Lin Xingyun on the side, looking at the excellent scenery of two jade people large and small, couldn't help but be a little moved.

At the same time, I couldn't help but swallow my throat..........

"Well, it's all white and clean, it's very similar..."

And after the two of them soothed each other for a while, Shen Yueru remembered something, so she picked up Qin Diyao a little unnaturally and asked.

"By the way, Yaoyao, it was too hurried before, you haven't told me, this Lin Gongzi..."

Qin Di Yao immediately introduced the acquaintance with Lin Xingyun.

But in the last part, it was Lin Xingyun who took the initiative to take her little hand and said with conviction.

"Aunt Shen, I fell in love with Yaoyao at first sight, and I can't forget it.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine to her in the future." At

the Xuan table not far from the room, Bai Ze had already turned his head and bit the corners of his mouth deadly, trying not to let himself laugh out loud..........

"You... You ——!"

And Qin Di Yao saw that he said so bluntly, he was so ashamed that his whole body began to glow with pink, and he couldn't speak.

She looked at Lin Xingyun, with a sincere and eager expression, and for a moment she couldn't even tell whether the other party was pretending or real!

Lin Xingyun continued to look at Shen Yueru with great interest to observe her reaction.

"Young Master Lin, this..."

Shen Yueru's face became even hesitant, and she wanted to ask something.

But when she thought that the other party had just saved her life, she was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Yaoyao, you take Lin Gongzi to rest first, I will also recuperate for a while.

Shen Yueru had to sigh lightly, and ordered Qin Diyao to take Lin Xingyun and Bai Ze to the side room to rest.

Entering the side room, Qin Diyao was in a good mood because Aunt Shen was about to recover, and took the initiative to clean up the bed for Lin Xingyun.

"It's hard for you, rest well, and then ..." She

was just about to leave, but was pulled by Lin Xingyun's slender wrist.

"Hey, Yaoyao, you won't let me keep the empty room alone, will you?"

Lin Xingyun said playfully, but it made Qin Di Yao suddenly turn his tail upside down.

"You... Don't call me that!" "

I'm just a follower of yours, you won't... It won't be true......" Qin

Diyao looked at Lin Xingyun a little helplessly, almost wanting to question him, did he want to fake the drama to really do?

!"You took me home, it's not appropriate to sleep in separate rooms, right?"

said Lin Xingyun as a matter of course.

At the same time, he gave Bai Ze a look.

"Hmph!" Bai

Ze also rolled his eyes at him, but immediately left in amusement.

"You... I'm not your woman!" Qin

Di Yao was so ashamed that he pulled out his little hand and was about to leave.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, we just slept in the same room for one night.

"Don't worry, I will hug you at most, and there will be no excessive actions."

Lin Xingyun assured with a chuckle, but he directly put his arm around Qin Di Yao's waist and leaned into her ear to sigh.

"Why, you don't believe in the behavior of the young master of your family?"

"Alas, such a rebellious follower, I really don't want it, then I better leave this village now." What

about Aunt Shen

?" You are simply shameless!"

Qin Di Yao was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and he felt that his ears were itchy, and he was very useful.

She turned her head to look at Lin Xingyun's face, only felt that it was not easy to fight, and she couldn't scold him, and there was nothing she could do with him!

"Just this once!"

"If you dare to mess around... I will not let you go!"

she said, as if resigned to her fate, giving up the struggle.

Lin Xingyun chuckled and put his arm around her, took off his shoes and socks, and went to bed.

The two lay in peace, and Qin Di Yao lay on his side with his back to Lin Xingyun, humming from time to time, and seemed to be still angry.

However, the two slept for less than half a quarter of an hour, and a clever hand probed into the mouth of Qin Di Yao's heart.

Qin Diyao was directly stunned

! After she was stunned for two breaths, she could no longer contain her shame, and immediately condensed a spiritual light in her palm, and turned around to shoot at

Lin Xingyun! "Lin Xingyun——! you bird-"

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