At this moment, the battlefield of the Middle Continent in the Burning Flame Realm was at the forefront.

On an open plain that is thousands of miles long, war has long been raging.

On both sides of the Burning Flame Realm and the Exotic Land, countless cultivators are clearly attacking each other, and hundreds of warships and treasure ships are constantly swallowing and killing spiritual light, smashing everything on the other side to smithereens!

Thousands of magical treasures are intertwined into rain, and every time a piece falls, more or less cultivators will be seriously injured and killed!

The boundless bloody qi almost dyed this heaven and earth blood red.

Among them, on the foreign side, the cultivators generally have higher cultivation, stronger combat power, and full advantage on the battlefield.

However, in order to protect their homeland, the cultivators of the Burning Flame Realm were also doing their best at this time.

And on the battlefield, the side of the burning world.

There are constantly people who either break through the realm or realize new magical powers on the spot.

They are doing everything they can to burst out to their full potential!

There were also many people who, after exhausting their strength, directly blew themselves up, dragging several exotic cultivators to death.

Vows to fight to the end against the foreigners!

The Burning Flame Realm has also suffered from exotic attacks in the past.

But never before, so in such a hurry, so strong!

Now about half of the territory has been bloodily slaughtered by foreigners!

The remaining half of the territory was led by the four top prince realm powerhouses in the Burning Flame Realm, and organized a coalition army to resist.

In order to weaken the combat power of the Burning Flame Realm as soon as possible, the foreign domain issued a battle letter to the Burning Flame Realm, and agreed to start a decisive battle on this Great Plain of Central Continent today!

In the case of a gap in strength, in order to avoid being broken by the other party, the side of the Burning Flame Realm had to choose to fight.

Since the beginning of the war, it has been bloody and murderous here for three hours.

At this time, high in the sky of the battlefield, a gray-haired and gray-bearded old man with a complete princely realm was holding a magic ring.

While fighting with several exotic people in the early and late stages of the princely realm, he used the power of his soul to spread a lot to his own cultivators.

"Hold on, fellow Daoists! Persistence is victory!

"As long as you hold on for a while longer, when the time comes, there will be divine weapons descending from the sky, and this battle, the foreigners will definitely lose!"

"The Burning Flame Realm will win!"

Under Ji Yin's loud shout, a loud sound spread throughout the battlefield.

Everyone in the Burning Flame World was instantly stimulated by morale, and their fighting spirit was even stronger for a while.

Forced the Alien Front back a few points!

Half an hour later, however.

Two black lights came from the western sky, and after stepping into the battlefield, they stood in the air and observed the situation on the battlefield.

It is the two brothers Gensho and Minamoto Sik.

"Huh? Doesn't it mean that there are still four great princes in the Burning Flame Realm?

"Why is he the only old thing here to support the scene?"

Minamoto squinted towards the battlefield.

Immediately locked Ji Yin, the only prince realm powerhouse present.

"Leave him alone, solve this old thing, and this battlefield should be over."

Gen-shik snorted coldly in disdain, and when his figure changed, he attacked Ji Yin in an instant.

"Wine corpse into bones!"

I saw that he took out an evil wine altar and threw it away in the air, and an endless stream of black water floated out of it.

Some of them fell into the battlefield.

It directly enveloped hundreds of low-level cultivators in the Burning Flame Realm, instantly decaying it into a sludge full of flesh!

Another part of the water stream neighed away like a thousand black snakes, attacking Ji Yin, who was tired of coping!


Ji Yin immediately urged the magic ring to form a barrier in front of him, barely resisting the erosion of the black water.

However, the five exotic cultivators in the late stage of the prince realm present also began to exert their strength in unison, exerting countless divine powers to blast towards him.

Most of the foreigners who attacked this time were assigned by the Origin Ghost Clan, and they were not like the usual team that invaded the small world.

Compared with it, the gap in combat power in the Burning Flame World is indeed not small.

At this time, on the side of the Burning Flame Realm, there were not even more princely realm powerhouses coming to help Ji Yin!

But just when Ji Yin was about to be breached by the defense and was severely injured.

A pure white beam of light suddenly burst out from the far south distance, like a peerless flying star, cutting through the sky!


Several exotic cultivators of the prince realm didn't even have time to resist, and they were shattered into corpses by this beam!

The black water of the melting corpse was also wiped out together, which made Yuan Zhi also surprised, and immediately looked to the south.

I saw a white-haired fairy beast carrying a young man in the air.

Within a few breaths, he had already galloped to Ji Yin.

"Thank you for coming to the rescue! Dare to ask who is your friend? Ji

Yin saw that Bai Ze's aura was extremely strong and powerful, and he was immediately surprised and thanked him.

But he also felt strange for a while, he had never heard of such a powerful demon beast in the Burning Flame Realm!

"Ahem... Cough...... You better ask my master.

Bai Ze said very wisely.

Immediately turned around and confronted Genaki and Genji in the air.

After the other party saw her terrifying methods, he did not rush for a while.

And Lin Xingyun had already fallen from her back.

"What? Master?! Ji

Yin then looked at the handsome young man in front of him with amazement.

When he sensed that the other party's cultivation aura was only complete in the Cave Heaven Realm, but his spiritual power was as majestic as the sea.

Although it is still inferior to himself, it is already comparable to the late stage of the princely realm.

Such a terrifying cultivation foundation suddenly shocked him to the extreme, and he decided that it was definitely not something that a person in the Burning Flame Realm could possess!

"Forgive the old age and faux pas!"

"This son-in-law... Could it be... Could it be Tianjiao in the Immortal Domain?!

Ji Yin threw up his hands and asked tremblingly.

"I am the Immortal Domain Immortal Forest family, and I am here to save the creatures of the Burning Flame Realm."

"Passing through your sect on the way, your elder Ji Tai said that you know where Xiao Chen is?"

"Me and Xiao Chen, that's a life and death relationship!"

"Tell me where he is now, and I'll help him!"

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