After completely killing Tang Yu, a series of system prompts sounded in Lin Xingyun's mind.

"First receive the [Treasure of Possession] gold!"

Lin Xingyun ordered, and put away the photo stone, intending to keep it for later enjoyment, maybe it would be of great use.

And the emperor's experience, magic skills, these things must be extremely complicated, and it is not convenient to receive them rashly at this time.

And with Lin Xingyun's order, the system immediately issued a reward.

An extremely mysterious dark purple halo suddenly floated out from the void and landed around Lin Xingyun.

The next moment, he felt something in his heart, and it seemed that an inseparable connection had been established with the Tianji Town Demon Tower, which was still in a stalemate with the Great Luo Dao Sword!

Seeing the blood killing, he had completely devoured Tang Yu's flesh and blood, leaving only a pile of white bones.

Just kicked it at random.

But the force was so great that it directly shattered all the bones into ashes, and fluttered in the prison of exterminating sin............

After solving all this, he volleyed back and announced to the Tianji Town Demon Tower.

"Tang Yu is dead, and now you are connected to me."

"Not reconciling yet? Want to be fed to the Great Luo Dao Sword?

He announced with his hand, and the Heavenly Magic Tower trembled violently!

Da Luo Dao Sword emitted a joyful sword sound, as if asking, "Really, is it really?" Is it really feeding?

But the pagoda hesitated for a while, then gradually converged its divine light, turned into a small dark purple pagoda nine inches tall, and quickly floated down in front of Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun waved his hand, and the Tianji Town Demon Tower turned into a streamer and flew into the cave sky in his body to stay.

As soon as the pagoda entered the body, as if it was in order to give a gift, it spontaneously released the dark purple brilliance of the Dao, which merged into Lin Xingyun's limbs and hundred remains.

Under Lin Xingyun's inner vision, he only felt that his ten-inch wheel sea, ten yuan mansions, one thousand and eighty cave heavens, and even his divine soul were being enhanced to varying degrees!

Originally, his Lun Hai and Yuan Mansion had reached the most complete and extreme level.

But this Tianji Town Demon Tower seemed to be able to ignore the restrictions and continue to strengthen all his cultivation foundations!

Although this enhancement is not obvious enough, it is subtle and continuous.

As long as time goes on, his cultivation foundation will definitely be able to be proud of all the strong people in ancient and modern times in the future!

"It is worthy of being the supreme treasure of the Immortal Domain, it is really a waste to use it for Tang Yu, after all, how can he have enough resources to forge the ultimate foundation?"

Lin Xingyun smiled with satisfaction, and felt that coming out to mix, in the end, there must still be power and background!

Then, as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that the Great Luo Dao Sword was also flying towards him, and he immediately stretched out his hand to take it in his palm.

At this time, the Great Luo Dao Sword had dissipated its power, and only half of the sword body was restored.

It seems that it did not eat the Heavenly Machinery Town Demon Tower, causing it to emit a regretful sword sound.

Lin Xingyun's face showed a little gentleness, and he stroked the sword body and said gratefully.

"Hard work, hard work."

"In return, I will continue to find various magic weapons to feed you in the future to help you truly recover your perfection as soon as possible!"

"Little dance, I will also be fed!"

Hearing this, the Great Luo Dao Sword once again swayed gently with joy!

Lin Xingyun stroked the sword body, then took it back to the cave sky, walked to Bai Ze's side, and said with a smile.

"Dabai, thanks to you, you can be called the best in the whole audience today!"

"To be honest, I don't even know how to repay you!"

"Huh! Fake, the flesh is numb!

"You gave me so many fire spirit fragments to help me condense the divine fire, this time it should be leveled!"

Bai Ze still hugged the sleepy Su Qianwu, made a disgusted expression, and skimmed his face.

Seeing her deliberate look, Lin Xingyun couldn't help but feel funny, and almost wanted to throw himself into her arms and tease her.

She has a big heart and a tall figure, eight feet away.

At this time, Su Qianwu slept in her arms, petite and cute like a doll.

Even Lin Xingyun roughly estimated that even if she contained herself in her arms, she was still very generous.

But this place should not stay for a long time, so he let Bai Ze re-transform into a beast form, carrying her and Su to the outside world with a light dance.

"By the way, Dabai, what magical power did you just cast?"

"Those spell marks can not only reproduce the power of the Daluo Dao Sword, but also use the Dao Sword to suppress the Tianji Town Demon Tower, which is really wonderful!"

During the journey, Lin Xingyun couldn't help but ask with emotion.

"That is one of the nine great Heavenly Venerables in ancient times, the inheritance technique of Lingbao Tianzun-Lingbao Sutra."

"It contains a large number of treasure refining and treasure control methods, and after cultivating to the extreme, even without the help of other supreme treasures, you can directly seize the immortal domain supreme treasure like the Heavenly Machine Town Demon Tower!"

Bai Ze introduced quite proudly.

"Nine Heavenly Venerables? Lingbao Tianzun?

Lin Xingyun frowned, and couldn't help but think of Ye Que and Qin Di Yao.

After all, the life scripts of the two of them can be written that they are both the reincarnations of the former Tianzun!

"Well, it was the oldest era in the Immortal Domain, and the nine powerhouses who stood at the pinnacle were all ranked side by side in the world back then, and were worshipped by hundreds of millions of living beings."

"But it's too long ago to be gone."

"Maybe they have all died, or maybe they are living in seclusion somewhere..." Bai

Ze's face showed a bit of memory, and his eyes showed vicissitudes.

"Huh? Is that the nine great Heavenly Venerables, each of which has a peerless inheritance like the Spirit Treasure Sutra?

Lin Xingyun's eyes lit up and continued to ask.

"Are you thinking about peaches again?"

"Those Tianzuns are too old, the inheritance has long been lost in the years, and some have not even left the inheritance at all!"

"Only our clan once had a relationship with Lingbao Tianzun, and before he disappeared, he left the Lingbao Sutra inheritance in our clan."

Bai Ze said with disdain, and Lin Xingyun thought secretly in his heart.

"The inheritance of the Nine Heavenly Venerables must be of infinite use."

"If I can get it, it will definitely help me a lot!"

"And Yaoyao is one of the Tianzun, although she has not yet awakened the memories of her previous life, she must have the inheritance of Tianzun, then if I find a way to inherit her to..."

No way! My conscience... It started hurting again!

Lin Xingyun stroked his heart, only feeling that he thought of Qin Di Yao, that miserable experience and pitiful little appearance.

The conscience, which was already small, began to grow and hurt again!

Unless there is something that can make his conscience hard, hard as iron!

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to raise those bad thoughts against Qin Di Yao.

"Dabai, teach me the Lingbao Sutra as well."

"At most half a month, I will go to the Nether after I have made sufficient preparations, and before that, I will try to comprehend it."

Lin Xingyun stroked his heart, and patted Bai Ze's dragon horn and asked.

"The teaching can teach you, but... Do you want to comprehend the Spirit Treasure Sutra in half a month?

"You little ghost, you're really getting more and more floating!"

"No way, there are too many affairs entangled, so I always hold Buddha's feet temporarily, hold temporarily..."

Talking all the way, Bai Ze flew out of the Prison of Extermination and returned to the Sword Pavilion after a while.



Half a month later, Yaochi was in charge of the temple.

Liu Qiuyan was sitting behind a book, with his chin drawn, with a shallow smile on his face, and his eyes were full of memories, playing with the red jade bracelet.

From time to time, I even leaned into the tip of my nose to sniff it.

Sensing Lin Xingyun coming, she put down the jade bracelet and straightened her posture.

After a while, Lin Xingyun led Bai Ze and entered the hall together.

"Master, the disciple is ready."

"Please Master, this will open the realm door for the disciples."

Lin Xingyun walked up to the master and bowed.

For half a month, he spent retreat in the Sword Pavilion and practiced swords.

While comprehending the "Spirit Treasure Sutra", he received the two lives of [Great Emperor Experience] orange and [Refining Genius] purple.

In a hurry, the Lingbao Sutra finally comprehended the beginning.

With the help of the Spirit Treasure Sutra, he was now able to skillfully urge the Heavenly Machinery Town Demon Tower to defend and suppress.

Without being like Tang Yu, he can only be passively excited at the moment of life and death.

And those two fates, he chose to receive [Refining Genius] Zi as much as possible, from which he comprehended a large number of magic powers and magic methods.

As for the experience of a great emperor, it is simply as vast as a sea of smoke.

Fortunately, the system is directly issued, plus Lin Xingyun's [Innate Dao Embryo] understanding is already top-level.

And Tang Yu's previous life also belonged to the weaker rank among the great emperors, and his cultivation path did not have much reference value, and Lin Xingyun did not spend much energy to comprehend.

But he still reaped two surprises!

The first thing is that from Tang Yu's experience, he completely learned about the other party's fall in his previous life.

The other party was actually poisoned and murdered by his son-in-law first, and then the two sides fought a big battle, and finally ended up dead!

And most of his Great Emperor Daoguo and relics were also obtained by his son-in-law!

That person seemed to be from the Hades Forbidden Area, but the years were too long ago to know if he was still in the Hades.

And when Lin Xingyun learned that there were still such virtuous sons-in-law in the world.

I can't help but sigh with emotion.

If you plan to meet each other in the future, you may be able to drink and talk about life!

The second surprise was Tang Yu's magic power.

Its various tricks cover everything, from combat, stealth, defense, poisoning, and so on.

But Lin Xingyun only took a brief look and selected several of the useful demon techniques, and successfully cultivated them!

He even deliberately used a few life number copy cards, respectively looking for Qin Di Yao and Zhao Hanyi, and copied a few life numbers.

Now that he was well prepared, he naturally did not delay any longer, and immediately went to the Nether!

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