"Alas... Unfortunately, it was I who was too reckless.

"Aunt Ying should be allowed to secretly control Xiao Chen's little brother first, and then force out that evil cultivator."

"Now let him escape, it's really regrettable!"

Lin Xingyun pretended to blame himself.

It made Xiao Qianluo feel distressed to see it.

"Nebula, I can't blame you for this, it's all the sins of that evil cultivation!"

"Luoluo, I promise you, after I go back, I will definitely send someone to find your imperial brother, and I will never let him be mutilated by evil cultivators!"


"Nebula, you're so nice!"

Lin Xingyun held Xiao Qianluo's little hand and promised.

Let her be moved.

Xiao Yang looked at this scene and was much relieved.

Although there is no son.

But Riding the Dragon Express son-in-law, and the relationship with her daughter is so good.

It's gratifying.

Afterwards, the fourth prince Xiao Yu, because he took over Lin Xingyun and took care of Xiao Qianluo, formed a good relationship.

Under Lin Xingyun's order.

Xiao Yang did not hesitate and made Xiao Yu, who was also very good, a prince.

Xiao Yu was grateful to Dade, but also deeply realized.

You have to hug your brother-in-law's thighs.

Absolutely must not offend him!



After staying for another two days.

Lin Xingyun set off to return to Lin's house.

His reply to Xiao Yang and Xiao Qianluo was that he should focus on cultivation now.

At least wait until he cultivates to the Divine Fire Realm.

Only then will he officially marry a wife and take a concubine.

However, Xiao Qianluo can follow him first, live in the Lin family for a long time, enjoy family resources, and cultivate together.

As for the wedding of the two families, it will naturally be done at that time.

Of course, Xiao Yang would not mind.

Although Xiao Qianluo had some regrets, he could not become Lin Xingyun's real concubine for the time being.

But being able to be by Lin Xingyun's side all the time, she is also satisfied.

After bidding farewell to his father and brothers and sisters.

Xiao Qianluo accompanied Lin Xingyun and left on the fairy boat.


On the way, early in the morning, on the fairy boat.

"Wuluo light smoke palm!"

Lin Xingyun slapped his palm with all his strength and blasted out towards Ying Qing.

Bring out the Dao Spiritual Power Green Smoke.

At first glance, it is also powerful.

Shadow List hand picked.

Then he replied in surprise.

"Young Lord, your current palm power has reached 900,000 catties!"

"The golden-eyed fox is worthy of being a rare divine beast in the world, and a precious blood has allowed the young lord to lay such a foundation!"

Lin Xingyun withdrew his palm and nodded with satisfaction.

In the past two months, he has been regularly using the Golden Eye Foxy Blood to temper his flesh.

Finally, he cultivated his physical strength to 900,000 catties.

But since the other day, the golden eye is bloody.

It hardly worked for him.

"It seems that 900,000 jin is the limit that the Golden Eye Foxy Blood can improve."

"If I break through to the Wheel Sea now, my foundation will already be much stronger than Lin Feng."

"But I always felt... It should go even further!

He vaguely felt.

If you can reach a million catties of strength in the Qi and Blood Realm.

Maybe there will be a surprise!

Lin Xingyun thought for a moment.

Decided to start the lottery and try it!

Ask the system in case of indecision!

"System, the intermediate draw that uses the reward!"

"Ding! System prompt! "

Intermediate lottery, the probability of winning each level of prizes is: white 60% blue 20% purple 15% orange 4.5% gold 0.5%!"

"Does the host confirm the lottery?"

Immediately after, a larger roulette wheel than before.

Appeared in Lin Xingyun's mind.

The prizes above are more abundant.

And there are more, a few golden prizes!

"Another 5 in 1,000 chance!"

"This time... Can I still be that lucky?

Lin Xingyun was a little hesitant.

He wasn't sure if he was every time.

It's all as good luck as the first draw.

Unless there is some way.

It can greatly improve his luck.

"Huh? Boost your luck dramatically? "

There you have it!"

Lin Xingyun moved.

Go to Xiao Qianluo's room.

Pick her up while she is still sleeping.

"Fall, call Fujun!"


Xiao Qianluo, who was still wearing pajamas and sleepy eyes.

Suddenly shocked and ashamed, but still obediently exclaimed.

"Husband... Husband..."Lin

Xingyun suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling.

As if their own luck.

Suddenly lifted!

"Sure enough!"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but rejoice.

He still remembered that Xiao Qianluo had the life of [Wangfu Wangzi].

Although he has not yet had a husband and wife with her.

However, he will get stuck!

Now he really received an increase, and his fortunes soared!

He did not hesitate and immediately drew the prize.

"System, confirm the draw!"

"Ding! Intermediate draw 1 time, the draw begins! "

After the system prompt sounds.

Lin Xingyun saw the huge roulette wheel in his mind.

Start turning at breakneck speed.

After a while, the roulette wheel gradually stopped.

In the end, the pointer skipped countless white, blue, purple, and orange prizes.


Landed on a golden prize!

"Ding! Congratulations

" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the golden prize - "The Secret of God's Elephant Prison"!

"[Divine Elephant Town Prison Technique]: Great emperor-level exercises, you can cultivate 840 million giant elephant particles in the body, and each cultivation increases the strength of the flesh by 100,000 catties!" Cultivate to Dacheng, you can hold the sun and moon in your flesh and shatter the void! "

Shipped, Golden Legend!"

Lin Xingyun was excited.

Holding Xiao Qianluo's pink face, it is two mouthfuls!


"Lin Xingyun! You... You...... You're going to die! "

Toss people early in the morning... It's true..."

Xiao Qianluo fell asleep for a moment.

Pounded Lin Xingyun in shame.

"Divine Elephant Town Prison Technique, with this exercise, as long as I can cultivate a giant elephant particle as soon as possible, my physical strength can break through again!"

"System, steady!"

Lin Xingyun endured the thousand falling powder fists and secretly praised.

But then, he had a wit.

"There are still more than 130,000 villains worth it, it's better to take advantage of the heat..." Making

up his mind, he immediately turned his head.

Look at Xiao Qianluo again.

"Fall, two more calls!"


"You... You...... You're sick! "

Husband... Husband-kun, husband-kun, husband-kun! Okay!

Xiao Qianluo was even more embarrassed, and directly broke the jar and shouted.


..." "Don't marry someone early

..." "Let the family call you a few husbands..."

She was secretly embarrassed, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Immediately on Lin Xingyun's waist, he pinched hard!

"It's done!"

"System, consume 100,000 villain values, open another intermediate lottery!"

I felt that my luck had grown again.

Lin Xingyun immediately smoked again!

To open the advanced draw, you need a million villain value!

Even if he quickly reaps the Children of Destiny.

It will also take a long time.

It's better to have another golden prize as soon as possible and quickly improve your strength!

"Ding! Consume 100,000 villain values and open the intermediate lottery 1 time! "

The system prompts sound.

The huge roulette wheel in my head starts spinning again!

After a few moments, the pointer stops again.

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