Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 222 Natural disasters are easy to avoid, but man-made disasters are hard to stop


What kind of pressure is that? Why does it give me a feeling of impending disaster and no escape?

Did you hear anything? Kantas looked solemn, her body trembled unconsciously, and she raised her head with difficulty.

No, that's not a sound.

A strange gleam burst out from Trilin's eyes, That's a rule of heaven.

The one who took action against Chu Xiu was the Dao of Heaven.

Cultivation in reverse, Chu Xiu is cultivating in reverse.

What is reverse cultivation?

Old Man Ma's face was full of confusion and he didn't know why, and Tian Yan didn't know either.

Most of the monks in the universe do not know what reverse cultivation is.

Only the people who had the closest relationship with Chu Xiu could vaguely guess something.

Perhaps those who transcend the Great Dao are cultivating in reverse, and practicing against heaven.

Qi Mengdie whispered in her heart, looking at Chu Xiu's tall and majestic back in the sky.

It's just a trace of power that has penetrated into the starry sky, and you want to kill me? Chu Xiu shouted, taking a step forward, and the entire prehistoric world trembled. His figure disappeared and reappeared thousands of miles away. .

Naturally, he would not sit still and wait for death.

He wanted to take the initiative before the power of heaven was completely condensed.

Reverse cultivation, reverse cultivation, damn it——


A gap tens of thousands of feet long opened in the sky. A big green hand protruded from the gap and grabbed Chu Xiu overwhelmingly.

This catch seems ordinary to others, there is nothing magical about it.

However, in Chu Xiu's eyes.

It is vast and ever-changing.

Sometimes it's a palm, sometimes it's a fist, sometimes it's a finger, sometimes it's a sword.

This blow contains ten thousand ways and is extremely terrifying.

Chu Xiu's forward momentum paused.

His brows furrowed slightly.

His body is bound by the laws of time and space.

This world, time and space have been thrown into chaos by big hands.

Living in this world, Chu Xiu felt like he had turned into an ant. No matter what, he could not escape from the near-infinite constraints of time and space.

At the same time, the giant green hand also took photos in shock.

Chu Xiu, who was in a special time and space, was unable to dodge, resist, or counterattack when faced with this palm.

A deep feeling of powerlessness came to my mind.

A voice full of endless magic kept whispering in his ear: Give up, give up resistance, all are ants under the way of heaven, if you can't resist, it's better to turn into the way and leave.

Give up, give up!

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes, operating the Great Chaos Self-Dharma, knowing his heart and nature, and his Taoist heart was like a rock, indestructible.

His long hair danced wildly, and he raised his head to face the giant blue hand formed by the power of heaven.

He pinched out a mysterious magic formula with one hand.

The whole person becomes three.

The secret technique of cloning that Chu Xiu displayed was the 'Digital Secret' of the Nine Secrets.

Three Chu Xiu with the same appearance, temperament, and strength appeared above Jiutian.

Facing the huge green palm that was slapping at him quickly.

The three Chu Xiu shouted in unison.

At the same time, he punched the sky and displayed the magical power of reincarnation.

The breath of reincarnation fills the world.

Rumble, rumble——

Three Wangchuan rivers and three Naihe bridges are connected in a line, and the breath of reincarnation merges.

The Tao and Rhythm vibrated together, crushing the sky, and the entire universe fell into deathly silence.

There are strange songs faintly resounding in the starry sky, the battlefield of all races, and the deepest heart of every living being.

“Once in the River of Forgetfulness, one reincarnation occurs, and sins are washed away in the Yellow Spring Pool.

Wherever you go, you will never return. Don't look back on your way to life.

The song is sad and sad.

Countless creatures can see Wangchuan even if they don't raise their heads, but they can't.

At this moment, they fell into a half-dream and half-awake state at the same time.

They watched their deceased loved ones and friends step onto the Naihe Bridge, their backs fading away.

They wanted to open their mouths to call, but no sound came out.

A tragic song disturbs the mind and makes autumn sad, leaving only endless desolation in the end.

A kind of desolate sadness from deep in their hearts overwhelmed them. When they came back to their senses, they suddenly found that they had already burst into tears.

Reincarnation, reincarnation, is there really reincarnation and rebirth in this world?

The old man Matlin raised his head with tears streaming down his face as he watched his wife's back disappear into the mist of Naihe Bridge.

He was both happy and melancholy, sometimes hiding his face and crying, sometimes laughing, as if he was crazy.

It's not just him.

I don’t know how many monks in the human temple behave like this.

The scene was spectacular.


There was a loud noise like glass breaking.

The monks were shocked and looked towards the sky.

A shocking scene came into view.

I saw that the originally vast starry sky had all turned into nothingness.

Everything disappears.

There are no rules in nothingness.

Even time and space are obliterated by the magical power of reincarnation.

The strange time and space that trapped Chu Xiu collapsed on its own.

Cang Qing's big hand fell down instantly.

Behind Chu Xiu himself, two clones used the Human Emperor Fist at the same time.

Two phantoms of the Human Emperor wearing human king robes and imperial crowns stood on the top of the universe, with indifferent expressions. They punched together, the supreme imperial pressure shook the universe, and their invincible courage trampled all the heavens. Underfoot.

Chu Xiu's eyebrows flashed with golden light, he took out the Heavenly Emperor Sword from the altar, held the black dragon embossed hilt, and slashed out with the sword towards the giant green hand.

This sword is not a secret technique, it is the most commonly used sword style. It is simple and direct, and its speed is many times faster than light. One sword can defeat all methods.

Two golden fists, a sword mark, and the giant green hand formed by the power of heaven collided fiercely.

The time of the starry sky and the universe came to a standstill at this moment.

Falling leaves, sparrows flapping their wings, Qi Mengdie’s black hair blown up by the wind...

The quasi-emperors opened their mouths wide and looked up at the battle in the sky, their eyes dull and silent.

Everything was still.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Or a breath.

Or countless years.

Rumble, rumble——

At the center of the collision, there was an earth-shattering explosion.

Green, gold, purple, and three colors of magnetic light fill the sky and the earth, making people unable to open their eyes.

The three Chu Xiu vomited blood and flew thousands of miles upside down.

One smashed into a sprawling giant mountain to the south.

One fell into the endless sea in the north.

One fell into the golden desert to the west.

The battlefield of all races shook, and the entire prehistoric world shook violently.

Did Master Chu Xiu lose?

No, how could Master Chu Xiu be defeated?

Look at that giant hand.

A quasi-emperor exclaimed.

The monks all looked up.

I saw that the surface of the giant blue hand of Heaven, which had infinite power and could crush everything, was covered with cracks.

Pieces of dust fell from the palm of my hand.

Reverse cultivation and counter-cultivation should be punished!

The brilliant power of heaven resounded in everyone’s hearts.

The monks from Tianqiong Continent looked solemn and sweated for Chu Xiu.


What everyone didn't expect was.

The giant green hand did not continue to attack.

He pointed far away in the direction of the golden desert.

A beam of inconspicuous cyan light between his fingers reached the center of Chu Xiu's eyebrows in an instant. It was so fast that even Chu Xiu couldn't react in time...

As soon as Chu Xiu rushed out from under the golden desert, he was hit by a beam of green light, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Although he did not feel the life and death crisis from this beam of blue light, he instinctively avoided it like a snake or a scorpion.

If it cannot be avoided, something extremely bad will definitely happen.

Unfortunately, even though he tried his best, he couldn't avoid it.

Green light shines on his eyebrows.

Chu Xiu felt his eyebrows heat up.

The green light disappeared.

At the same time, the giant green hand formed by the power of heaven also disappeared.

Chu Xiu touched his eyebrows.

On the fair skin, the green and gold simple Dao lines outline the word reverse.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

A vast and ruthless voice sounded deep in my heart.

Natural disasters are easy to avoid, but man-made disasters are difficult to stop.

Reverse cultivators must die!

Kill the rebel cultivator Chu Xiu and reward the Immortal Emperor's cultivation!

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (

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