"Nebula, although those small worlds are far weaker than the Immortal Domain, they are still places that raise hundreds of millions of living beings after all."

"Its origin in the world is still mysterious, usually hidden and difficult to find."

"There are usually three ways to find the origin of the small world."

Liu Qiuyan saw that the apprentice had really made up his mind, and it was not easy to persuade again, so

he had to explain coquettishly.

"The first is to purely rely on personal opportunities to find the origin of the world hidden in the hidden region in the vast world."

"But if the timing is wrong and the strength is insufficient, often the origin of the world is reluctant to appear."

"Or it is guarded by strong defensive objects, and if it finds it, it will suffer from it."

"The second is to need a person who carries the fortune of that small world."

"When he is born, or goes from the Nether Realm of the Immortal Domain."

"It will sense each other with the origin of that small world and induce the origin of the world to be born."

"The third is the evil method that is extremely harmful to the heavens and peace..."

"It is necessary to slaughter hundreds of millions of living beings in that small world and irrigate the earth with the flesh and blood of living beings."

"Kill to a certain extent, the origin of the world will be forced to appear

..." "But Nebula, as a last resort, I still don't want you to use the third method, after all, the crime is too heavy..."

Liu Qiuyan said here, his eyebrows lowered and admonished.

There seems to be some hesitation.

Should the disciples be discouraged from acting like that?

"Master, you have thought too much, the disciple is not the Fourteenth Ancestor!"

"The disciple said that in the future, if the master will teach the disciple to follow the right path, how can he kill innocents indiscriminately?"

Lin Xingyun stared at Master Venerable and assured with sincerity.

"Well, good boy, Master will teach you well!"

Liu Qiuyan was already relieved.

I couldn't help but smile and reach out and gently touch his head.

Thinking that he could guide the good disciples back to the right path from under Lin Rong.

She felt that she was simply meritorious!

After touching Lin Xingyun a few more times, she felt that something was wrong to touch again, so she naturally withdrew her hand.

Then he immediately turned around and personally drew out a series of runes.

In a moment, a space door that flashed silver light had opened in front of her.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and the vast divine soul power of the Emperor Realm rippled out.

Straight into the space door, skip the many space barriers.

Start exploring the current situation of the Three Thousand Small Worlds.

Three thousand small worlds, the scope is large, although it is far inferior to three thousand prefectures.

But it is still vast, and it travels hundreds of millions of miles.

But under the divine probe of her Great Emperor Realm.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the general situation of the three thousand small worlds was already clear.

She was planning to choose the most suitable small world for Lin Xingyun.

Suddenly, Xiu's eyebrows furrowed.


"The Burning Flame Realm in the Nether Realm seems to be under a large-scale attack by foreigners?"

"Among them, the bloody anger is fierce, and it seems that it has already created boundless killing!"

Liu Qiuyan sensed the war and carnage in that small world, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Isn't that a coincidence? Save me the effort! "

Huh? Nebula, what do you say?! "

Ahem... Cough...... Master, nothing!

"I mean, just choose this Burning Realm!"

Lin Xingyun coughed twice and replied with a smile.

"Oh, you..."

Liu Qiuyan sighed with a slight shake of her head.

The amorous glance gave him an infinite white.

It didn't teach him a lesson, but instead told him with concern.

"Nebula, the exotic is not an ordinary person."

"Their combat power is generally stronger than that of Immortal Domain creatures, and they kill fiercely, and it is impossible to have the slightest hand on Immortal Domain creatures."

"Now it is even more aggressive, if you choose this small world, it is really too dangerous!"

Lin Xingyun listened and nodded subconsciously.

Lin Chen and Lin Feng disappeared, and they were inseparable from foreign lands.

Naturally, he had already specifically learned all the information about the foreign land.

When he repeatedly confirmed from various texts.

Aliens are absolutely ferocious and cruel after their hearts.

He just let go of his heart and stopped worrying about them!

The foreign land is a vast area outside the border pass of the Immortal Domain.

It is also vast, no less than the Immortal Domain.

And the two sides are naturally antagonistic and do not die.

Foreigners always want to break through the border barrier and attack the Immortal Domain.

Under the Immortal Domain, there are three thousand small world planes.

Under the foreign land, there is naturally a secondary plane.

Among them, there are also countless alien creatures living in existence, and their cultivation is also the highest not exceeding the perfection of the princely realm.

In the Nether, the three thousand small worlds have naturally been attacked and killed by foreigners for a long time, and they have not stopped for thousands of years.

Some small worlds are not lucky enough and have been repeatedly attacked by foreigners.

The entire world of life has been slaughtered!

The lucky small world can help the origin of the world, or under the leadership of the people of destiny and the people from the immortal domain, fight off the foreigners and protect the peace of a small world!

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