
I am Telin from the centaur tribe, and I want to meet fellow Taoist Chu Xiu.

I wonder if the girl can tell me something?

VIP box.

The auction is about to end.

The old man stood up and practiced clasping fists to the banshee with a pair of black cat ears who was standing by.

The cat-eared banshee shook her head, Master Chu Xiu is in retreat, no one can disturb him.

I wonder if fellow Taoist Chu and fellow Taoist Qi are in the auction building?

Tianyanxin interrupted at the right time.

Hearing this, a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the cat-eared banshee.

Go and pass the message and tell her that we have important matters to discuss with her. I believe that Fellow Daoist Qi will meet us.

As she spoke, she calmly took out a storage ring and put it into the cat-eared girl's hand.

All right--

I'm going to inform you. I can't guarantee whether Master Qi will see you or not.

The cat-eared girl happily put away the storage ring.

Push the door and leave the box.

Hey, I don't know if Qi Mengdie can influence Chu Xiu's decision. Trin sighed softly.

Tian Yanxin analyzed in a deep voice: Chu Xiu has only a few Taoist companions, and among them, Qi Mengdie is the only one who gave birth to an heir for him early.

Chu Xiu's favor towards her is evident.



Tian Yanxin's words were silenced by an explosion.

The auction building shook violently.

what happened?

Several Nine Heavenly Powerhouses looked at each other in confusion, and came to the window of the box in tacit understanding, looking towards the hall below.

What they saw stunned them.

I saw that the monks sitting in the hall and participating in the auction started fighting each other for some unknown reason.

It was a massive melee with no less than 100,000 participants.

Among them are monks from all races, as well as monks from Tianqiong Continent.

All kinds of magical lights swept across the entire place.

The newly-built auction building was shattered into pieces in an instant.

Boo hoo hoo——

One by one, the monks escaped into the void and fought, causing bones to fly everywhere and blood staining the sky red.

Stop, please stop, stop fighting!

The braised egg girl wanted to stop it.

It's a pity it's too late.

A cold snort came from Jiutian.

You dare to do something in the human temple, you are good, you are really good...

The cold words just fell.

Killing array activated.

A palm that covered the sky and sun fell from the sky.


don't want--

Amidst the screams and begging for mercy.

The giant palm slapped down mercilessly from top to bottom.


The entire human temple trembled.

The giant palm slowly dissipated.

A bloody palm print with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet appeared on the ground.

A gust of wind blew.

The pungent smell of blood spreads.

The Tianqiong monks who watched this scene from a distance couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.


All dead.

Except for a few Nine Heavenly Powerhouses, all the monks from all races who came to participate in the auction were slapped to death by this slap.

There are even many human race, demon race, and barbarian monks among them...

The old man Ma, who was suspended in the void and escaped the disaster, looked down at the tragic scene below, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart was filled with ice!

He looked at Braised Egg Girl, Tian Yanxin and others.

The humans, monsters, and barbarian monks who were killed earlier were all transformed by illusions.

This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against us monks from all races.

The methods are so vicious and cruel... Tian Yanxin also reacted and couldn't help but take a breath.

Look— Braised Egg Girl raised her hand and pointed to the palm prints on the ground.

All I saw was the palm print.

The densely packed storage utensils and storage magic weapons flew up automatically, gathered into a river of precious light, flew to the nine heavens, and disappeared.


This auction, www.youxs.org.

The number of Divine Essence Stones they brought is probably too much for me to even imagine...

The old man's face was full of sorrow, and his wrinkles were squeezed together like a chrysanthemum.

Tian Yanxin turned his head and looked in the direction of the human training tower, his voice trembling, Chu Xiu has been making plans from the moment he took control of the ancient world.

He didn't use the rules to directly eliminate us.

Instead, he ordered us to come to the Human Temple to pay homage to him.

Threaten me to wait for a while, and then throw out the treasures from the Supreme Treasure House to lure us to participate in the auction.

Now that the fish has taken the bait, he goes on a killing spree and plunders everything...

What ruthless methods and vicious nature!

There's one thing I don't understand~ Braised egg girl Kangtas scratched her head, Chu Xiu has already controlled the ancient world, and also controlled our life and death. If he wants resources, he can just steal them from us. He also Why go to such trouble, do we still dare to resist him?

Tian Yanxin glanced at her sideways, as if he was looking at a fool.

What you understand, can Chu Xiu understand?

He did control the prehistoric world, but he felt it was not enough. He wanted more.

Hear the words.

Luodannu reacted, and her pupils suddenly shrank, I understand, he threw out a lot of treasures just to lure all the tribes, send people back to the starry sky, and get more resources from the tribes...


He's really poisonous!

Didn't he already take the oath of heaven?

Isn't he afraid of the backlash from heaven?

The old man Matlin patted the braised egg girl on the shoulder and said earnestly, Of course he is afraid, so a few of us are still standing here alive.


Chu Xiu swore an oath of heaven, only saying that he would not take action against a few of them, but he did not say that he would not take action against others...

He's really good at taking advantage of loopholes.

Lu Dannu opened her mouth and swallowed her saliva: Chu Xiu is indeed invincible, but other monks in Tianqiong Continent do not have his strength.

You must know that his son and daughter are still training on the battlefield of all races.

When the news of this incident spreads, all the major races will be angry and crazy. At that time, they will send powerful quasi-emperors to take revenge.

Although the quasi-emperor will be obliterated by the rules, Chu Xiu's children will not escape death.

Using the life of a quasi-emperor to exchange the lives of Chu Xiu's two children, this deal is not considered a loss, right?

Tian Yanxin sneered, Now, there are only a few monks from all races like us left in the human temple.

Do you think the news can still get out?

The braised egg girl's eyes widened, her brain was not very bright, and she was confused by Tian Yanxin's words.

If you don't want others to know, unless you do nothing, the news will spread throughout the whole world sooner or later, right?

Hey, Kangtas—— Old Man Ma patted the braised egg girl on the shoulder, You have to remember that this matter has nothing to do with Chu Xiu or the Human Race Temple...

The reason why they ended up like this was because they were greedy and wanted to kill people and seize treasures at the auction. They triggered the killing array and were ruthlessly wiped out.

Do you understand?

Except for the braised egg girl, everyone else nodded.

Not only were they unable to make the truth known to the public, but they also had to cover it up for Chu Xiu.

Frustrated, angry, and all kinds of negative emotions flooded into my heart, but there was no way to vent my extreme discomfort.


At this moment, a beautiful figure came walking through the void.

Several people heard the sound and looked over.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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