Lin Xingyun was speechless for a while, and put away the two armors.

Then he took the Blood Killing Sword and handed it to Bai Ze together with the Da Luo Dao Sword.

Let her collect the flesh and blood and magic weapons of that place, and be sure to pluck the goose feathers, and can't waste it!

Bai Ze snorted, and took the two swords to clean up the battlefield.

Lin Xingyun, on the other hand, stepped into the Void Kun Sect in one step.

He looked at the people of the sect who had survived the calamity.

And everyone in the Void Kun Sect had already been completely stunned in place, and everyone was stunned, not daring to move.

Who would have thought that just now it was still a matter of life and death, and he was about to be slaughtered by foreigners.

But the fairy-like boy in front of him.

Suddenly, like a heavenly god, he actually killed the foreigners with a single move!

"Please... May I ask if Your Excellency is...?"

several Outer Gate Elders, after being shocked for a while, finally asked tremblingly.

"Immortal Lin family, Lin Xingyun."

"Seeing that your Burning Flame Realm is being attacked by a foreign land, I came to rescue you."

Lin Xingyun said indifferently.

The words fell in the ears of the other party, but it was like an angry thunder, which instantly shocked them!

"The Immortal Lin family?! It's legendary... One of the top ten immortal families in the Immortal Domain?!

"How can I burn the flame realm? Can you recruit such a big force to rescue?

"And this prince only has the Cave Heaven Realm, but his combat power is simply a hundred times better than me!"

"It is worthy of being an immortal family Tianjiao, it is simply beyond reach!"

"I see! I get it! "

This prince must be the same as the Mandate of Heaven, and he is also the good relationship that my sect's Void Kun ancestor made in the Immortal Domain!"

"I'm waiting for Prince Xie Lin's life-saving grace!"

Several Outer Gate elders did not hesitate and immediately bowed down in unison.

"Prince Xie Lin's great grace ——!"

The disciples also followed, bowing down and thanking them sincerely.

They have also heard of the prestige of the immortal family, and at this time, Lin Xingyun is already as great as a savior in their eyes, with an invisible brilliance, dazzling, and simply cannot be looked at!

"Excuse me."

Lin Xingyun waved his hand.

But suddenly hearing the other party mention the Void Kun Old Ancestor, I couldn't help but think of something.

"In the Apocalypse Dynasty, I seem to have indeed looted a chicken shed... Ah no, a Great Holy Cave Mansion.

"The master of the cave mansion seems to be called Ji Wukun."

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Instead, he asked the elders about the current situation of the Burning Flame Realm.

Several elders naturally knew everything, and even rushed to answer.

"In the Middle Continent Realm, a large-scale decisive battle between the two races is unfolding?"

"The Heavenly Destiny people of the Burning Flame Realm have already come from the Nether Realm of the Immortal Domain?"

Lin Xingyun frowned and asked.

In this way, wouldn't it be necessary to kill so many living beings?

As long as he is guided by the person of destiny, he can also find the origin of the small world?

"Good! Young Master Lin, that Heavenly Destiny person, has been closely protected by the three prince realm perfection powerhouses of our Burning Flame Realm, and has been taken to find the origin of the world!

"Once they are successfully found, they will master the power of the origin of the world."

"Expelling these foreigners at that time will be easy!"

The elder named Ji Tai replied excitedly, without the slightest intention of hiding it.

The combat power shown by the other party, coupled with the grace of saving lives.

It had already made them completely trust this son of the Immortal Domain family!

"Oh? Do you know the name of the Man of Destiny?

"Our sect master seems to call him Xiao Chen Xiaoyou!"

"Xiao Chen, little friend........." Lin

Xingyun's face had become extremely strange.

I can't help but recall it in my mind.

That person made a three-year covenant.

After being robbed by himself, he was a young man who left his hometown.

I can't help but sigh, seriously.

♫ ♬ Time ~ ~ light is easy to pass ~ never ~ never ~ back, the past ~ can only ~ return ~ ~ taste ♫ ♬

"It's only been more than seven years."

"I'm really looking forward to how much this 'Thirty Years Hedong' has grown now!"

The corner of Lin Xingyun's mouth hooked an evil smile.

Immediately asked Ji Tai and the others.

"That Xiao Chen little friend, where is it now?"

"Since he is the one who saved the destiny of the Burning Flame Realm."

"Naturally, I will also go and help him!"

Ji Tai and the others looked embarrassed.

"This... I don't know his specific whereabouts, after all, the other party is looking for the origin of the world..."

"However, our sect master is also a strong person in the Princely Realm, and he was also familiar with the person of Heavenly Destiny, so he must know his whereabouts at this time!"

"Our sect master is now at the forefront of the Middle Continent battlefield, directing the battle, he..."

Lin Xingyun waved his hand to interrupt, and then said generously.

"To save the Burning World."

"No matter how hard I work, I must go to help this Xiao Chen little friend!"

"Everyone, take your leave."

Seeing that Bai Ze had finished collecting it, he returned with his sword.

Lin Xingyun waved his sleeves, leaving not a single bit of resources.

He turned into light and shadow with Bai Ze and went in the direction of Zhongzhou!

Everyone in the Void Kun Sect was extremely admired and looked at them with great admiration.

"Young Master Lin... Sure enough, it is a high wind and bright festival, and the righteousness is awe-inspiring!

"It is worthy of being the Tianjiao of the immortal family, and it really has both ability and integrity!"

"Lin Gongzi saved my life, and he wants to save the Burning Flame Realm from fire and water."

"Such a great benevolence, we should erect a statue of him and enshrine it in the sect, so that the disciples of all generations can admire it!"

The elders were sighing in admiration.

However, a group of gray-haired female disciples in the sect were still staring at peach blossoms, looking at Lin Xingyun's distant back in amazement, muttering to themselves.

"Young Master Lin... Is... Unparalleled in the world..."

"It's so handsome... It's so beautiful!

"I decided! I will practice hard from now on, fly to the Immortal Domain in the future, and look for him again!"

"Just because he's so beautiful!" It's so beautiful!

"Me too!"



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