"Master doesn't have to be polite, this is what a disciple should do.

Lin Xingyun saw that she finally showed a gratifying smile, but she felt extremely happy.

But then he gave up to Liu Qiuyan.

"By the way, Master Venerable, before this Nether Realm, the disciple still has a matter that needs to be closed, and I want to ask Master Venerable for help!"


At noon that day, the Yaochi Holy Land was in charge of the main hall.

The Four Peaks Peak Lord, together with all the elders above the Saint Realm, had already gathered in the hall at this time.

Liu Qiuyan was already dressed neatly, wearing a crow green palm sect robe, wearing a lapis gold crown on his head, occupying the first seat, and the behemoth emperor was not angry, so that everyone in the hall was silent, and did not dare to move the slightest.

However, the sect finally got out and sat in the Holy Land, and most of them still felt a lot more at ease.

After everyone finished saluting, they still took Yang Zhi first and began to report to Liu Qiuyan.

Lin Xingyun came to the side of Qianjian Peak, standing sideways next to Liu Xinyan.

At this time, when he looked at the master listening and instructing the peak lords and elders, his appearance was both majestic and noble.

I just feel that the fragrant experience in the past five years is simply like a dream!

"Maybe soon, I will come back from the Nether

..." "I will be able to relive the old dream..."

Lin Xingyun quickly shook his head as he pondered.

Try to restrain yourself from thinking about those things.

And when all the peak lords and elders finished their duties, Liu Qiuyan suddenly glanced at Yang Zhi coldly.

"Lord Yang Feng, I heard that you took in a disciple, named Tang Yu, who once tried to murder the same sect?"

"Qiyu is in charge of the sect, there is indeed this matter, I have already dealt with it fairly at that time, and I have imprisoned Tang Yu in the prison of exterminating crimes and being tortured, and he will complete his sentence in more than three years..."

Yang Zhi replied tremblingly, and a bad premonition already appeared in his heart.

"It doesn't have to be three years.

"Actually murder even the door, such a vicious person must not be lenient!"

"Tang Yu, you don't need to ask any more questions, I have my own disposal of this person."

"In the future, discipline those disciples of yours and don't let them behave indiscriminately."

Liu Qiuyan declared coldly, with a rare killing intent in his eyes.

"Yes... Obey the orders of the sect!" Although

Yang Zhi replied respectfully, his face was already black to the point of shining, and he secretly roared in his heart

! Disciple disciples

, where did he discipline?!

Now the two holy sons he passed down, Lu Min and Chu Xin, had already died in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, and they didn't even know where the bones were...

Listening to the tone of the palm sect again, Tang Yu was already in trouble!

Thinking of his disciples suffering one after another, he subconsciously looked at Lin Xingyun, his eyes full of resentment and resentment.

"This kid... Less than seven years after coming to the Holy Land, I had three disciples dead!" "

If he stays here for seven hundred years, wouldn't I have to die three hundred disciples?!"

but Lin Xingyun didn't bother to look at him.

is intently appreciating, Liu Qiuyan's protective and partial appearance.

My eyes are full of emotion and enthusiasm.

"Master, even if you don't want to accept a disciple, it doesn't matter.

"The disciples will still do their best to repay your kindness!" He

had seen Liu Qiuyan's fate, plus the incomparably detailed guide of the Fourteen Ancestors.

He has long known his master, because he was abandoned by his father since he was a child, and he lacked his father's love and care.

It is even recorded in that guide.

When his master was young, he slept with the Fourteen Ancestors, often holding him in his sleep and calling his father..........

"When the disciple

returns from the Nether..." "

The disciple will definitely help you realize your dream and make you satisfied!"


Day and night.

The moon star is rare, and the black magpie flies south.


white-haired fairy beast stepped into the air, carrying a man and a woman on its back, clinging to each other.

"Little dance... You relax, my waist is about to break..." "

It's all to blame on you! We haven't seen each other in five years... This big night... Why are you taking me out?!" Su

Qianwu angrily snorted, a pair of long legs, as if venting and wrapping around Lin Xingyun's waist.

After a while, she saw that she was already high in the sky.

On Bai Ze, there are only two of them.

As if recalling the past, some pleasant scenes....

After she hesitated for a while, she blushed and boldly reached out to pull Lin Xingyun's clothes.

"I'll have to do serious business later, so don't mess around yet."

Lin Xingyun grabbed her wrist and shook her head.

"What... What's the matter?!" "

You'll know then."


Su Qianwu listened angrily and urgently, and her legs exerted strength again, so that Lin Xingyun couldn't help but gasp.


Lin Xingyun had to lower his head and print it on her lips.

Relying on the advantage of skillful tongue, he finally calmed her temporarily, and the long legs around her waist relaxed a little............

A moment later, Bai Ze fell straight into a hidden area in the northwest corner of the Yaochi Holy Land.

This place is extremely gloomy and cold, full of bloody qi, and a hundred-square-foot high miserable white bone door is standing majestically in the very center of this place.

A gray-robed old man in the shape of a withered man, just like in the past, closed his eyes and meditated, without the slightest breath.

It wasn't until Bai Ze stepped into this place with Lin Xingyun and Su Qianwu that he opened his eyes slightly.

He didn't move, but as soon as his mind moved, the bone door behind him rumbled open.

Then, from his cuff, a black wood token flew out, and it fell into Lin Xingyun's hands in the blink of an eye.

"The Master Sect has already commanded that the sword son holding this token will not be able to suppress the effect of spiritual power in the Annihilation Prison. "

There is Lao Feng.

Lin Xingyun greeted, then patted Bai Ze's dragon horn, harnessed her into white light, and flew into the bone gate.



At this time, the eighteenth floor.

It's a dark world with cloudy skies.

Red light flashed from the sky from time to time, and the earth was full of dried and blackened blood and decaying corpses, like a living purgatory on earth.

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