Burning Flame Realm, the land of the extreme south.

A green mountain and green water, in the blessed land of the world.

It is located in the Void Kun Sect, one of the four great sects of the Burning Flame Realm.

This sect has stood in the Burning Flame Realm for countless years, and it has long been a hegemon.

Moreover, since hundreds of years ago, the old ancestor of his sect, Ji Wukun, flew to the Immortal Realm, and was said to have achieved the Great Saint Realm.

It also makes its limelight even more prosperous, and no one in the burning world dares to provoke it!

But at this time, there were five exotic warships, breaking through the air, spitting spiritual light at the Great Array of Guardian Sect of the Void Kun Sect, launching a fierce bombardment!

The powerhouses in that sect were also surging their spiritual power, desperately blessing the Guardian Sect Array.

But despite the huge disparity in strength, under the hard support, the Great Array of the Guardian Sect was about to be breached!

Several gray-haired and gray-bearded Outer Gate elders were trying their best to support the Great Array while eagerly discussing how to deal with the enemy.

"Hateful! The Sect Master and the elite of our Sect have already rushed to the battlefield of the Middle Continent!

"Now that the aliens are suddenly attacking, how can I hold it?!"

"It's better to scatter and escape, escape one by one!"

"Coward! At this time of great danger, it is time to fight to the death!

"I, the people of the Void Kun Sect, will never steal my life, and vow to fight to the end with the foreigners!"

Among the elders of the outer gate, an elder named Ji Jiao roared at the others and reprimanded.

But it didn't take long for those five exotic warships to unite again, pooling all their strength to spit out a blatant aura.

"Boom ————!"

The already shaky Protector Sect Array was finally completely broken!

Above the five warships, countless exotic cultivators lined up and began to rush towards everyone in the Void Kun Sect!

"Gentlemen, this is the end of the matter, and you must not back down! Fight with the foreigners! "

Kill ————!"

Seeing this, Ji Jiao immediately shouted in all directions, and everyone in the sect immediately responded in unison!

Since the invasion of foreign lands, many of their relatives and friends have been mutilated by foreign people.

At this time, they are already the same enemy, just waiting to fight with foreign life and death!

However, the exotic cultivators of the Nether Realm, under the same realm, their general combat power is also stronger than that of the Immortal Domain Nether Cultivators.

And even more ferocious and violent, not afraid of death!

At this time, the two sides made a sharp contact, and the disciples and elders of the Void Kun Sect quickly began to rout!

And Ji Jiao saw that the two sides had completely fallen into a fierce battle.

Then he quietly retreated behind everyone.

Then seize the moment, turn around and escape!

But he had just escaped from the sect range, but it was only a hundred meters away.

Suddenly, he saw a man and a woman, falling from the sky like meteors, landing right in front of his eyes.

"Huh? You are..." Ji

Jiao was surprised.

A lapis gold sword grass suddenly flew towards him!


"Iron Mountain ———"

He had just surged all his spiritual power, and his body was furious, and he was about to use his powerhouse to resist the sword grass.

But before he could make a move.

He was cut into two corpses by the sword grass, fell to the ground, and completely died!

"Who is he? Why did you kill him all of a sudden?

Bai Ze asked casually.

"This kind of little sunspot, everyone has to blame!"

"Little sunspot? What little sunspot?

"It's nothing, let's go, go find the origin of the small world."

Lin Xingyun waved his hand and was about to pull Bai Ze away.

"Wait, this seems to be a Nether Sect that is being attacked and killed by foreigners."

"You're not going to save it?"

Bai Ze looked at the current situation of the Void Kun Sect and couldn't help but question.

After all, she still remembered that the other party had said that he would save the creatures of the Burning Flame Realm from fire and water!

"No, the Burning Flame Realm is not small, and there is not so much time to save the living."

"Next time, next time!"

Lin Xingyun shook his head and was ready to turn and leave.

But he was just about to leave.

Suddenly I felt that something was wrong.

In a cave where he stored the Da Luo Dao Sword and the Tianji Town Demon Tower, these supreme treasures, he suddenly began to heat up!

As soon as his mind moved, he took out the Da Luo Dao Sword and two pieces of pitch-black armor.

I saw that the right arm armor, the right leg armor, and the Great Luo Dao Sword were actually trembling slightly.

It seems to sense that some kind of mortal enemy is nearby, and thus bursting into battle!

"Huh? What's going on here?

When Lin Xingyun was surprised, Bai Ze's eyes lit up, patting him on the shoulder and reminding him in surprise.

"I almost forgot, there are a huge number of foreigners in this Burning Flame Realm!"

"In the past, your cultivation was too low, and the exotic border was too dangerous, so I never told you."

"Your two pieces of armor require you to kill a large number of foreigners in order to stimulate the divine effect!"

"Kill the aliens?"

Lin Xingyun asked with a frown, and then picked up the two pieces of armor.

The two pieces of armor that had been silent and pretending to die for a long time actually emitted a humming sound of approval!

"Okay, then try it for two hundred million!"

Lin Xingyun agreed without much hesitation.

After all, the Great Luo Dao Sword alone has helped him too much.

He also helped him find a scabbard.

He also wanted to see what kind of magical effect these two armors that could amaze Bai Ze had for a long time!

And at this time, among the Void Kun Sect.

Groups of exotic cultivators were surging like a dark tide, and they were unleashing thousands of magical powers in unison, beating the cultivators of the Void Kun Sect to retreat one after another, killing and injuring them!

Their cultivation is different, but the highest is only five warship commanders, and they are the perfect cultivators of the Divine Fire Realm.

"The slaughter is complete, not a single one is left!"

One of the commanders was giving orders with a sly smile.


Suddenly, an infinite aura arose in his heart, and he suddenly looked up into the air!

I saw tens of thousands of lapis gold sword grasses, which had gathered together like clouds, completely covering this piece of heaven!

However, a few breaths of time enveloped the front of the Void Kun Sect and their five exotic warships.

Countless sword grasses immediately fell like a waterfall towards the foreigners!


Countless exotic cultivators were easily killed by the falling sword grass, and they were turned into corpses in an instant!

"Quick! Jointly resist these..." The

five Divine Fire Realm leaders wanted to join forces to block the attack of these sword grasses.

But that sword grass was controlled to the top, and it had already formed five small nine-leaf sword formations.

Siege the five of them with the Divine Fire Realm Commanders!


With five exceptionally loud screams coming out, the five Exotic God Fire Realm cultivators could not escape the tragic death!

In less than two quarters of an hour, the exotic cultivators who came to attack and kill the Void Kun Sect had already been completely exterminated!

Lin Xingyun was high in the air and dissipated the sword grass.

And those two pieces of armor, at this time, actually released a mysterious gravitational force on their own, spreading out a wide range.

The next moment, the strange black lines on the corpses of those foreigners dissipated into pitch-black air currents and were attracted out.

Float up, all converging into two pieces of armor!

Da Luo Daojian had no intention of these black qi, but he seemed to be very happy to see the foreigners being killed.

And Lin Xingyun looked at this strange scene, and he didn't have time to think about it.

I felt that the two pieces of armor in my hand were becoming heavy at an extremely fast pace!

The armor, which was originally still fluttering, absorbed those strange black qi, and in a blink of an eye, it overtook the mountain.

Although with his physical strength, he still did not feel hard to pick it up.

But a moment later, the black air flow in all the alien bodies in the entire area was absorbed.

The two pieces of armor calmed down again and returned to silence.

He grabbed his armor and waved it, still not half distracted, and no spiritual memory came out.

"Huh? Just finished eating and playing dead, right?

"You're killing so little, it's hard for them to help you with things."

"Put it away, when the time comes, kill enough foreigners, they will naturally be willing to wake up."

Lin Xingyun frowned, but Bai Ze smiled playfully.

After all, in her memory, these armors wanted to be inspired to the peak, but even the emperors of the foreign lands had to sacrifice them!

Now these are the highest aliens who are no more than the Divine Fire Realm.

Killing them is only enough to stuff their teeth.

It can't be directly urged.

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