
"I also felt... He was very strange, when he was in the village, he could actually give me a martial arts cultivation! "

I just didn't expect that... It was actually taken away by someone!

Su nodded lightly and said with the same indignation.

She already trusted Lin Xingyun 100% completely.

In addition, she also recalled at this time that Tang Yu's strange performance in the past was even more convinced.

"Xiao Wu, after all, he is the Great Emperor who has taken the house, and he still has the supreme treasure protection in his body, so it is not easy to kill."

"Later, you listen to Dabai's orders, try your best to help me, we must solve this evil thief today!"

"Hmm! Good! Tang

Yu looked at the two of them singing and singing, and had already decided to join forces to kill himself.

"Little... Little Dance ———!


He finally couldn't stand such a stimulus, and he was angry and attacked, and a large mouthful of blood came out on the spot.

Lin Xingyun took advantage of the momentum and cut out hundreds of lapis gold sword grasses, rushing straight towards Tang Yu's head!


Sure enough, just when those sword grasses were about to take Tang Yu's life.

Another purple treasure light burst out from Tang Yu's body, resisting countless sword grasses, and was stimulated to start protecting the Lord!

The next moment, a small lilac tower floated out from the sky of Tang Yudong, and in an instant, the spiritual power that suppressed him was shattered into heavenly fragments!

Then he enveloped Tang Yu entirely, protecting him and fleeing elsewhere!

"Hmph! Want to escape? "


Lin Xingyun called, Bai Ze had already pinched the magic technique in his hand, turning into thousands of ancient occult runes, which were wrapped around the Great Luo Dao Sword and Su Qianwu's body respectively!

"Little dance, relax your mind, and resonate with the Great Luo Dao Sword to your heart's content!"

"Hmm! I will!

Su Qianwu nodded, closed his eyes, let the runes on his body do it, and at the same time did his best to call the Da Luo Dao Sword in his heart!

Lin Xingyun also gushed out all the spiritual power in his body, cooperating with urging the Dao Sword in his hand.

Almost without orders, the esoteric inscriptions on its half of its body were already circulating, flashing a large gray halo, resonating with Su Qianwu, and suddenly taking it a step further!

The next moment, Bai Zedao drank, and each hand shot out a magical immortal light, flying into the bodies of Su Qianwu and Da Luo Dao's sword!

Su Qianwu's body was surrounded by fairy light, and a white jade scabbard shadow naturally appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, his body trembled, and the virtual shadow behind him turned into a streamer, instantly merging into the Great Luo Dao Sword!

The Da Luo Dao Sword seemed to turn into a round of daylight, and the light was dazzling, illuminating the entire prison of extermination that was as dark as night all year round, and instantly illuminated like day!


An unprecedented loud sword sound instantly penetrated the Annihilation Prison, resounded throughout the entire Yaochi Holy Land, and spread in all directions!

When that dazzling fairy light dissipated.

In front of Lin Xingyun's eyes, there was already a three-foot-nine-inch, complete jade sword with inscriptions!

Although half of them are false, they may soon dissipate.

But at this time, the power of the Great Luo Dao Sword was obviously countless times better than Fang Cai!

After Su Qianwu cast the phantom, she seemed to be very tired and fell into Lin Xingyun's arms drowsy.

Lin Xingyun handed her to Bai Ze's broad bosom and let her rest at ease.

Then he turned around and stretched out his sword, only to feel that the majestic sword in his hand was pressing, like a mighty heaven, but in fact, he was still far from being able to bear it.

He was sure that if it weren't for the Great Luo Dao Sword, spontaneously and fully supporting, just the sword qi overflowing by the Dao Sword would be able to cut himself into a corpse!

After holding the sword steadily, he stepped out in one step, his figure flashed like thunder, and he had already arrived in front of the Tianji Town Demon Tower that was about to escape!

Then a sword slashed out with all its strength, and suddenly collided with the tower's body!

"Bang ————!"

With the explosion of a gold and iron exchange, the boundless qi wave spread, shaking the corpses and bones all over the ground into flying ash!

This time, even the Tianji Town Demon Tower could no longer block this sword body, and it seemed to be in a stalemate with the Daluo Dao Sword, which was also the supreme treasure, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat for a while!

And Bai Ze had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and she spat out mysterious mysteries, as if chanting some kind of ancient mantra.

When she finished chanting, a black and white spell mark turned into her hand, spinning each other non-stop, forming a restraining force for each other.


In the next instant, she threw it with one hand and slammed the black and white spell seal directly towards the Great Luo Dao Sword and the Tianji Town Demon Tower!

"Oh ————!"

"Buzz ————!"

The two supreme treasures were smashed by the two colors of brilliance, and they actually emitted a sound of instrumentation in unison.

But under the confrontation between the two, the Great Luo Dao Sword was obviously more powerful, and the Tianji Town Demon Tower was quickly weakened, and the purple light that was suppressed began to be constantly restrained, and it was even more difficult to escape!

After more than a dozen breaths, the Tianji Town Demon Tower began to tremble violently.


The next moment, Tang Yu was directly shaken out by the Tianji Town Demon Tower, completely exposed!

Bai Ze did not stop, casually spitting out a brilliant fairy light, directly towards Tang Yu.

Five years ago, Lin Xingyun left her a massive amount of fire spirit fragments, allowing her to refine and absorb them to her heart's content, and finally allowed her to break through with an unprecedented strong divine fire foundation, and now her cultivation has already entered the princely realm to complete!

At this time, she just hit at random, still powerful and shocking, turning everything along the way into ashes!

Feeling the terrifying power of that immortal light, Tang Yu was almost revenant!

He immediately mobilized his spiritual power and essence blood, and did his best to display the strongest defensive power he could exert at this time.

"Tianluo Fa, Tianluo Golden Body!"

I saw a blue-gold brilliance flashing around him, turning into a solid barrier close to his body, completely protecting his whole body in it.

His divine ability is the biggest protective skill that he relied on to become famous back then, and under the Saint Realm, he can cross two great realms to resist each other's attacks!

But he was too weaker than Bai Ze, and at this time, even if he tried his best, under the blow of the immortal light, his protective golden body was still easily shattered!


After an earth-shattering explosion, his golden body divine power burst into heavenly fragments, and he was also bombarded by the immortal light, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

Then, in a blur of flesh and blood, he flew upside down and flew away!

But Bai Ze did as Lin Xingyun ordered, left his hand and left a breath for the other party so that he could hand it over to Lin Xingyun to kill.

And at this moment, I saw that the Tianji Town Demon Tower had dimmed in light, still restricted by the Great Luo Dao Sword, and was frozen in mid-air.

And the connection between it and Tang Yu was finally completely cut off at this time under the continuous display of the two-color spell seal, coupled with Tang Yu's injury and defeat!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Child of Destiny! "

The reward villain is worth 40,000!" Tang Yuqi's luck value dropped by 40,000! Remaining gas luck value: 0! "

Tang Yuqi's luck value is cleared to zero, and after killing, you can get a large number of villain values, and get all its blue or more hits!"

Lin Xingyun heard the system prompt and did not hesitate.

He directly let go of the sword, stepped into the air, and his figure crossed in an instant, and he was in front of Tang Yu, who fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Tang Yu was already seriously injured at this time and could not afford to fall to the ground.

But he saw that the beast he hated the most in his life was walking towards him step by step!

In the case of extreme anger, he suddenly gushed a force from the bottom of his heart!

Immediately strong spirit, make the last magical power!

"Shine the gods!"

He roared angrily, went all out, and released two purple rays of light from his eyes, bursting towards Lin Xingyun's divine soul!

This pupil technique has completely fused the evil qi in the prison of extermination, and its power is several times better than it was at the beginning.

"Hehe, it's this pupil technique again, you want to laugh at me to death?"

Lin Xingyun only felt very interesting, smiling viciously and running his pupils, and also burst out two five-color divine lights from his eyes, colliding head-on with Tang Yu's pupil technique!

In just one breath of time, the heavy pupil divine light shattered Tang Yu's pupil magic power!

Then Yu Wei did not abate, and directly broke into Tang Yu's eyes!


Tang Yu's pupils shattered instantly, blood flowed, and he let out a miserable scream again!

Lin Xingyun turned his hand to take the Blood Killing Sword.

Bully approach, directly stab down with a sword!

This time, there was finally no more obstruction, it was extremely smooth, and a sword pierced into Tang Yu's heart!


Tang Yu's extremely painful wail also instantly resounded throughout this eighteenth layer of the Annihilation Prison!

"Give me a hard bite to eat his flesh and blood!"

"Otherwise, I'll feed you the Da Luo Dao Sword!"

Lin Xingyun skillfully sneered and threatened.

Originally, there was still some hesitation in the blood killing sword.

Immediately the whale swallowed the siphon and began to eat with tears in his eyes!

Tang Yu's body was also rapidly shriveling and pale at a speed visible to the naked eye!

His eyebrows flashed with the light of his divine soul, as if he wanted to desperately escape with his divine soul!

However, Lin Xingyun had already taken precautions and released three Spirit Swords to encircle him.

As soon as his divine soul was about to emerge, he was slashed back into his body by a spirit sword!


The divine soul was severely damaged, making Tang Yu's aura weaken fiercely again, and it was estimated that after a few more breaths, he would completely lose his vitality!

Lin Xingyun was moved in his heart, wanting to try to see if he could burst the villain value after his luck value was cleared to zero.

After a little thought, he smiled evilly, intending to tell a white lie!

"Tang Yu, it's not easy to see that you are dying."

"Let's guess a puzzle and have fun?"

"Livestock... Brute... Die... Dead ——! Tang

Yu was already angry, but he still held his breath and cursed angrily!

"Listen, the puzzle looks like this."

"You have been in prison for all these years, and I have to love Xiao Wu several times a day and taste all kinds of games with her."

"But a month ago, I suddenly stopped hurting her."

"Guess why?"

Lin Xingyun's mysterious words fell into Tang Yu's ears.

Let him be both humiliated and angry to the extreme!

I couldn't help but be stunned in shock, and even the angry scolding stopped for a while.

After a while, seeing the blood killing sword, he was about to eat his flesh and blood, and he almost lost the strength to open his mouth!

Lin Xingyun laughed word by word.

"Alas, see that you can't hold on, tell you the mystery."

"Because of her, pregnant, pregnant."

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment.

Immediately after that, in the case of extreme anger, the crippled body began to tremble violently!

When he thought of Su Qianwu, who he always cherished and never treated badly, he was still completely ruined by the beast in front of him, and he was pregnant with a child!

And they are cooperating with each other to kill themselves!

The resentment and hatred in his heart soared to the highest peak in his life in an instant!

"You—!!! You—beast—beast————!!! He

tried his best, wanting to curse at the end.

But he was angry and attacked, and a breath of resentment was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't scold it!


The next moment, he took out the last mouthful of blood.

Finally, the body trembled, the head was tilted, and the flesh completely lost its vitality!

"Ding! The host makes the Child of Destiny heartbroken, and the additional reward villain value is 66666!

"Well, you can explode without luck, not bad."

Lin Xingyun nodded in satisfaction, and then controlled the Spirit Sword and cut into Tang Yu's head.

Completely cut off his badly damaged and weakened divine soul!

The Tianluo Emperor, who was also the leader of the Immortal Domain at the beginning, was able to escape the remnant soul and be reborn after being murdered.

But at this moment, in this eighteen-layer Sin-Destroying Prison, it finally completely fell into Lin Xingyun's hands!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Tang Yu, the son of destiny!

"This kill belongs to the kill after the gas luck value is cleared, and the reward villain value is 200000!"

"This kill belongs to the kill after the qi luck value is cleared to zero, and the host Tang Yu is rewarded with all the blue or above life——— [Body with the Most Treasure] Gold, [Great Emperor Experience] Orange, [Refining Genius] Purple!"

"Do you want to receive the life reward now?"

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