
Master Chu Xiu is about to break through?

The human temple is boiling.

Countless monks looked expectantly and looked towards the direction of the training tower.

Lord Chu Xiu is already at the ninth level of heaven. If you break through again, you will be the great emperor.

Our Sky Continent will finally give birth to a powerful emperor again.

Lord Chu Xiu has unparalleled talent. He became the great emperor and the most powerful emperor in history.

How can it be so easy to break through the Great Emperor?

Listening to the noise from the outside world, Tian Yanxin in the reception hall shook his head, Only by stepping on the ladder to heaven, surviving the thunder tribulation, gaining the approval of heaven, and integrating the mark of heaven's heart can you break through to the realm of the great emperor.

Now the ladder has not manifested into the world.

It shows that Fellow Daoist Chu Xiu is still some distance away from the realm of the Great Emperor.

The old man nodded, That's true. When the Heavenly Ladder appears in the world, those of us monks who have reached the ninth level of heaven will feel it in our hearts.

The others also nodded secretly, the envious look in their eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

The noise of Chu Xiu's breakthrough was too great.

It also proved his strong strength from the side.

On the side, Qi Mengdie listened to all these alien conversations, but didn't care in her heart.

What kind of heavenly approval?

If my rebellious disciple needs the approval of Heaven, he will not use Heaven to swear to deceive people without any trouble.

Right now.

Above the nine heavens, the vision reappeared.

There are thousands of auspicious clouds, and the sound of the avenue becomes louder and louder.

The golden light beam that originally seemed very thin expanded countless times in an instant, covering the entire human temple.

At the same time, a huge colorful light cocoon projection appeared above the human temple.




The dull sound like a drum resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten places.

With every beat of the Guguang Cocoon, the light wall becomes transparent.

Countless creatures could clearly see a huge figure sitting cross-legged in the cocoon of light.

He was shirtless and had thick black hair.

Above its head, there is an endless sea of ​​chaos.

In the center of the Chaos Sea, there is a green lotus.

Not far from the lotus, there is a small fenced courtyard.

There is nothing extraordinary about the small courtyard, it is no different from an ordinary mortal's residence.

There are two deck chairs under the grape trellis in the small courtyard, and a young man is lying on one of the deck chairs.

He has clean and neat hair, a pair of sharp eyebrows, clear and bright eyes, and thin lips lightly pursed under the high bridge of his nose.

Is that what Master Chu Xiu looked like when he was young?

In the Human Temple, countless monks looked up at the young man and marveled.

As expected of Lord Chu Xiu, he was so handsome when he was young.

Qi Mengdie, Luo Qingyu, Hua Luofei and other women also looked at the young man.

Qi Mengdie's phoenix eyes flashed with ripples.

She had seen this scene in Chu Xiu's memory.

There should be an old man sitting on the empty recliner next to him.

Brother, look at your father's young appearance. He is exactly the same as you are now. On the battlefield of all races, on the top of a mountain steep into the clouds, Chu Weiyang, dressed in red, pointed at The sky is smiling brightly.

Chu Weiai nodded slightly and looked up at the figure, Dad, we are probably about to break through, let's go back!

Well, it has been more than two years since I came out to practice. I want to go back to see my mother and father. Chu Weiyang nodded in agreement.

The two siblings turned into rainbows and soared into the sky.

at the same time.

In the vision, the young man on the recliner raised his hand and picked up a scroll.

The scroll unfolds.

The young man took out a writing brush and quickly drew a beautiful river and mountain on the scroll.

With the final stroke of outline completed.

The splendid rivers and mountains seemed to have come to life, separated from the picture scroll, and hung over the young man's head.

A bright moon rises over the Chaos Sea.

The bright moonlight shone on the young man's cheek.

The corners of the young man's lips raised, revealing a faint smile. He sat cross-legged under the grape trellis, and played the mysterious magic formula with both hands.

The golden sea of ​​suffering emerged behind him.

The sea of ​​chaos boiled, and after a moment, the vision of the green lotus seed of chaos turned into a stream of light and sank into the young man's chest.

Immediately afterwards.

The bright moon appears on the sea and the vision merges.

The splendid river and mountain pictures are a fusion of visions.

The golden sea of ​​bitterness merges.

There are more and more visions of integration.

The body of the young man is getting bigger and bigger.

Eventually the entire fenced courtyard was integrated into his body.

The young man's body size at this time is already equal to that of Chu Xiu himself.

The two giants closed their eyes and sat opposite each other.

Youth is Chu Xiu in his youth, representing the past, symbolizing new life, and corresponding to the ancient holy body of Dacheng.

Chu Xiu himself represents the present, www.youxs.org, corresponding to the Great Freedom of Chaos.

The two giants made seals with their hands, synchronized their movements, and murmured in their mouths.

The brilliant sound of the Tao spread throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, resounding throughout the universe and starry sky.

The long river of time manifests in the world, spanning the nine heavens.

A scene that shocked countless monks appeared.

I saw an old, huge figure filled with the aura of reincarnation, coming from the lower reaches of the long river of time, going up against the long river of time, taking one step forward, and standing in the middle of the two giants.

He is also Chu Xiu.

It is Chu Xiu in the future, symbolizing reincarnation and corresponding to the magical power of reincarnation.

The past, present, and future, the three Chu Xiu, manifest themselves in the world one by one.

The three giants opened their eyes at the same time, and their pupils burst into colorful light.

The three Chu Xiu of the past, present and future opened their mouths and shouted in a low voice at the same time, Hedao~

next moment.

The three Chuxiu merge into one.

All forces come together.

The whole world became dark, and all living beings fell into deathly silence...

Chu Xiu stood up slowly, his huge body standing in the sky.

At this time, he has trampled all living beings and all the avenues of heaven and earth under his feet.



Reverse cultivation, reverse cultivation, reverse cultivation——


Heaven roars.

The vast and majestic sound resounded throughout the battlefield of all races...

The brilliant power of heaven suppresses it.

The expressions of countless monks in the Human Temple changed drastically.

One by one vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Facing the pressure of heaven, they were as weak as chickens and had no power to resist.

Qi Mengdie held on to the table next to her to prevent herself from falling down.

She raised her face as pale as paper, looking worriedly at the sky.

Densely packed and countless chains of rules of heaven and earth appeared, wrapping around Chu Xiu's arms, legs and neck, trying to prevent him from attaining enlightenment.

Reverse cultivation, reverse cultivation, death——

The chain of rules suddenly tightened.

Chu Xiu's body was cracked inch by inch like porcelain.

Is that all you have?

The corners of Chu Xiu's lips raised, and he sneered disdainfully. The operator's secret words made his split body recover instantly.

Get out of here—

He punched out, and the charm of reincarnation filled the air.

Wangchuan, Naihe, Qixian, everything must be reincarnated.

Even the rules of heaven and earth are not immune to the fate of reincarnation.


Faced with the crushing force of the Tao Yun of Reincarnation, the chains of rules broke and turned into flakes of light and dissipated.

Chu Xiu's body was free again.

He twisted his neck, looked up at the sky, and felt the power of heaven gathering through the cosmic wall of the starry sky and universe.

He is accumulating strength to deliver a fatal blow to Chu Xiu, the heaven-defying cultivator.

There was no trace of fear on Chu Xiu's face, and his momentum was rising steadily.

His current strength has far surpassed that of the Nine Heavens and reached an unprecedented new height, but he is still one step away from being the Great Emperor.

It has to be said that Tiandao is really good at seizing the opportunity. Fortunately, his power to penetrate into the starry sky and the universe is limited, just like a rootless duckweed, so there is nothing to fear.

Third update, good night everyone

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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