Compared to those ordinary monster beast blood.

In this precious blood, there is a rich red gold color.

It's extraordinary to look at.

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate.

Try it now and use it to quench the flesh.

It was still a big shower and put in a large amount of quenching elixir.

Originally, after his physical strength reached 100,000 catties.

These elixirs had little effect on him.

But this time, he will have a golden eye for blood.

Took a vial and poured it.

Because Yingqing reminded.

The power of the golden-eyed fox is extremely domineering.

Never use more than one at a time.

Sure enough, as soon as he added the blood.

Lin Xingyun felt that the five insides were like burning, and the skin was open!

The crimson blood was like a strong poison.

Madness pounded his flesh!

It made him suffer from severe pain at the same time.

He is also breaking through the limit of his physical strength!

It's like putting a pool that's already full.

Then open up a large area of depth as the same.

Those elixirs that no longer worked.

At this moment, it was actually absorbed by Lin Xingyun again.

Start assisting in strengthening his physical body!

One hour later.

The blood and elixir in this peak were absorbed.

Lin Xingyun was sweating and gasping.

After breathing for a while, he was pleasantly surprised.

His own physical strength once again broke through the limit.

It reached 150,000 catties!

"Just like this, continue to temper the flesh!"

"After cultivating to the extreme, break through to the Wheel Sea Realm!"

His eyes are full of surging ambition.

It is necessary to cultivate to the extreme in every realm, and accumulate thick and thin.

Only in the future can I hope to compete with those real Tianjiao!

He rested for a moment.

It was replaced with a new elixir liquid.

He took another small vial of Golden Eye Foxy Blood, added it to it, and continued to quench his flesh.

It's him too.

The cultivation resources he carries with him are extremely rich.

This is what can be squandered.

As the saying goes.

Come out and mix, you must talk about the power and the background!



Two months later, the palace performed in the martial arts arena.

The Manchu dynasty's wen and martial arts and imperial princes gathered here.

Just because today is the day when the Apocalypse Dynasty wins the Great Competition.

The Apocalypse is the Martial Dao Imperial Dynasty.

Successive generations selected the crown prince of the imperial dynasty, and they must also pass the martial arts competition.

Moreover, in order to seek fairness, only the cultivation of the Yuanfu Realm is allowed to conduct competitions.

Those who cultivate to the Yuanfu realm will naturally lose their qualifications by default.

In order to select the most talented prince and inherit the throne.

At this time, Xiao Chen was sitting under the martial arts arena with an extremely gloomy face.

His anger and grievance.

It has been accumulated to the extreme!

Like a barrel of gunpowder.

As if one more look at him, it will explode!

These days.

It was as if he was haunted by evil gods.

What a mess!

And behind everything that sucks.

More or less, there are Lin Xingyun's figures....

He was not a fool either, and Han Feng had also reminded him.

Lin Xingyun seemed to intend to target him.

It was better for him to flee the Imperial City to avoid trouble.

Where there is life, there is hope.

But Xiao Chen was unwilling.

I have to participate in the Contest.

When his cultivation was exhausted, he was scorned by his courtiers and brothers.

So many years.

The position of prince is his greatest obsession!

To avoid trouble, at least wait until you win the position of crown prince.

Han Feng couldn't resist him, and could only persuade him to be more careful.

And at this time, the other side of the martial arts arena.

Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo.

They are also sitting down to watch the battle.

Compared to Xiao Chen's bitter face, he was deeply hated.

Lin Xingyun was exceptionally refreshed.

For two months, he was unceremonious.

In succession, explicitly or covertly, he plundered Xiao Chen six more times!

Among them are elixirs, magic weapons, spirit stones, life-saving fetish, and so on.

However, Lin Xingyun has a rich family.

These things are very important to Xiao Chen and dispensable to him.

But the most important of them is a [Green Lotus Tinder]!

This is the divine fire born of heaven and earth.

For cultivators who practice fire system exercises, it is a great help!

In the future, when he advances to the Divine Fire Realm, he will integrate it into his own Divine Fire.

It's even more beneficial!

At this time, his villain value has reached 95,000 points.

Xiao Chen's luck value is already only 10,000 points.

One trade-off.

Today's Xiao Chen is really about to be bald by him!

But the system had alerted him.

The Children of Destiny are very tenacious.

Their luck value can be increased later.

It's like cutting leeks.

Cut stubble after stubble.

And they also have all kinds of life-saving means.

It is indeed not easy to completely clear zero.

However, Lin Xingyun is not in a hurry.

Who would bother cutting leeks?

He couldn't help but harvest Xiao Chen a few times!

And this kind of child of destiny, adventures are constant.

Maybe one day, their chance will come.

It will lead to what kind of snake queen and Hehuan Sect witch.

Injured female sect masters who like to use fake names, and so on.

That's when the time comes.

Lin Xingyun could only reluctantly bear it for them!


As the big ratio progresses.

One prince after another divided the victory and defeat.

And Xiao Chen relied on his extraordinary talent and Han Feng's cultivation.

Beat your way through and defeat many brothers.

Came to the last one.

"The last game, the fourth prince Xiao Yu, against the ninth prince Xiao Chen!"

"Than the pilot so far, two princes, please!"

With a military attache loudly announcing.

Xiao Chen and Xiao Yu stepped on the martial arts arena.

"Ninth brother, please."

"Brother Fourth Emperor, be careful!"

After the two greeted each other, they immediately began to exchange greetings.

Xiao Yu was much older, and his cultivation had already reached the late stage of the Yuan Mansion Realm.

Only one step away, you can reach the Yuanfu realm consummation.

Moreover, the cultivation is solid and hardworking, and the foundation is good.

As soon as the two fought together, Xiao Chen fell into the downwind.

"Heavenly Fire Nine Changes!"

However, I saw Xiao Chen snort, and the spiritual power in his body turned into a raging fire.

Let his breath also suddenly rise to the late stage of the Yuanfu Realm!

But it is only to redeem the disadvantage, and it is still pressed and beaten.

Originally, he had not been plundered by Lin Xingyun.

Xiu Wei should have already stepped into the late stage of the Yuan Mansion Realm.

Plus the "Sword Soul Emperor Sutra", "Wind and Thunder Phantom" and other exercises to help.

Definitely easy to win!

But now he is all bald by Lin Xingyun!

Combat power is naturally greatly reduced.

Soon, the increase in the cultivation of the Nine Changes of Heavenly Fire also began to weaken.

There is no [Green Lotus Tinder] assistance.

The secret method that caused him to increase the amplitude of this move was also greatly reduced!

If he drags on like this, he will definitely lose!

"Nope! I can't lose!

"Master help me!"

Xiao Chen's face was full of unwillingness, and he immediately called in his heart.

Immediately, in the Qiankun ring, an invisible divine soul power emerged, merging into his limbs and bones!

Although his cultivation did not grow.

But the power is more than twice as strong as before!

"Eight Pole Punch!"

Without hesitation, his right fist surged with spiritual power, and he struck a blow with all his strength.

The sound of a sonic boom resounded throughout the audience.

Although Xiao Yu tried his best to defend.

But he was still blasted out of the field by a blow, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

"The Ninth Prince wins!"

"Congratulations to the Ninth Prince!"

With the loud announcement of that military attaché.

All the courtiers present immediately stood up and respectfully congratulated.

This victory also means that Xiao Chen will get the position of prince.

"Hah... Haha............"

"Finally... I finally did it!

"Master, I did it!"

While adjusting his breath, Xiao Chen was secretly ecstatic with great excitement.

He waited too long for this day.

Finally made him wait!

Then he looked around, accepted the congratulations of the group of ministers, and smiled coldly.

"Hmph, a group of wallhead grass falling into the well!"

"When I officially become the prince, I will clean you up properly!"

Then he jumped off the stage and was in high spirits.

Striding towards Xiao Yang on the high seat.

Looking at the satisfied gaze of the father emperor.

Xiao Chen became more and more satisfied.

Next, he will be in the spotlight.

He was appointed as a prince by his father!

On the other hand, Lin Xingyun frowned in disbelief.

"It's so good, I see that I want to fight someone too."

"The last time I fought someone was seven years ago..."

he couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, his cultivation was weak and his combat power was weak.

The divine power comprehends slowly, and he is busy dealing with all kinds of women....

As a result, he rarely competes with others.

Liu Fengyi and Yingqing have also protected him well.

But now it's different.

He turned into a dragon.

I also began to desire to fight and kill people!

The way of cultivation is to fight all the way.

Only through countless blood and bones.

In order to become a great emperor!

Lin Xingyun is full of ambition.

Ying Qing, who was standing on the side, suddenly reminded him.

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