberd, and was about to attack Bai Ze.

"Great, he can still pick opponents!"

Lin Xingyun sneered, seeing that the other party was actually planning to entangle the two of them.

Suddenly, he no longer curbed the killing intent!

It is also good to take advantage of this formal experiment, what are the results of my five years of hard practice.

As soon as he raised his hands, the Great Luo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword had already mastered each other.

Immediately turned into a streamer, directly meeting the source of the attack!

"Huh! The ants in the Cave Heaven Realm actually dared to take the initiative to come up and send them to death! Yuan

Chang snorted coldly in disdain, but he converged the halberd blade, so as not to kill the innate Dao embryo with one blow.

But when his halberd fell, he was still amazingly powerful, and it was enough to completely cut this battlefield into two sections!

And Lin Xingyun held two swords, and there were one thousand and eighty cave heavens in his body, all bursting with majestic spiritual power.

There are also a thousand dragon elephant particles blessed with physical strength.

"Heavy Pupil Juntian Technique!"

Gray light threads flashed in his eyes, all of which poured into his body, making his momentum suddenly a little stronger!

This is the heavy pupil blessing divine power that Jun Chengdao had cast at the beginning, similar to the amplitude increase secret method, which can temporarily increase his combat power!

The Heart Flying Immortal Supreme Bone also continued to surging out of the white immortal light, surging up his pair of long swords, making their attack even more powerful!

At this time, under his many blessings, he suddenly struck.

The two swords collided with Genaki's halberd!


An earth-shattering Jinge exchange sound exploded, instantly spreading through this battlefield!

The cultivators of the two races below all trembled in unison, and the battle stopped!

And after one blow, it was Genzhang who was chopped by the two swords and flew out upside down with a halberd!


"Third brother!"

Gen-shik seemed to be alive, and after being stunned for a moment, he immediately went to help!

But before he could move, a huge white ball of light as a temple had already spat towards him!

"Falling God Black Sky Array!"

Yuan Zhi didn't dare to be careless, and immediately pinched his hands and turned into a mysterious and complex spiritual power formation, straddling in front of him, barely resisting the ball of light!

However, the next moment, the second ball of light actually followed, and was suddenly spit out by Bai Ze and smashed on the first ball of light!

That spiritual power magic array was instantly difficult to support, and it was directly shattered and shattered!


Yuan Zhi was full of injuries in an instant, and his flesh and blood burst open, and he couldn't help but scream on the spot!

On the other side, Lin Xingyun was holding two swords, dancing thousands of sword flowers in the blink of an eye

, chasing all the way, between the sword and halberd attacks, and Yuan Chang kept fighting each other

, and his hands each cast the Nine Leaves Sword Technique and the Wanhua Sword Technique.

Countless sword grasses and Wanhua sword qi continued to burst out, and the bombardment was exhausted by Yuan Chang, and it was already miserable!

"Monster! Monster! "

Caidong Heaven Realm is complete, can actually fight with me to this extent?!"

"I can't keep my hands anymore, and it's useful to bring a corpse back!"

Yuan Chang was extremely surprised in his heart, and he did not dare to be careless.

With all his strength, the shadows of the flowers of the three avenues faintly appeared on the top.

That is a symbol of cultivation to the complete realm of the princely realm, as long as the three flowers are completely condensed, and then wait to comprehend the Dao rules and survive the saint's calamity, you can become a saint!

Although his last flower of divine soul was only condensed about half.

It means that he is still many miles away from the true realm consummation and the threshold of the saint realm.

But his combat power is already far beyond his seventh brother Yuan Chong, such a late prince realm!

After the three flowers appeared, he also performed extreme moves, instantly wielding thousands of halberd lights.

Immediately forcibly shredded those countless sword grasses and sword qi!

"And it's not just innate Dao embryos... This breath... This magical power..."

"Heavy pupil?! Supreme Bone?!

"This kid is simply full of treasure! Today he can't escape! "

Yuan Chang sensed the other party's superb physique, and he was simply carried away by greed!

He continued to attack with the halberd in hand, but two iron rope hook claw visions appeared behind him.

"Descend the evil claws!"

After a loud drink, he suddenly urged the vision behind him, and the two hooked claws immediately burst out with a strange and terrifying fierce light, and rushed towards Lin Xingyun at great speed!

But Lin Xingyun after five years, after a preliminary test of his own combat strength.

I don't plan to keep my hands anymore!

As soon as he touched his heart, he urged the Supreme Bone with all his strength, and the light of the flying immortal immediately burst out!

The next moment, a pale divine fetus flew out from his heart.

The shape of the divine fetus is the same as that of Qin Di Yao, and the cat's ears and cat's tail sway gently, still petite and lovely.

But her murderous aura was raging, and the bloody battlefield below was still inferior to it.

As if everything in the world was not enough to stop her attack!

"Flying Immortal with a Sword!"

Lin Xingyun urged the Supreme Bone Divine Power and directly threw the Great Luo Dao Sword into the arms of Qin Di Yao Divine Fetus.

In the next instant, the divine fetus was like a peerless heavenly daughter, holding the sword and escaping from the dust.

Just a sword slash cut through those two iron rope hook claw visions!

Immediately after that, the figure did not stop stopping, and in the blink of an eye, he attacked in front of Genzhang!

Yuan Chang felt the great crisis of life and death, and immediately surged with spiritual power, wielding a thousand magic halberd phantom.

"Descend the Eight Desolate Halberds!"

That huge phantom was like a landslide tsunami, smashing towards the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus with infinite power.

However, that petite Qianying just slashed with a sword.

"Oh ——————!"

With a piercing and sharp earth-shattering sound.

The halberd shadow that covered the sky, together with Genaki himself, was cut in two!

Then the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus took the sword and left, and three more swords appeared.

It will still be the source of incredulity and ashes.

Together with the body and spirit, it was completely cut off in the air!

Then the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus held the sword back, held the sword in both hands, and handed it back to Lin Xingyun.

"Gee, Yaoyao is really amazing!"

Lin Xingyun took the Dao sword and touched the cat ear of the divine fetus with a satisfied smile.

Although it was not very soft, it seemed to be stroking Qin Di Yao, which made him feel interesting.

However, the fetus did not react.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a rain of light and reintegrated into the supreme bone of Lin Xingyun's heart.

Lin Xingyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

With the continuous development of the Flying Immortal Supreme Bone, although its power continues to increase, its consumption is also skyrocketing, and just now this type of magical power has allowed him to consume most of the spiritual power in his body.

But the power is indeed shocking.

With the Great Luo Dao Sword, even the Princely Realm Perfection powerhouse can reverse the slash!

Although the other party is not a top Tianjiao, this kind of record is terrifying enough!

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