The great terror that controls the heavens felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and he thought silently:

“The Unknown Lord…”


“I admit defeat!”

There is a record in the ancient books about a being who controls countless heavens and walks at the end of the immortal path. One day, a man dressed as a son-in-law with red hair flowing in the wind stepped out of the heavens.

His eyes were indifferent and extremely domineering. Wherever he passed, the space collapsed, forming indelible wounds. This move immediately alarmed the terrifying existence that controlled countless heavens.

If you dare to do this in his territory, you are seriously seeking death.

He immediately roared angrily, his immortal power surged crazily, and roared towards the red-haired man.

The red-haired man stopped and turned to look at the supreme immortal-level powerhouse.

In an instant, the entire time and space completely solidified, the rhythm of heaven and earth stopped flowing, and a terrifying force pressed toward the heavens.

Countless heavens controlled by that most powerful immortal collapsed in an instant.

Countless creatures turned into nothingness in a single thought.

Not only that.

The vitality of the Supreme Immortal is dying out quickly, and in an instant there is only a wreckage left.

A disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of the red-haired man’s mouth, and he stretched out his hand and fell down. At the same time, the endless heavens turned into nothingness.

The territory of that powerful immortal-level powerhouse continued to fall, rushing crazily towards the depths of the endless dark starry sky.

With one glance, countless heavens were destroyed.

There is a taboo in the treacherous path! It’s so terrifying!

The immortal-level powerhouse from the land of nothingness couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat when he thought of this.

The heavens he controlled were invaded by the gods, and he originally wanted to take action directly and destroy all enemies.

But just in the middle, a mysterious and taboo existence popped up.

He can only admit defeat!


Su Yian stood tall between heaven and earth and uttered another word coldly.

But this time it was only directed towards a young man and not towards anyone else.

It is Qin Wudao, the supreme son of destiny.

The terrifying power suddenly appeared, and the time and space between heaven and earth solidified again.

The power of immortals is as weak as an ant!

Qin Wudao only felt that there was an endless murderous intention rushing towards him in the air.

He wanted to activate his life-saving trump card, but his body seemed to be suppressed by heaven and earth, unable to move at all.

His eyes were full of terror, and his heart was filled with despair.


Desperate screams echoed through the sky, and countless people felt goosebumps starting up again.

Facing the power of immortals, how can ordinary people resist?

The Supreme Son of Destiny, Qin Wudao, was instantly destroyed both physically and mentally.


“You ant, you dare to attack my brother?”

“You really don’t know how to live or die!”

The words spread throughout the endless starry sky, and everyone realized that someone wanted to murder the ominous Lord’s biological brother.


“Nima, who the hell dares to attack the brother of the ominous lord?”

“It has plunged our Shenxiao Star Territory into a desperate crisis.”

“I’m not willing to give in!”

“Why don’t I have such a terrifying brother like my brother, the Ominous Lord?”

Countless people looked up to the sky and screamed, their hearts filled with endless reluctance.

Su Chen: One face is confused, two faces are confused, three faces are confused… billions of faces are confused.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have completed the task, obtained the master realm cultivation level, and automatically used it for the host. 】

[Ding, if you get a critical hit, you will be rewarded with a true dragon cub. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded, and a true dragon cub over one meter tall appeared in the ancient bronze palace.

The true dragon cub is majestic, its figure is full of majesty, its scales are shining with mysterious light, its head is huge, its sharp teeth are terrifying, and its majestic eyes seem to be able to see through everything.

The claws of the real dragon are extremely sharp, as if they can tear the void. The powerful dragon wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun. Every movement is accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, as if the heaven and earth are shaking. The breath is powerful and ancient, as if it contains The endless power makes people feel awe.

Lord Mouse:! ! !

“True dragon cub, here comes another little brother!”

Master Shu, who was studying the mysteries of the ancient bronze palace, frowned and looked at the real dragon cub aside.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

A living true dragon cub appeared in front of him.

This world is really crazy!

After doing all this, Su Yian regained his red-haired state, and his hazy face was instantly visible to people.

A man with a tall and slender figure, an unparalleled handsome face, and an otherworldly feeling exuded between his brows, as if a true immortal from the nine heavens came to earth.

The stranger is like jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world!

But such a handsome young man turned out to be an ominous master that made people change their looks.

You really can’t judge a book by its cover!

With his figure flashing, Su Yian returned to Master Shu’s ten-thousand-meter ship.Aircraft carrier deck.

“Brother, how can you be so powerful?”

“I’m really speechless. How can I make him confess in front of me?”

Su Chen was speechless inside.

Beside him, two figures rushed towards him. They were the friends he had just met after stepping into the outer starry sky.

A couple!

The man was about twenty-one or twelve years old, with a handsome face, sharp eyes and starry eyebrows, and a dignified appearance. His long hair flowed in the wind, revealing a resolute face.

On the other hand, the woman has a graceful figure, a beautiful face, and a mature charm. It can be seen that she is in her mid-twenties, which is the age of youth.

Wang Lingyun instantly appeared next to Su Chen and said:

“Master Su, what should I do?”

“Brother Lingyun, Sister Muwan, keep killing! My eldest brother is invincible!”

Two people:! ! !

“Okay, then kill all these sanctimonious people who claim to be righteous.”

Their eyes were filled with endless hatred, and they wanted to kill all the star warriors in the entire Shenxiao Star Territory.

The power of the two people once controlled a star realm. Later, in order to unify the star realm, the master of the Shenxiao Star Territory suppressed the rebels with great tyranny.

Just because their forces did not agree to be included.

Wang Lingyun and Cao Wanmu have been gifted since childhood, and have become a sibling relationship that everyone envies.

Wang Lingyun originally thought that he would be able to control this star realm as the Young Realm Master in the future, but with the arrival of the Shenxiao Star Territory army, all his good things were shattered.

In that battle, they were completely defeated. The Realm Master, Wang Lingyun’s father, used his trump card to teleport them to the extremely distant endless dark starry sky.

Facing the star warriors from the Shenxiao Star Territory, the two of them rushed towards the battlefield again with murderous intent in their eyes.

When the Tianxie tribe outside the territory heard Master Su Chen’s words, they were extremely excited.


“Kill all these sanctimonious and extremely disgusting Shenxiao Star Soldiers.”

“Restore the glory of our divine race!”

Bursts of killing cries rose to the sky, and the battlefield was ignited again. Without the Territory Lord, countless Shenxiao star warriors were filled with panic, and they were defeated continuously for a while.

On the other hand, the God Clan has such a terrifying elder brother, Mr. Su Chen.

They were overwhelming, as if they were in a deserted place, without any worries in their hearts, and headed towards the battlefield.

War is cruel.

Corpses were lying on the ground one after another, blood flowed into rivers, killing cries, sounds of despair, and all kinds of roars rose to the sky, and the Shenxiao Star Territory faced the attack of the gods.

It’s like purgatory on earth!

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