"Good fellow, you can really cause trouble, the emperor of the forbidden area has let you fight."

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but pinch her ears with a smile and sigh.

The emperor of the forbidden area, that is the heir of the great emperor in the forbidden area, many of them are ancient freaks who have been sealed for thousands of years before they were born, and they used to be the top Tianjiao!

They inherited the most direct and powerful bloodline of the great emperor-level powerhouse, and they were born to stand at the peak of the immortal domain, and their strength could not be calculated at all.

That is, they are unlucky, and when they encounter Qin Di Yao, a rare proud daughter of heaven, they will be seriously injured with one enemy and two.

However, they were only seriously injured, not directly killed, and it seems that their strength will at least be much stronger than Jun Chengdao.

"Fortunately, the people in the forbidden area have always been jealous, and they dare not leave the forbidden area rashly and enter the Three Thousand Dao Prefecture of the Immortal Domain.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't see you."

Lin Xingyun said with a smile, but it made Qin Di Yao listen to it with a sharp heart.

This sounded too ambiguous, making her feel more and more... I'm afraid the other party really has a wrong thought!

"Lin Xingyun, are you... Is it for me..."

Her little face was already red, and she hesitantly spoke.

However, without waiting for her to finish asking, Lin Xingyun bit her ear coldly.

He was articulate, and directly bit Qin Di Yao's whole body tightly! "Shhh——! you ——?!"

Qin Di Yao's body

trembled, and he reached out to push him away.

Didn't you say that even if your ears were cut off, you wouldn't frown?" Lin

Xingyun laughed while continuing to bite his ears, so excited that Qin Di Yao couldn't get his hands off for a while.

But she still used the magic technique in an instant, withdrew her ears, transformed into ordinary human ears, and then scolded in annoyance.

"Lin Xingyun... "

What are you taking me for, your plaything?!"

Lin Xingyun asked rhetorically, as usual.

"What if I say it's not a plaything

?" "What do you think I'll take you for?"

Are you really..."

Qin Di Yao looked at his aggressive eyes, and his heart became more and more surging like a deer.

But she suddenly remembered that she still had a monstrous vendetta that had not been repaid, and her parents were still guarding the border and could not be free, and her heart was suddenly much colder.

She gritted her silver teeth fiercely and turned her back to threaten.

"Don't touch me again, or I'll fight you now!"


Xingyun saw that he seemed to have touched the other party's bottom line, so he waved his hand and said.

At the same time, Qin Di Yao's attribute panel was opened, replacing loyalty with favorability.

I saw that she is currently 80 [inseparable] favorability.

"This level of favor, if it is replaced by a small dance, you can barely spend a good night together

..." "This little cat is afraid that there is something in the heart, it is difficult to let go..."

Those bottles [Fairies are also crazy]........."

When Lin Xingyun thought secretly, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but evoke an evil smile.

He had never tried this medicine, but since it was recommended by the Fourteen Ancestors, he couldn't think about it!

But looking at Qin Di Yao's pitiful and delicate back, his few consciences still played a role.

"With her nature, I'm afraid that I really have to fight hard with me after taking the drug..."

He shook his head, but still stretched out his hand, hugged Qin Di Yao as before, and did not move further.

Qin Di Yao did not resist again, and the two of them hugged each other harmoniously and slept............



At noon the next day, the two came to Shen Yueru again.

Qin Di Yao's face was very unnatural, and it seemed that he could not get rid of the beautiful memories of last night.

However, seeing Shen Yueru's complexion getting better and better, she only felt much more relieved.

At this time, Lin Xingyun had summoned the immortal fire again, and he wanted to treat Shen Yueru.

"Yaoyao, you go out and wait first, I want to talk to Lin Gongzi alone.

Shen Yueru suddenly ordered.

"Well, Aunt Shen, what do you have to talk to him about?" "

And can't even I listen?!"

Qin Di Yao asked in disbelief with a look of surprise on his face.

"Yaoyao is obedient, just go out and stay for a while.

Shen Yueru smiled helplessly, and still advised.

"Go out, don't delay me to treat Aunt Shen.

Lin Xingyun even directly patted her tail, making her tremble and almost scream.

She glanced at Lin Xingyun hatefully, and then looked at Shen Yueru, but she couldn't help it, so she had to leave obediently.

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