Su Yian stepped into the void, and a terrifying energy ripple appeared under his feet.

Stop falling backwards.

His eyes are indifferent, standing between heaven and earth, like a king in the world, looking down at the world:

“The ants in the Shenxiao Star Territory!”


“My unknown lord is here today!”

“Kill your domain lord!”

Su Yian’s voice spread across the endless starry sky and resounded in the ears of countless stars. Fear flashed through his heart involuntarily, and there was always an inexplicable feeling of panic.

It’s like the end of the world is slowly approaching.


what’s the situation?

Why did the unknown master’s cultivation suddenly become so terrifying?

Ji Botian frowned, and that familiar dangerous aura reappeared. What was the origin of this young man who claimed to be unknown?

The Tianxie Clan outside the territory had never heard of such a terrifying and powerful person.

“Want to kill this domain lord?”

“Unknown Lord, even though you are very powerful, do you really think that the Lord of this domain is a vase?”

Everything happens in just one thought.

Facing such a powerful force, Ji Botian felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

He is a tenth-level star realm expert.

He whispered in his mouth, facing such a terrifying and powerful person, Ji Botian did not trust him.

Standing between heaven and earth, he roared angrily and said:

“The realm formation, move.”

As soon as the words fell, the golden net covering the entire Shenxiao Star Territory immediately flashed with golden light, and the dark power permeating the endless dark starry sky was crazily shattered, retreating farther and farther away bit by bit.

The realm formation can kill even the tenth-level star realm.

The golden net glitters with countless obscure, complex and mysterious fonts, and the entire Shenxiao Star Territory is like a golden ocean.


“What is this?”

“Why do I always feel so uneasy inside?”

“It’s like something big happened.”

“The golden net, isn’t this the domain-protecting formation of the realm?”

“You actually prompted it?”

“A great terror is coming to the Shenxiao Star Territory!”

Countless people looked up one after another, constantly guessing and feeling vaguely uneasy in their hearts.

In their eyes, they saw countless golden fonts that not only glowed with golden light, but also exuded a terrifying aura, as if they could destroy heaven and earth.

“The Lord of Ominousness!”


I saw the Lord of the Shenxiao Star Territory stepping into the void, his eyes indifferent, filled with endless killing intent.

Only he can activate the domain-protecting formation.

“Buzz buzz-”

As soon as the words fell, a huge sound came from the entire Shenxiao Starfield. It was the energy of countless violent winds that was condensing. I saw that the golden formation gathered all the energy to form a thick golden divine light.

Golden divine light illuminates the heavens, filled with the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

Facing a strange young man with unknown strength.

Ji Botian would rather use his powerful cards than give his opponent a chance.

I saw the sky of the Star God Realm shatter into pieces, and a huge golden beam of light broke through the space, annihilating time, and projecting towards the unknown lord with extremely overbearing power.

Su Yian raised his head slightly, and the strong air flow blew his red hair, revealing a handsome face, incredibly young.

“The foundation of a star field is really not simple!”

“If faced by ordinary people, they would definitely die without any chance.”

“It’s a pity that they met the owner.”

Su Yian thought silently in his heart.

The surroundings were filled with endless murderous intent. Facing the power to destroy the world, Su Yian’s eyes surged with murderous intent, and an extreme sense of oppression suddenly appeared in the world.


He spat out one word coldly, and his words followed the law, suppressing it for eternity, as if it were arbitrary for eternity.

The physical body becomes an immortal, even if he just utters a word, the void will be instantly disrupted, the space will continue to collapse, the laws will all break, and the time and space between heaven and earth will completely solidify.

Endless strange and unknown power permeates every corner of the Star God Realm, seeming to run through the past, present and future.

Countless creatures can feel a great terror staring at them, like staring into an abyss.


A huge sound came out, and the golden instantaneous divine light that came from the Star God Realm’s head broke every inch, like the power of an ant.

The next moment, the Lord of the Shenxiao Star Territory groaned, and felt an extremely terrifying force bombarding his chest. Blood spurted out of his mouth and his chest was sunken.

Not only that, the strong murderous intention knocked him away. Even though he was a tenth-level star realm expert, he still couldn’t resist the power.

What is frightening is that while the Lord of the Shenxiao Star Territory was flying upside down, his body actually collapsed bit by bit, as if being swallowed by something.


“How can it be?”

“How is it possible? How is it possible? How is it possible? How can it be so powerful?”

“The Lord of this domain is in the tenth-level star realm?”

“How could IWill it fail? ”

Ji Botian’s eyes were splitting as he watched his body gradually collapse, and his heart was filled with endless despair.


“The Lord of this domain is not willing to give in…”

Desperate screams resounded throughout the endless starry sky, and the invasion of strange and ominous forces caused extreme pain.

Dr. Ji could clearly feel that his soul was shattering, as if something was chewing him.

The screams slowly subsided, and at the same time, the Lord of the Shenxiao Star Territory gradually turned into nothingness.

A terrifying and powerful person who is in the tenth-level star realm and controls the entire star realm, dominating hundreds of millions of star realms.

fall from the sky!


A huge shattering sound resounded through the sky, and it was visible to the naked eye that the great formation protecting the Shenxiao Star Territory completely collapsed in the face of that mighty force.

Countless golden characters disappeared instantly.



Countless creatures raised their heads to look up at the great shore standing between heaven and earth.

With just one word, he was able to kill the tenth-level Star Realm Lord of Shenxiao Territory.


Great horror!

What is the origin of the ominous Lord, and how can he be so powerful that it makes people despair?

The fighting protoss and Shenxiao star warriors stopped their attacks one after another, their hearts filled with fear. Their scalps felt numb and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

If this kind of power were aimed at them, they would definitely be dead!

In the extremely distant starry sky, sitting on the throne was a figure with a terrifying aura that could destroy the world if even a trace of it leaked.

The terrifying existence that controls this world.

The great terror that comes from the land of nothingness, even a great terror like him, still frowns, his eyes narrow, and his eyes are full of thinking.


“No, I haven’t become an immortal yet, but I still have the power of an immortal.”

“The Lord of Ominousness?”

“Hiss… how is that possible?”

“Could it be that he is the forbidden being who walks a strange path in legend?”

“This person is already a strange immortal!”

“You are so young, you have already been able to walk to the wonderland along the weird path.”

“It’s so terrifying!”

Immediately, the eyes of the great terror from the void were filled with shock.

I just felt my scalp was numb and my breathing became unsteady.

According to legend, those who can walk in the strange path are all talented, have great perseverance, and have great opportunities.

They are like the children of destiny.

It seems that they are favored by heaven, when they reach a certain level.

In one thought, a terrifying strangeness descended, forming a terrifying dark turmoil!

The great terror that controls the heavens felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and he thought silently:

“The Unknown Lord…”


“I admit defeat!”

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