Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 220 You have such dark hearts!


The person who came was none other than Qi Mengdie.

She was wearing a red and white double-breasted skirt, with a tall and graceful figure, and a beautiful face, as aloof as a female figure.

Qi Mengdie came to stand a hundred feet away, with a cold expression and evil eyes, staring at the old man and the horse.

Everyone has seen it too.

These people are so powerful that they even fight in the human temple in order to fight for the treasure.

Blow the auction building to pieces.

To provoke the face of my human temple in this way is simply audacious, extremely vicious, full of evil, and all kinds of evil deeds are too numerous to describe!

To offend the majesty of the human temple, whether it is a monk from all races or a monk from the Sky Continent, it will be a capital crime.

Therefore, I will use the killing array to kill them all. Fellow Taoists should have no objections, right?

Old Man Ma's eyelids were twitching wildly, the corners of his mouth were twitching, and on his wrinkled old face, he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: What did fellow Taoist Qi say? They died innocently. How can we have any objections?

Haha, yes, yes, we have no objection, no objection.

The other two male cultivators of the Ninth Layer quickly laughed.

Fellow Daoist Qi is selfless and treats the monks of Tianqiong Continent equally, which is really admirable!

While speaking, Tian Yanxin turned over his hand and took out a shadow stone to activate.

The picture appears.

This photographic stone records the scene of the previous melee.

at last.

Big palm clapped.

The monks from Tianqiong Continent and the monks from all races who participated in the melee were all turned into flesh.

After this incident.

If there are still people who think that Fellow Daoist Qi is unfair, I will definitely refute him with evidence. Tian Yanxin put away the image stone with a serious look on his face.

Fellow Taoist Tianyanxin, please burn a copy of the image stone for me...

I want one too.

Tian Yanxin nodded, carved four copies of the photo stones, and distributed them to the old man, Ma and the other four people.

See them so knowledgeable.

The frost covering Qi Mengdie's pretty face gradually melted away.

It would be great if you all can understand.

Listen to the people below, you have something important and you want to see me? I don't know why?

This is not a place for conversation. Please move to the guest hall. After I finish cleaning up the mess here, I will come back to discuss with you...

Fellow Daoist Qi, please hurry up, we are not in a hurry!

So under the guidance of two female monks from Taisu Holy Land.

The five Nine Heavenly Powers went to the reception hall.

Watch them go away.

Qi Mengdie moved, her skirt fluttered, and she slowly landed on the ground.

The space beside you is distorted.

A thousand-faced body appears.

He looked back at Qi Mengdie, grinned, and let out a strange laugh: Jie Jie Jie, my illusion is paired with Chu Laoliu's illusion array, the effect is not bad, right?

Well, it's indeed good. If I hadn't known it in advance, I probably wouldn't have been able to tell the truth from the fake. Qi Mengdie nodded with a pretty face, Has the monk Tianqiong been accidentally injured?

Before the melee broke out, I used the teleportation array to teleport them away without anyone noticing.

Those Nine Heavenly Powerhouses have probably seen the clues. There shouldn't be any twists and turns, right? A trace of worry flashed in Qianmian's eyes.

Hmph—— Qi Mengdie snorted and sneered: They don't know the truth, how can they conceal the truth?

Those who play tactics are dirty. Qianmian's eyes lit up, he gave a thumbs up, shook his head and sighed.

Not only do they use them to hype up the auction, but after achieving their goal, they also use them to cover up the truth...

Face, reputation, money, you want them all.

If the hearts of you and your wife were dug out, they would be blacker than coal!

Qi Mengdie glanced at him sideways and sneered disdainfully: The world is as dark as crows. Are you, the Thousand-Faced Lord, a good person?

Qian Mian shrugged, as if you had wronged me, Apart from my love of grooming other people's wives, what other bad deeds can I do?

When we were against your human race, we just had different camp positions.

Let's not talk about this for now, I have made a major discovery. Qian Mian changed the topic and his expression became extremely serious.

Qi Mengdie looked surprised, What discovery?

Qian Mian described the scene he saw in the back hall of the auction building and by the artificial lake in detail.

After listening.

Qi Mengdie's eyes were gloomy.

Someone was actually eyeing Chu Xiu.

Moreover, the origin of the opponent is mysterious, and his strength is even more unfathomable.

This matter involves Tianwaitian, you'd better remind Chu Laoliu not to capsize in the gutter!

Qian Mian said in a deep voice.

Thank you for reminding me about this, otherwise he would be really in danger.

Qian Mian curled his lips, put his hands on his hips, and said proudly, I don't care whether he lives or dies, but my sister cannot die because of him.

Say it.

He waved his hands and turned to leave.

Qi Mengdie looked uncertain.

Looking sideways at the training tower.

He hesitated whether to inform Chu Xiu immediately.

In the end, she decided not to tell Chu Xiu about it for the time being.

First of all, Chu Xiu is now in a critical period of breakthrough and should not be disturbed.

Secondly, it will take about thirty years for the alien enemy in the black robe to arrive.

After Chu Xiu broke through, it was too late to make preparations.

As for the Holy Lord of the Endless Sword Domain.

A sharp light flashed in Qi Mengdie's eyes.

At this time, it is not easy to touch him, so as not to alert the enemy.

We will wait until Chu Xiu breaks through.

Think about this.

Qi Mengdie moved and turned into a rainbow, spanning thousands of miles and arriving at the main gate of the reception hall in an instant.


Cultivation tower, small chaotic universe.

Chaos energy continues to flow towards the center, converging into a giant funnel with a diameter of a million miles, reaching the sky and the earth.

Luo Qingyu, Die Qingge, Hua Luofei, with the chaotic funnel as the center, forming a triangle, standing in the void.

This state has lasted for two years.

The news of his breakthrough is getting louder and louder. Luo Qingyu yawned and stretched, revealing his proud figure.

Die Qingge smiled and said: My husband's breakthrough is different from ordinary great emperors.

An ordinary great emperor must break through the ladder of heaven, survive the thunder tribulation, fight against the afterimages of the great emperors of past dynasties, obtain the recognition of heaven, and integrate the mark of heaven's heart, in order to complete the sublimation of the great road, and then break through to the realm of the great emperor.

But my husband wants to prove the way for heaven and earth himself and become an existence equal to the way of heaven.

Completing the sublimation of the Great Dao in this way is an unprecedented feat when looking at the entire universe and starry sky. I am afraid that only the husband himself understands the difficulty.

Prove transcendence by yourself. Hua Luofei murmured to herself, her beautiful sapphire-like eyes staring at the colorful light cocoon in the center of the chaotic funnel.



The light cocoon is like a placenta, beating from time to time.


Hua Luofei's expression condensed.

Die Qingge and Luo Qingyu also looked at the colorful light cocoon.

A buzzing sound——

A beam of golden light countless times brighter than gold, with Chu Xiu as the center, soared into the sky...

The golden light penetrates the chaotic energy and the barrier of the small chaotic world.

this moment.

Countless creatures on the battlefield of all races can see that dazzling golden light as long as they raise their heads.

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