
Rules dissipate.

All the power of heaven receded.

The green-gold inverse word on Chu Xiu's forehead flashed a few times quickly, then completely merged with the skin and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.


A sharp light flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes.

He probably guessed the purpose of Tiandao's move.

The inverse word on the forehead is like a coordinate, a torch in the dark night.

As long as he is in the same world as the minions of Heaven, no matter where he goes, he will be noticed, unable to hide, let alone invisible.

Chu Xiu frowned.

This way.

When I go to Tianwaitian in the future, won’t I have to face endless enemies?

Damn it, Tiandao is really an idiot.

They actually offered a reward to me, and the reward was the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor.

You are so willing to give up! !

Chu Xiu suspected that the power that Tiandao had penetrated this time was not to obliterate him, but to leave this mark on him.

As the saying goes, natural disasters are easy to avoid, but man-made disasters are difficult to stop.

No matter how strong he is, he is still just one person.

Facing endless enemies whose strength far exceeds his own, even he must drink in his hatred!

Chu Xiu clenched his fists loudly, took a deep breath, recovered his mind, and the haze disappeared. He chuckled and said to himself: If you live in this world, why worry about the future?

I am considered invincible and can conquer everything.

With the obstructive power of heaven receding, it's time for me to break through to the realm of the Great Emperor.


Two figures quickly flew over and landed next to Chu Xiu.

It's his two clones.

The three of them looked at each other and merged into one. A rainbow spread out from under their feet, spanning an endless distance, and connected to the human temple.

He took one step and returned to the sky above the human temple, sitting cross-legged.

Haha, Lord Chu Xiu is back.

The human temple is boiling.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Mengdie's plain hands with white knuckles slowly loosened the corners of her clothes.

Under the gaze of countless people.

Chu Xiu slowly closed his eyes, and the Guiyi Avenue appeared. The river of the avenue, which was tens of thousands of miles long, was rolling and surging, surrounding him in the center.

The avenue roared.

Thousands of things shook together.

Chu Xiu's holy body, flesh, blood, and Tao bones burned with golden Tao fire at the same time.

The whole person turned into a torch.

The flesh, blood, and bones are constantly disintegrating and reorganizing. After completing the tempering inch by inch, the holy body becomes stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While tempering the physical body.

Chu Xiu is still communicating with Dao, and wants to incorporate Blue Star Universe into his body.

Nowadays, the gray fog spreads throughout the starry sky and universe, and Chu Xiu doesn't know whether the Blue Star Universe is safe.

It is better to incorporate it directly into the body, which is more reassuring.

Of course, there is one more thing.

If Chu Xiu wants to break through the Great Emperor with his laws, he must also rely on the small world inside his body.

His laws have already touched the edge of the realm of the great emperor.

The connection with the Blue Star Universe was successfully achieved.

at the same time.

Blue Star Universe, Blue Star, Qishui Village.

The incarnation of Chu Xiu, who was weeding the small yard with a hoe, put down the hoe and looked at the blue sky with the sun shining brightly. The corner of his mouth turned up with a smile, It's finally started!

In the northern suburbs of Kyoto, in a deep mountain, the Sheji Immortal Palace is located here.

Nearly a hundred years have passed.

Sheji Immortal Palace has trained tens of thousands of monks.

Among them, those with outstanding talents have even reached the realm of minor saints.

They wield swords and fly high in the sky, freely. Or small groups gather together to study Taoism and understand the mysteries of heaven and earth. Such an atmosphere really feels like an immortal Taoist temple.

The huge mutated beasts on Blue Star were no longer a problem at this time and became the mounts of human monks. Among them, the ferocious and untamable ones were also hunted down and used as alchemy materials.

Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.

The universe is so big and boundless!

When our cultivation reaches the Great Saint Realm, we can physically cross the stars and go beyond space.

Mr. Yuan sat under a vigorous green pine tree and preached to several disciples.

Disciples often bring up their own confusions in practice.

Mr. Yuan answered them one by one.

That's it for today, you can go back to practice!

He stood up.

Thank you teacher for your guidance.

A group of disciples quickly stood up and bowed to salute.

Mr. Yuan nodded and was about to leave with his sword.

Right now.

The sky, which was originally bright and sunny, suddenly became dark.

Blue Star was plunged into darkness, unable to see his fingers.

what happened?

Is it a solar eclipse?

It's strange, the weather bureau didn't say there was a solar eclipse today!

Several disciples looked surprised and looked up at the sky.

Mr. Yuan also looked at the sky.

The sky was as dark as ink, not even a star could be seen.

This world seems to have been swallowed into the belly by the Tengu.

At this time, countless people were confused and confused because of the celestial phenomena.

A golden flame appeared at the end of the sky.

The flame burned fiercely, became brighter and brighter, and became larger and larger.


Someone took a breath.

He screamed, Look, there's someone in the flames.

this moment.

Almost all intelligent creatures on the Blue Star noticed the figure in the flames.

He is so conspicuous and mysterious.

The man was dressed in black robes, had a slender figure, a face like a crown jewel, and a perfect appearance.

His temperament is even more noble and extraordinary, aloof like a god.

who is he?

Are there really gods in this world?

Haha, we already have monks, what's the big deal if gods appear?

But this god is somewhat similar to us Chinese people.

He is really good-looking and handsome! There was a nymphomaniac who looked at the man in heaven with a look of obsession.

That's Mr. Chu Xiu.

Even though his appearance has become more perfect, his general outline has not changed.

Some people who were familiar with Chu Xiu, such as Mr. Yuan, recognized Chu Xiu's identity at a glance.

Xiao Chu, the person in the sky is actually Xiao Chu.

Brother Chu Xiu——

Uncle Chu Xiu——

The villagers in Qishui Village also recognized Chu Xiu, their eyes full of horror.

The neighbor who usually lives next to him suddenly flies into the sky and stands side by side with the sun. The shock and impact are simply indescribable.


The sound of running water resounded throughout the heaven and earth.

Behind Chu Xiu.

A river with a length of tens of thousands of miles manifests itself.

The sound of the great road is endless.

Dragons and phoenixes dance together, unicorns gallop, and ancient ferocious beasts look around in all directions.

Various visions surrounded Chu Xiu, and they worshiped him as if they were worshiping gods.

With the integration of Guiyi Avenue and Blue Star Universe.

Chu Xiu's figure became clearer and clearer.

The visions around him became more and more mysterious.

The aura of heaven and earth in the Blue Star Universe is becoming more and more intense.

The mortal body is washed by the spiritual energy, and the pain is gone. Some old people even become dozens of years younger in an instant.

People who have no cultivation qualifications will have an unobstructed path in the future after purifying their essence and cutting off their marrow.

The monks benefited even more.

They entered a state of enlightenment and their cultivation level increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

God, what a fairy!

Thank you for the blessing from the gods!

Thank you for the blessing from the gods!

Chu Xiu, who was sitting cross-legged in the golden flames with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes like the bright sun.

Whispering in the mouth.

I, Chu Xiu, preached today—

My way is the unity of all things.

The vast and majestic voice resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten places.

Chu Xiu stood up slowly, wearing a black robe and long hair dancing lightly.

The aura of the Great Emperor swept across the universe.

His figure was tall and tall, with the road under his feet, and the long river of time manifested itself and lingered around him.

Countless mortals and monks instinctively prostrated themselves on the ground and worshiped Chu Xiu with pious expressions.

The Blue Star universe shook, and the endless stars buzzed, congratulating Chu Xiu on his successful enlightenment.

Chu Xiu stood on Jiutian, overlooking the Blue Star universe, and looked at the creatures on the Blue Star. There was no sadness or joy in his eyes, and the figure gradually became transparent and finally disappeared.

The blue star sky is also bright again.

China was shocked.

Countries are shocked.

Tens of billions of people are talking about Chu Xiu.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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