Star God Realm, in the sky.

A gentle and joking voice sounded:


“Isn’t this the old dog Shenxiao?”


“If you don’t stay in your own kennel, how dare you come out and bark everywhere?”

Before the people arrive, the sound arrives first.

At the same time, a flash of red light was seen in the sky of the Star God Realm, reaching extremely fast speed and arriving in an instant.

The person who came was a tall and slender man, with red clothes and red hair, a handsome face, and a gleaming red pupil, which was extremely enchanting.

Shrinking to an inch, with his appearance, the sky above the Star God Realm suddenly turned into a bloody sky, like a sea of ​​blood staring at it, about to form a rain of blood.

The strange young man took a step forward, and blood filled the sky above his head.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were overwhelming, and red light filled the entire Star God Territory.

When the blood is gone, great terror will surely come!

No matter where you are, this sentence is extremely applicable and is the only unchanging truth.

“Hiss…oh my god!”

“What happened?”

“Why did the sky turn blood red?”

“It’s so scary. Is the end of the world coming?”

“First, there was the invasion of the evil tribe from outside the territory, and then there was the great terror. How come this world suddenly became unstable?”

Countless people looked up, their hearts filled with fear, their bodies trembling, and they kept hugging each other.

The weak, no matter which world they are in, still exist like ants.

We can only let the strong control our destiny.

See this.

The Lord of Shenxiao frowned, feeling a dangerous aura in this strange young man.

Then he said:

“Who are you?”

“Why did you come to my Divine Sky Star Territory?”

Hear the words.

The corners of Su Yian’s mouth raised slightly, and he regained his red-haired state. He immediately turned into a handsome young man, harmless to humans and animals.

The realm has also changed from the original vagueness to the emperor realm.

“Old dog!”

“Are you so forgetful?”

“Let me give you a reminder.”

Su Yian’s eyes were full of endless teasing, and he was talking like an old dog, which made the Lord of Shenxiao Territory feel angry, but he did not dare to act rashly.



“My name is the Lord of Ominous Omen.”

“I said that sooner or later I will look for you, old dog. Isn’t this what I’m doing?”

What! ? ? ?

He is the ominous lord who launched the dark turmoil and destroyed the Tianhuang Star Realm.

How is that possible?

How could such a terrifying and powerful person come here?

Hear the words.

The Lord of Shenxiao frowned. He didn’t expect the terrifying and ominous Lord to look like such a handsome young man.

The two are almost imaginable together.


“The Lord of this Territory asks himself that he has never turned against you, so why do you want to stop the Lord of this Territory?”

“Even though you are very powerful, the Lord of this domain is not weak. Please retreat quickly. I hope you will not make a mistake.”

The Lord of Shenxiao’s face was displeased.

The unknown lord may be very powerful. He, the Lord of Shenxiao Territory, is also a tenth-level star realm powerhouse.

It’s not clear which one is strong and which one is weak.

Moreover, behind him stood a great terror from the land of nothingness.

“Old dog!”

“How brave!”

“You want to kill my brother in front of me, and you want me to retreat?”

“You start dreaming before it gets dark?”

Hear the words.

Su Yian roared angrily, his face full of anger, revealing a look of deep hatred.

It was as if he had encountered an irreconcilable desperate situation.

Only by killing each other can this dispute be stopped.


“This young man in green shirt is actually the brother of the ominous Lord?”

“It’s over, it’s over!”

“It’s really over now. This is the source of the weirdness and ominousness.”

“The Star God Realm is in danger!”

Hear the words.

Countless people stared with their eyes wide open, as if they had heard something incredible.

The great terror that wiped out an entire world came to his own world.

Do you dare to believe this kind of thing?

It’s just a glimmer of possibility in the near impossibility.

“Old dog, no need to talk nonsense.”

“I have long said that I will find you sooner or later. I didn’t expect it.”

“I came so quickly.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yian immediately activated the Chaos Divine Body, and a terrifying force filled his limbs and bones.

It seems like there is no end to the squandering.

“The divine elephant’s prison-suppressing power is concentrated.”

In an instant, the 180 million idol particles in Su Yian’s body were activated, and terrifying and boundless power came from the body again.

A huge white idol appeared, covering the world and floating above Su Yian’s head.

Just how strong it is, Su Yian doesn’t know.

“Shu Zi, don’t be so arrogant!”

“Do you really think this domain master is weak? I have tolerated you for a long time.”

“Since you insist on seeking death, the Lord of this domain will satisfy you.”

As soon as the words fell,The Lord of Shenxiao raised his hand, condensing supreme power in his palm, and turned his hands over and slapped them down heavily.

Suddenly, the space continued to collapse, the whole world continued to tremble, and terrifying energy raged across the world. At this moment, the Lord of Shenxiao Territory was as inviolable as the sky.

A tenth-level star realm expert can destroy the world at every turn!

The shadow of the palm in the void continued to expand, filling the entire world in an instant. A trace of terrifying pressure suddenly appeared. Countless creatures were in front of it, and they were not even worthy of being called ants.

Small, endless small.

“The universe covers everything, and I am the only dawn.”

“Thunder from the sky appears.”

“Crush the darkness with thunder.”

Su Yian stepped on the void, roaring angrily, her long hair flowing in the wind.

Above the sky, the sky and the earth changed color, and countless thick lightning surged, quickly surrounding Su Yian’s body.

At this moment, he was like the God of Thunder coming to the world.

The five fingers clenched into a fist, and the inexhaustible power in the body covered the fist and glowed heavily.


A series of terrifying thunder snakes surged crazily, raging towards the entire world.

The overbearing thunder destroyed everything, the space exploded instantly, the heaven and earth shook, countless creatures only felt their scalps numb, and their bodies felt numb even if they were far away.


The two powerful forces collided together. In an instant, the entire Star God Realm was completely boiling, and violent energy surged into the distance.

Wherever it passed, countless buildings and countless creatures were turned into dust.

When strong men fight, even a trace of aura can easily kill all ants.

It is most vividly reflected at this moment!

Su Yian only felt a powerful force blasting towards him, and his body lost its center of gravity and flew out upside down.

He is worthy of being a tenth-level star realm powerhouse, definitely not comparable to the peak master.

This kind of power is really terrifying!

“Red-haired state, Ning.”

Without hesitation, his spiritual thoughts stirred up strange and ominous power within his body.

If he allowed his palm shadow to cover him up, Su Yian would definitely die.

The bloody sky above his head appeared again.

There was an extremely terrifying power in his body, it was the power of an immortal.

The primary unknown master turned into an immortal in his physical body.

Su Yian stepped into the void, and a terrifying energy ripple appeared under his feet.

Stop backing up.

“The ants in the Shenxiao Star Territory!”


“My unknown lord is here today!”

“Kill your domain lord!”

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