"Young Lord, this Xiao Chen has just won the victory, will he debunk him and let him not get the position of prince?"

These days, she has seen her own young master, and has repeatedly harmed Xiao Chen.

I thought that the young master had a feud with Xiao Chen.

Just keep an eye on Xiao Chen.

"Huh? How to win without martial arts?

"He just poured out a divine soul power from the Qiankun Ring, blessing him."

"I sensed that it seemed to be a remnant soul, and the realm before my death was very high, so high that I couldn't see through it."

"Oh, so it is."

Lin Xingyun was abrupt, but he also felt normal.

There is an old man in the ring.

How can the child of destiny not use it?

Moreover, the highest cultivation in the present Yingqing is only the prince realm.

If not intentional staring and observing.

It's really hard to spot the oddities.

After figuring it out, Lin Xingyun sneered.

Immediately got up and stopped.

"And slow!"

"The Ninth Prince must not be made a prince!"

As soon as the words came out.

The audience instantly fell silent.

Xiao Chen was about to accept his father's canonization.

Suddenly, I was shocked by this familiar voice and stopped in place.

Behind him, cold sweat unconsciously broke out.

A familiar sense of ominousness.

Coming to mind again!

"Huh? Virtuous son-in-law, what do you mean by this?

Xiao Yang also frowned and asked.

In the past time, he invited Lin Xingyun to drink and feast many times, and he was also familiar with it.

Just cheekily called the virtuous son-in-law.

"Your Majesty doesn't know something, just now my personal guard discovered that the Ninth Prince borrowed external power during the competition."

"In his Qiankun ring, there is an evil cultivation remnant soul, and he uses the power of the divine soul to help him win."

"Moreover, I see that the Ninth Prince's complexion is likely to have been controlled by that evil cultivator!"

"If he is made a prince, I am afraid that the Apocalypse Dynasty will be occupied by outsiders in the future!"

Lin Xingyun added oil and vinegar.

Explain it in public.

Xiao Chen is already sweating like rain!

His biggest secret was finally exposed!

But Lin Xingyun, this heaven-killing king bastard!

He actually said that his master was an evil cultivator?

Also said that he was controlled?!

Splash dirty water like this.

It's just not about martial virtue!


"There is such a thing?!"

"No wonder that the Ninth Prince just now, suddenly turned defeat into victory, actually relying on the help of evil cultivation remnant souls!"

"I said earlier that the Ninth Prince is strange, and the waste of cultivation has been lost, how can it suddenly recover?"

"I heard that only those evil cultivators who hurt heaven and reason can greatly increase people's cultivation in a short period of time!"

"The young master of the Lin family shines a bright candle!"

"The Immortal Family is extraordinary!"

The courtiers and royal princes present were first amazed.

Then came the discussion.

Basically, no one doubted Lin Xingyun's words.

After all, the identity of the young master of the Lin family was there, and no one was unconvinced.

And listen to the discussion of the crowd.

Xiao Chen was even more furious!

He suddenly looked at Lin Xingyun with great resentment.

At this moment, he was finally completely sure.

Lin Xingyun really wants to pit himself!

It's no coincidence that these days are bad.

It was Lin Xingyun who was targeting him!

Even lately every step he's taken.

They were all controlled by Lin Xingyun!

"Lin Xingyun, what grudge do I have with you?!"

"Do you have to stay with me?"

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and pointed at Lin Xingyun and asked angrily.

"Little Brother Xiao Chen, you should turn back to the shore as soon as possible!"

"The power of that evil cultivation is too deep, you can't grasp it!"

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate, my brother-in-law will definitely help you get rid of that evil cultivation!"

Lin Xingyun put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look and said with concern.

"Yes, Ninth Brother, Nebula, he won't harm you."

"You open the Qiankun Ring, first let this Aunt Ying help you drive away that evil cultivator!"

Xiao Qianluo also hurriedly echoed.

She trusted Lin Xingyun one hundred percent, and naturally helped persuade the imperial brother at this time.

"He won't hurt me? Didn't he hurt me miserably enough?!

"You stupid woman, sooner or later you will be killed by him!"

Xiao Chen was almost so angry with his sister that he vomited blood, and immediately cursed angrily.

"Dust, you open the Qiankun Ring first, let us investigate."

"If you are innocent, the Father Emperor will not have wronged you!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yang also urged.

A wary look appeared on his face.

If it is really possessed by the remnant soul of the evil cultivator, he will take his imperial dynasty.

He had to guard against it!

"Huh... Huh..."

"Well... Good...... Good!

Xiao Chen ignored it, but sneered.

The face is full of distortion and madness.

He looked at Lin Xingyun again, and there was already pure hatred in his eyes.

He knew he couldn't turn it over.

Even if you open the Qiankun ring yourself.

Expose Han Feng's identity and prove that Han Feng is not an evil cultivator.

There is no way to prove that he did not cheat when he just competed.

It is no longer possible for the father emperor to pass the throne to him again....

It would be useless for him to stay in this imperial dynasty.

"Lin Xingyun, you won, count you ruthless today!"

"Your Lin family is powerful, I can't fight you now!"

"But I still have a future!"

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi!"

"One day, I will definitely go to your Lin family and find you to recover today's debt!"

Xiao Chen announced loudly, his expression extremely determined.

At this moment, his favorability towards Lin Xingyun.

Finally, it dropped to 0 [No Death]!

And Han Feng in the Qiankun Ring had already been prepared, and the power of the divine soul was all gushing out.

Wrapped Xiao Chen in his hands, he turned into a divine light.

Gallop towards the sky!

"Hmph! Want to escape?

Yingqing immediately stepped into the air and chased.

The royal offerings and guards also chased after them.

However, the cultivation was insufficient, and he was soon thrown away by Yingqing and Han Feng.

"The Ninth Prince fled in fear of sin!"

"He is indeed controlled by the remnant soul of the evil cultivator!"

"Fortunately, Young Lord Lin saw through it in time, so it didn't cause a catastrophe!"

"Young Lord Tianzheng talent, in the future, our imperial dynasty will have the protection of the Young Lord, and it will definitely prosper!"

Seeing this, everyone present was first amazed.

Then they flattered Lin Xingyun.

However, it didn't take long to go.

Yingqing looked ashamed and came back to regain his life.

It is said that the evil cultivator has a clever method of remnant soul and uses the method of divine soul to cover up his whereabouts.

He has fled without knowing where he went.

When everyone listened, they had to sigh.

Lin Xingyun nodded.

Children of destiny are not so easy to kill.

He still only has the Qi and Blood Realm.

There is no way to forcibly kill, or track Xiao Chen.

According to his estimates.

At least wait for his cultivation.

Can fight those children of destiny.

to kill it with your own hands!

But he's not in a hurry.

Xiao Chen's kind of Tianjiao will rise again sooner or later.

Automatically sent to the door to seek revenge on him.

Maybe meet next time.

Xiao Chen can also bring him a bigger surprise!

And Xiao Yang had to sadly announce that Xiao Chen, the ninth prince, had since been removed from the royal family, and issued a wanted order to track down his whereabouts.

"Ding! The host plunders the child of destiny, and the chance succeeds! "

The reward villain is worth 9000!" Xiao Chen's luck value drops by 9000, and the remaining gas luck value: 1000!

"The host makes the Children of Destiny hate monstrous, and the extra reward villain is worth 30,000!"

"The host has plundered the opportunity of the Child of Destiny ten times in a row, and rewards the intermediate lottery opportunity once!"

At this time, a system prompt came out of Lin Xingyun's mind.

"Gee, there's only 1,000 luck left?"

"But it's okay, the leeks will grow longer."

"I just didn't expect that plundering ten times would also reward the intermediate lottery."

"It seems that my system is still a bit conscientious, unlike some dog profiteers!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and nodded.

Now he has more than 130,000 villain values.

Plus system rewards.

It is already possible to draw two intermediate draws!

But this is not the time.

I saw him continue to perform.

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