"Well, because it is said that after he cultivated to the Cave Heaven Realm, he was a little delirious.

"Later, it even affected the Dao heart, became crazy, and finally did not cross the imperial calamity, and died by himself. "

Delirium, can this kind of strong person still be insane, and committed suicide?!"

Lin Xingyun was more and more surprised, and couldn't help asking.

"It's a long story, and this matter is too old and has a lot of secrets.

"At the beginning, there were rumors back then that the Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Monument of the Cave Heaven Realm was left in a small world in the Nether. "

The Immortal Domain is so big, there are three thousand Dao states.

And in the lower realm of the Immortal Domain, there are also three thousand small worlds, which correspond to the three thousand Dao states one by one.

In those small worlds, the Dao is not complete, the spiritual energy is thin, although there are hundreds of millions of living beings, and there are many cultivators, but at most, they can only cultivate to the perfection of the princely realm.

"The Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Monument is in the small world, and that Chu Wudao naturally wants to go to the lower realm to find it.

"But when he returned to the Immortal Domain, many people found that all the cave heavens in his body had been fused into one, achieving an extremely powerful and unique cave heaven, and his combat power had completely reached the princely realm.

But his sanity is said to have been abnormal. "

Whenever people chant all day, 'can't get it', 'can't get it'..."

"Later, some people went to that small world, wanting to find the Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Monument and obtain the treasures on the Heavenly Monument, thinking that the Heavenly Monument treasures made him transform."

"But I found that the old site of the heavenly monument was already empty

..." "But it stands to reason that the heavenly monument is mysterious and abnormal, even if it is a saint realm, it cannot be moved..."

Liu Qiuyan told the time.

Lin Xingyun already looked strange when he heard it.

Because according to the saying of the master.

That Chu Wudao, that time, actually managed to reach the most extreme of the Cave Heaven Realm

! He also took away all the treasures in the Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Stele, and the Heavenly Monument naturally shattered and disappeared!

"Should this person be..." "

It was suddenly discovered that in addition to the first place treasure, there was also a supreme treasure hidden in the heavenly stele, but he could no longer get the supreme treasure in the previous three heavenly monuments..."

"Is this the perfectionist roll king?!" "

Roll ranking, all rolled up to the first is not satisfied, you have to get the treasure!"

"It's so rolled!

"Master, according to this, the next step I want to take

is to fuse a body of Dongtian into one?" "Well, but this point is also very difficult, according to his method, he needs to obtain the recognition of the world origin of a small world, and let it help you fuse a body of Dongtian and become one."

Liu Qiuyan nodded, but Lin Xingyun couldn't help but question.

"Master, how do you know so clearly, he is so obsessed with the limits of each realm, he will never make this cultivation method public, right?"

"Alas, it's not your fourteenth ancestor!" "Your fourteenth ancestor's

cultivation of the killing path, the stronger the person killed, the greater the benefit to her way. "

When I was wandering with your fourteenth ancestor, and I was meeting him in the void and starting to transform into a Dao, and he was about to die, your fourteenth ancestor habitually wanted to kill people and give him a ride.

Liu Qiuyan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I can't help but recall the scene of accompanying Lin Rong and killing people everywhere to seize treasures.

She herself has always been benevolent, and she really does not want to kill more.

But Lin Rong couldn't wait to see one kill one

! When the killing rose, he often chanted poems such as "all things are born to nourish people"! "

Master, then, what about the fourteen ancestors slaughtered him?"

Before he could make a move, then Chu Wudao suddenly regained his consciousness and was no longer crazy.

"He also realized part of his realm, and said that he and our two current emperors, hoping to form a good relationship, and take care of his self-styled child in the future..."


Your fourteenth ancestor didn't kill him, it's a pity..." Liu

Qiuyan sighed after speaking.

Immediately looked at Lin Xingyun with worry.

"Nebula, the people in the Nether, although generally weaker than the Immortal Domain, there are also many crises.

"It is also extremely difficult to get the recognition of the origin of the small world, you..."

"Master Venerable does not need to persuade, the disciple has already made up his mind!" "

It took five years to strip the master of the ominous, although this is the responsibility of the disciple.

"But on the disciple... There is also an extremely important matter

!" "We must strengthen the foundation of cultivation as much as possible

!" "This trip to the Nether Realm is bound to succeed!"

Lin Xingyun solemnly replied.

"Alas... You kid..."

Then you must remember to be more careful.

Liu Qiuyan sighed softly and raised his hand.

He took out a silver stone talisman and handed it to Lin Xingyun.

"This is a boundary-breaking charm, when you encounter danger in the Nether, crush it and return here in an instant.

"Master Xie. Lin

Xingyun took the boundary-breaking talisman.

Seeing that Liu Qiuyan was still full of worry, he knew that she was still worried.

Suddenly, something came to his mind.

Immediately, he flipped his hand and took out the red jade bracelet.

Wearing it on his wrist, he chuckled and said with relief.

"Master, don't worry about it, I still have the treasures given by the Fourteen Ancestors for self-defense.

"With this bracelet on my body, I am the greatest danger in the Nether!" Liu

Qiuyan looked at the bracelet and was stunned.

Then shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

"Nebula, you can't take this bracelet with you.

"The space of those small worlds is fragile.

"Don't say it's your fourteen ancestors, even if it's a saint, it's likely to collapse there."

"At that time, the means of your Fourteen Ancestors will be slightly revealed, and it may even cause the collapse of large and small worlds."

"Under the reversal of heaven and earth, the boundary-breaking talisman may not work..." "

Well, and this kind of thing?"

Lin Xingyun listened, and although he was a little surprised, he quickly calmed down.

As soon as he thought about it, he took off the bracelet with a smile and handed it to Liu Qiuyan.

"Master, this is the personal possession of my fourteen ancestors.

"Since it is inconvenient to bring it, let it be kept by you, Master."

"You haven't seen my Fourteenth Ancestor in many years, and you must miss her too, right?" "

Nebula, you..."

Liu Qiuyan hesitated for a while.

Still took the bracelet.

She rubbed for a while, feeling the breath that belonged to Lin Rong above.

For a moment, even his eyes were a little red.


"Don't worry, I will take care of it before you return..."

Liu Qiuyan held the jade bracelet in her heart.

Closing his eyes and sighing.

A soft smile curled at the corner of his mouth.

Now she's gone in ominousness.

Just waiting for the right time, she already wanted to meet Lin Rong!

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