[Hint: Hometown can review chapter 47 and add some settings]

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Jun Wangu calmed his anger for a while.

After thinking about it for a moment, he still picked up the transmission talisman and gave an order to a Great Sage Realm elder to open a realm door so that his younger son could go to the Nether.

In his opinion, because the Nether Realm was incomplete, the cultivator could only reach the Princely Realm at the highest level.

And in the realm of princes, there is absolutely no way that anyone can help their young son, and there will indeed be no danger.

As for the strong people above the Saint Realm, they are limited by the laws of the Immortal Domain, and they can't break through the realm at all, let alone worry.

After he had instructed the elder, he took out a stick of incense.

Casually, a black smoke was ignited, and I saw that the smoke floated up and condensed into a ball, from which came a gloomy and extremely evil aura.

"What's the matter?"

"Source Ghost, contact a group of aliens for me in the Nether, and I will drive it then."


"Well, by the way, how are Lin Chen and Lin Feng's father and son doing?

Don't patronize the Primordial Eucharist and torture them fiercely!"

"I also have to take the shadow stones and record all the miserable scenes of their torture, I will be of great use in the future!"

"Well, thank you, your clan is really wonderful, it was simply born to mutilate the Primordial Holy Body

!" "It's a pity that you can't break through the border pass for the time being, otherwise when you attack the Lin family in the future, I really want to invite you to join in the grand event!"

As the other party spoke, he extinguished the conversation on his own, and the black smoke slowly dispersed.

Jun Wangu sneered, and did not care, but his face was full of joy and inexplicability.

"Lin Xingyun, you can't dream of a little miscellaneous thing, right?"

"Your father and your eldest brother are now in a foreign land, suffering thousands of tortures

!" "If you kill my eldest son and seriously injure me, I will return it ten times a hundred times on

your father and brother!" "He will capture you every day, and I will let you see with your own eyes the image of your father and brother, tortured in every way, and finally died tragically!"

Jun Wangu gritted his teeth and sneered, only to feel greatly relieved.

He seemed to have been able to imagine Lin Xingyun's grief-stricken, wailing and crying miserable appearance at that time!

...... ........................


Yaochi Holy Land, in the cave mansion.

Lin Xingyun was sitting upright and contemplating, a magic jar floating in front of him, which was continuously devouring the last trace of ominousness in Liu Qiuyan's body, continuing to supply him with countless pure Origin Spiritual Power.

At this time, in his body, in the twelve canons and the eight veins of the strange meridians, a total of one thousand and eighty cave heavens were blooming in unison, surging out unprecedented vast spiritual power.

Although the hole is opened, the more difficult it is.

With each cave, the next one is more time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the resources consumed increase exponentially.

But after five years of hard practice, he devoured the spiritual power of the ominous and willow qiuyan.

Coupled with Liu Qiuyan's constant guidance, he finally allowed him to successfully open up all the remaining four strange scriptures, three hundred and sixty caves, into

cave heavens! A whole thousand dragon and elephant particles were condensed in his body, and other magical powers also went to a higher level

! Now his combat power is several times stronger than when he was in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm!

But what puzzled him was that all the caves in his body had turned into cave heavens, but so far they had not caused a heavenly calamity... ......

A moment later, Lin Xingyun woke up from his state of cultivation.

"It has completely opened up a hole in the sky, but it has not caused a heavenly calamity. "

Could it be... Isn't that the limit?"

he mused, raising his eyes to continue admiring the snow-white beauty.

But only heard a sound of Sisuo, and in the next moment, Liu Qiuyan was already fully dressed, and did not show half of the scenery.

Her delicate face was still red and flowing, and she seemed to be a little flustered, but she was already relieved, and she let out a long sigh of relief in her heart, and then said to her apprentice with joy and gratitude.

"Nebula, thanks to you, the ominousness in my body... Finally completely cleared!"

"Master doesn't have to be polite, these are all disciples... It should be done!" Lin

Xingyun looked regretful, but he was still sincerely happy for Liu Qiuyan, and then he also put on his robe and covered the scenery above and below his body.

Seeing this, Liu Qiuyan's eyes showed a little reluctance.

But after Lin Xingyun was dressed up, she still shook her head and smiled helplessly.

"Nebula, you are still young, and there are so many young and beautiful confidantes waiting for you outside.

"Master is old, and you and I are masters and apprentices, in the future... It's better to stop having those weird thoughts. "

Huh?! You..."

Lin Xingyun was stunned when he heard this, and he almost didn't react.

And he looked at the appearance of the master who closed his eyes and smiled bitterly, and suddenly understood that the other party had actually seen through his various bad intentions!

But for five years, the other party pretended not to know, neither breaking nor blaming himself....

This made his heart suddenly very complicated, and he said a little timidly.

"Division... Don't blame the master! Disciple... The disciple just..." "

Nebula, you don't have to explain, Master didn't mean to blame you.

Liu Qiuyan looked at his appearance as a child who had done something wrong, afraid that he would feel embarrassed, so he smiled and comforted.

"After all, you have too few years of cultivation, your heart is still shallow, and you are interested in things that matter to men and women... Some eagerness, this is nothing, in the future, the realm is higher, naturally will look down.

"Just backwards... Don't think about your master anymore.

"Practicing hard, becoming an emperor and living forever is the right way." "

Division... Master Venerable..."

Lin Xingyun listened to Liu Qiuyan's tolerant and doting words, looked at her gentle and kind face, only felt that his eyes were hot, and he was ashamed!

As a result, the other party had already seen through it, but did not blame, and comforted himself in turn....

"I'm such a beast! What a damn!"

he scolded himself secretly, and then bowed to Liu Qiuyan.

"Master, the disciple knows that he is wrong!" "

The disciple will remember the teachings in the future, and dare not think about right and wrong.

"Well, if only I could correct the mistake.

"If you want to practice well, I still look forward to seeing you and your senior sister become emperors!" Liu

Qiuyan looked at the apprentice, bowed his head in satisfaction, and then stood up.

He was ready to take Lin Xingyun out of the cave mansion to see the current situation of the Holy Land.

Now her body is ominous and completely cleared.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about scruples and retreats, and you can continue to sit in the holy place.

But don't wait for her to move.

Lin Xingyun suddenly couldn't help but ask.

"Master, the disciple would like to ask you something.

"You know, the path of cultivation of a disciple is to cultivate every realm to the extreme.

"The disciple has now opened up the whole body caves, a total of one thousand and eighty caves, and it feels like it has come to an end.

"But the disciple has not yet attracted the Heavenly Tribulation as in the past, and obviously he has not yet reached the extreme!"

"I want to ask the master, is there a way to go further?"

Liu Qiuyan listened, and pondered for a while with his chin down.

Then he asked rhetorically.

"Nebula, you said before that you damaged the Wheel Sea Realm Ancient Heavenly Monument in the Holy Land.

"Do you remember that the original number one person on the stele was named Chu Wudao?" "

Naturally, I remember that he has a nine-inch wheel sea, only one inch less than me."

Lin Xingyun said with a slightly smug smile.

After all, although the other party is already a rare wizard.

But in every realm, he is still one step behind himself

!" "That Chu Wudao is not simple!" "

He is from the Immortal Chu family, and he is a quasi-emperor Nine Heavens powerhouse in the previous era.

"He doesn't have any special physique, but with great perseverance and great opportunity along the way, he has cultivated every realm to incredible heights."

"And he just seems to want to be the first person in history."

"So I am very keen to find the Ancient Heavenly Monument of the Extreme Dao." "

Painstakingly, he also got his wish and won the first place on all the ancient heavenly monuments.

In the end, he cultivated to the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens, and although he did not have a special physique, his combat power had completely reached the emperor level.

"He even personally killed a great emperor!" Lin

Xingyun couldn't help but question when he heard this.

"Master, he has such a terrifying foundation, he actually failed to become an emperor?" he

was secretly shocked, after all, the other party's cultivation foundation had been all the way to the present.

Even stronger than most great emperors when they were younger, this

can't make a great emperor?

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