

Shen Yueru casually punched a ban on the door to avoid Qin Di Yao eavesdropping.

Now that she has recovered a lot, the aura coercion of the Great Sage Realm is slightly dissipating, even if her appearance is absolutely beautiful, it is still daunting.

"Aunt Shen, let's say, what is going on?"

Lin Xingyun didn't care, still sitting on the bed as before, and asked indifferently.

"Young Master Lin, you are the second young master of the Immortal Lin family. "

Then do you remember the little fox demon who was engaged to you, Shen Jiuyuan?"

asked Shen Yueru with a complicated face, with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

"Ah, this..." Lin

Xingyun's eyes froze.

In my mind, an injured little pink-haired fox turned into a fox demon girl in front of him the day after being rescued by himself............

It was one of his first few unmarried concubines, Shen Jiuyu!

Naturally, I remember, but Aunt Shen, why did she suddenly mention her?" "

Could it be that you and her..."

Lin Xingyun's heart had gradually emerged a burst of bad speculation!"

"Our Heavenly Fox clan has suffered a great disaster and has all been separated.

"She and I are of the same race, her parents died in the war, and I brought her out and raised her."

Shen Yueru said, and looked at Lin Xingyun with great resentment.

"Unexpectedly, four years ago, I went to the Undersea to rescue Yaoyao and left the village.

"She sneaked out to play, and was injured, but was rescued by a Terran

man..." "She was already cultivating at that time when she was about to take shape, and after taking shape, she fell in love with that man at first sight, and made a marriage contract

..." "Then not long after that, that negative man said that the marriage was postponed, and he never came to her again..."

Shen Yueru said, and the resentment on her face became even stronger.

If it weren't for the fact that Lin Xingyun had just saved her life, she really wanted to slap this "negative man" in front of her to death! Lin

Xingyun suddenly remembered that Shen Jiuyun had indeed said that her parents were deceased, and it was an aunt of the same clan who brought her up............

I only knew that her home was in Sangzhou, but she had never come in person, and the marriage postponement was only a letter notification, but I didn't expect ah, it was actually in this village!


It seems that Aunt Shen, you... I like to raise children very much, Yaoyao again, Xiao Jiu again............""

It's really deep maternal love, touching..."

Lin Xingyun smiled and changed the topic, and the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

"Since you are here, it is best to explain clearly now, why you have not come to Xiao Jiu all the time

!" "Do you know that since then, Xiao Jiu has not thought about tea and rice, and has been practicing day and night every day, and said that you told her before!"

Shen Yueru showed a little irritation, and asked with a raised eyebrow.

Although she had been with Qin Di Yao for the longest time, Shen Jiuyu was also her only blood relative, and she naturally cherished it very much.

"This is indeed my negligence, but there are too many things that hinder me, and I am also inadequate.

"Moreover, my generation of cultivators, cultivation has no years, and it is a hundred years in a flash, and I ask Aunt Shen not to ask more."

Although Lin Xingyun felt a little guilty, he still explained calmly.

No way, since he got along with Xiao Qianluo, he no longer restrained and completely let go.

Those sons of destiny, and the women related to them, appeared one after another, even the daughters of destiny appeared!

His heart is now like a durian, and there is a woman living on the tip of each heart, and he really can't pull away for the time being............

And when Shen Yueru saw his appearance, her brows became tighter.

"Young Master Lin, then don't you ask, where is Xiao Jiu now

?" "Aunt Shen told me to stay here alone, naturally to tell me, why should I ask?"

"You ——!"

Seeing that the other party was still calm and calm, Shen Yueru was even more angry!

Lin Xingyun, who is only in her early twenties, is actually not a negative man in her eyes, but just a disobedient and hateful little ghost.

She suddenly wanted to peel off this little ghost's pants like she had smoked Qin Di Yao before, and pressed it on her leg and beat him hard

! "Hmph! Lin Gongzi is really unlucky!"

"After Xiao Jiu returned to me, he practiced hard day and night for more than a year.

"Heaven forbid, hard work has finally paid off.

"It actually made her accidentally awaken the ancient relics in her bloodline and turn into the most noble nine-tailed heavenly fox in our clan!"

"Just three days before you and Yaoyao returned, a Heavenly Dao Envoy of the Sage Realm passed by here, and after seeing Xiao Jiu, he praised her talent and wanted to take her to the Heavenly Dao Academy. "

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