"Master, this disciple is powerful, and it is difficult to concentrate on it.

"If you close your eyes, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to control." "

In case at that time, the disciple is accidentally contaminated by ominousness during the stripping process, I am afraid that it will be..."

Lin Xingyun made a embarrassed expression.

Liu Qiuyan instantly retracted his shyness, and his face was full of concern and caution.

How painful it is to be haunted by ominousness, she knows very well, naturally it is impossible to let the apprentice take another risk!"


"Nebula, it's Master... It's too strict to stick to these subsections, you must be careful!" "

Then don't close your eyes..."


Liu Qiuyan sighed softly, and after some advice, he continued to loosen his dress.

However, to her surprise.

Without waiting for her to take off her dress, she revealed part of her body that had been eroded by the ominous.

Lin Xingyun actually moved quickly, first untying his own robe

! "Nebula?! What are you doing?"

Liu Qiuyan couldn't help but open her mouth slightly in shock, and quickly turned her face, ashamed to look at the apprentice's body.

"Master, the disciple must be embarrassed to let you show your body.

"But in order to strip the ominous, it really had to be done."

"Now that the disciple has also revealed his body, if there is any embarrassment, the disciple is willing to bear it with the master!" Lin

Xingyun looked at Liu Qiuyan with sincerity on his face, and said earnestly, while completely untying his robe.

"Star... Nebula! Don't... Don't do that!"

"You don't have to... It's done to this point!" Liu

Qiuyan couldn't help but glance at it with afterlight, and his face immediately flashed red again, and he quickly stopped it.

"Master, don't stick to these subsections anymore, the night will inevitably have many dreams.

"If tomorrow, next month, and next year, the Jun family declares war on my Lin family, and then Master Venerable you will always be haunted by ominousness, what

should you do?" "You don't think that when the Fourteen Ancestors saw you haunted and cultivated into a fall, right?"

Lin Xingyun still explained with sincerity.

"Rong Rong... She..."

Liu Qiuyan's heart trembled again, remembering her good sister.

After all, she tried hard to hide the ominousness of her father and the Holy Body, because she was afraid that she would worry, and she was afraid that she would go directly to the door to solve her father............

If she met her at that time and was discovered by her, it would be a real failure!

After a while, she finally sighed and continued to loosen her dress.

At the same time, he tilted his face and said with shame.

"You kid... Is... It's really bad to learn from your fourteen ancestors!"

"The disciple is indeed young and ignorant, and he can't tell what is good from bad.

"Please also ask the master to teach the disciples well in the future and guide the disciples back to the right path!" Lin

Xingyun was still full of earnestness, but his eyes were indifferent.

I saw Liu Qiuyan's hands dancing slowly, slowly and methodically, and took off his small clothes.

A beautiful snowy mountain scenery in the world is revealed in front of the apprentice's eyes inch by inch.


Lin Xingyun couldn't help but swallow his throat again, and for a while he was a little stunned.

After a long time, Liu Qiuyan couldn't stand it anymore, and forced himself to remind with shame.

"Star... Nebula! You... Why don't you strip off the ominous?!"

Ahem! This peels off. This peels!" Lin

Xingyun suddenly woke up, only then did he control the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar and began to peel off the ominous............



Five years later.

Junzhou, within the prefecture of the Junjia family.

Jun Wangu was healing in a quiet room, and his limbs had reappeared, but he was still extremely injured, and his body was cultivated into breath, and he had recovered less than thirty percent.

However, the remaining Dao Killing Emperor Law in his body had long been worn out by the Jun Family Emperor-level ancestor, and his life was already worry-free.

"Lin Rong, Lin Xingyun

!" "A good pair of ancestors and grandchildren, killing my eldest son and seriously injuring me to this day

!" "In the future, the immortal war will begin, and your Lin family from top to bottom, don't even think about living!"

Jun Wangu gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, his eyes full of bitter resentment.

But just as he was angry, a figure appeared outside the quiet room, and an indifferent voice came from him.

"I'm going to the Nether, you send someone to help me open the realm gate."

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to leave the clan until you reach the Saint Realm?" "

If there is any chance, I will let someone else take it for you!" Jun

Wangu frowned, his face showing a little displeasure.

But it seems that he does not dare to reprimand this son harshly.

"Oh, this opportunity, only I can take it under the whole world!" "

Why, are you afraid that I will be killed by someone like Jun Chengdao?" The

figure sneered, dismissing Jun Wangu's words.

"Pay attention when you speak, that's your dead big brother!"

Jun Wangu was also a little moved by the real fire, gritting his teeth and admonishing.

"Big brother, I just think he's my first follower.

"He swore to follow me, and I gave him a piece of Chaos Qi Jade to save his life, but he was still so unbearable that he was beheaded by a cave realm. "

Emperor Fall's eyes are heavy, but that's it.

The figure shook his head, his tone was still cold, and he didn't seem to care about Jun Chengdao's life and death at all.

"Hurry up and let people open the realm door.

"Contact the alien races in the Nether for me, and after I go to the Nether, I will drive them."

After the figure finished speaking, he suddenly left.

"This rebel son, there is no father and no brother!" Jun

Wangu watched his son leave, and finally couldn't help but curse angrily!

But even if the anger became like this, he still had no intention of punishing or disciplining the other party.

Instead, he took out the messenger and began to arrange for his subordinates to do as his young son commanded.

Because his son is the biggest reliance of the Jun family to win the Immortal Domain and exterminate the Lin family in the future!

No matter how unfilial and indifferent he is, in order to make him always have some belonging to the family.

As a father, he must not offend him in the slightest!

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