"Look at you, misunderstood again, I just wanted to see your injuries."

Lin Xingyun looked as usual, and put his arm around her to stop her.

"You were dug up by Qin Yiren when you were a child, and in the secret realm, I was forced to dig your supreme bone for the second time.

"Actually, I've been worried, afraid that this will cause you to be sad."

"How's that wound still hurt?"

he sighed guiltily as he stopped moving his hand.

Qin Di Yao was stunned for a while, lowered his small face, and said with a complicated expression.

"I... My wound has long been healed..."

"This time is different from when I was a child, the wound... In fact, it doesn't hurt............"

Lin Xingyun thought thoughtfully, this time the other party triggered the Nirvana Tianzun Dao Fruit in his body, and directly repaired the entire body to a perfect state, naturally there was no pain.

"So you were in pain when you were a child?"

he asked casually, and Qin Di Yao nodded.

"Well, I didn't understand things at that time, I just remember that my heart hurt every day, and it hurt so much that I couldn't move, and my father and mother tried all my best to help me relieve

it..." "Later, when I grew up, I slowly improved..."

Qin Di Yao said, his little face full of sadness and sadness.

When Lin Xingyun saw it, he couldn't help but feel some pity.

With both hands, he took Qin Di Yao's petite body in his arms, leaned in to her ear and laughed.

"Yaoyao, don't be sad.

"The sins you have suffered will be repaid ten times a hundred times in the future.

"Then we will catch him and tie him up, first dig his supreme bone, then plant a dog bone into it, dig it again after a while, plant another piece into it..."

"It's on his body, digging and digging, digging, digging, do you think it's good?"

It's bad from head to toe!" Qin

Di Yao didn't hold back when he heard it, and directly chuckled, casually patting Lin Xingyun and scolding with a smile.

A pair of watery eyes, but a little moved, seems to be very popular with Lin Xingyun's words.

I forgot to even struggle out of each other's embrace.

"Huh?!" However

, the next moment, she suddenly tensed up, and her sweat stood upside down.

Because her pair of fluffy cat ears were suddenly held in the palm of Lin Xingyun.

"Yaoyao, you are really sensitive here.

"Gee, it's a taboo to have such a weakness against the enemy."

Lin Xingyun smiled playfully, while constantly rubbing the pair of soft and plush cat ears.

"Hmph, you look down on people less

!" "It's just a pair of ears, I can put them away at any time, and if it's really a fight, even if they are cut off, I won't frown!"

Qin Di Yao gritted his teeth, forcibly endured the strange appearance on his tail, and said angrily at Lin Xingyun.

She also did not retract her ears at this time, as if she stubbornly wanted to prove herself, and she was not affected at all.

"Oh, it seems that you really fight a lot.

"By the way, you mentioned to Aunt Shen before, you went to the Undersea to provoke someone, so that Aunt Shen was cold?"

Lin Xingyun asked curiously while continuing to knead her ears.

The Hades Sea is one of the five forbidden areas of the Immortal Domain, a vast black water, vast for tens of millions of miles, which contains hundreds of millions of ghosts, which can drag and kill all past creatures.

In the deepest part of the Underworld, legend has it that there are also emperor-level powerhouses of the ancient era, self-proclaimed in it, known as taboo existences by the world, and no one has ever dared to offend its majesty!"

"That was four years ago, I broke into the Undersea to collect a spiritual material, and I didn't expect to meet the two forbidden area emperors, and I was targeted by them.

"After beating them to death, I actually recruited their guardians, and I had to call Aunt Shen to save me."

"There are two great saints on the other side, Aunt Shen took me out of the undersea with one enemy and two, but it was also because of the cold poison of one of them, and it has been difficult to heal

..." Qin Diyao recalled the scene at that time, still a little regretful and self-blamed, feeling that he had burdened Aunt Shen.

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