Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 203 Chu Xiu’s dilemma and Master’s enlightenment


Facing the expectant eyes of millions of people.

Chu Xiu said loudly: The battlefield of all races has been controlled by me. From now on, you can enter and exit the human temple at will, and you no longer have to worry about being targeted by all races.

Lack of training resources? If you have the guts, go explore the secret realm and fight against foreigners.

If we, the monks, don't even have the courage to fight, we might as well give up on cultivation.


Chu Xiu changed his tone and said, I will set up a trial site in the human temple.

Those who have the strength to pass the trial will naturally be rewarded.

Do you understand?


A monk in the crowd shouted back.

Immediately, the sound of roaring mountains and tsunami sounded from the human temple.

They knew what Chu Xiu meant.

Want resources? Then go straight to fight, fight, and fight bloody battles.

You can go to the battlefield of all races and explore the secret realm.

You can also explore the trial grounds in the temple.


The temple is his Chu Xiu's temple. He doesn't raise waste here. Everything depends on strength.

Chu Xiu nodded, took a step forward, and his figure disappeared.

After he left.

The temple was completely boiling.

Many monks have already discussed forming a team to go to the battlefield of all races.

The main hall of the temple is very quiet.

Chu Xiu sat alone on the throne, closing his eyes to rest and adapt to the sudden increase in power.

He recalled Lao Siji's words.

Do you do so much because of your sense of responsibility?

The great calamity is coming.

I want to protect the people around me and the Taisu Holy Land.

As my strength becomes stronger and stronger.

I find.

My bonds are becoming more and more numerous, and the burden on me is getting heavier and heavier.

Chu Xiu asked himself in his heart:

What am I doing?

save the world?

Can I really ignore the countless creatures in Sky Continent disappearing into thin air before my eyes?

Do I have the strength and ability to change their fate?

However, I claim to be a big devil and a big villain, not a big hero who saves the world.

I am an egoist, so why do I do so-called good deeds that are harmful to myself?

But the strange thing is, I just did it instinctively.

Why is this happening....

Chu Xiu's eyelids were closed, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he was trapped in self-painful contradictions.

At this time...

At the entrance of the main hall, a beautiful figure walked slowly, bringing with it bursts of delicious fragrance.

Chu Xiu opened his eyes.

Only then did I realize that the person coming was Master.

She came in style, with her waist swaying and swaying, and with her long, slender white legs, her posture was elegant and her steps were light. She stepped onto the white marble steps and came to stand in front of Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu raised his head.

Master Baby looked at Chu Xiu and caught the confusion in his eyes that couldn't be resolved.

The jade hand gently raised and stroked his cheek.

If you have something on your mind, you can tell me.

Chu Xiu put his arms around her plump and soft waist.

Qi Mengdie sat on his lap.

He confided his troubled issues to his master.

After finishing speaking, he smiled awkwardly and said, Am I being pretentious?

Qi Mengdie pursed her lips and smiled, leaning forward to kiss his cheek with her warm red lips, My silly husband.

You're not being hypocritical, you just can't let it go.

Can't let go? Chu Xiu was confused.

Qi Mengdie stood up, took out a wooden comb, and gently arranged his messy long hair, her phoenix eyes as tender as water.

Did you find out?

As your abilities improve, do you feel a sense of responsibility to protect the Sky Continent? In fact, in many cases, this is not done deliberately, but because you can't help yourself, or it is a very natural thing.

If you are prosperous, you can help the world; if you are poor, you can only take care of yourself. This is the truth.

This is your nature...

But, at the beginning of your practice, you went through a lot of hardships and saw too much filth. You were deceived and insulted. You hid in the stinking ditch and saw your relatives and friends being tortured and killed. You are crazy. You Angry, you hate yourself for being weak. You vow to be a powerful and selfish demon, to make everyone fear you and never dare to look down on you again.

You want to become a heinous devil, but it goes against your true nature.

That's why you get entangled.

Qi Mengdie hugged his neck from the side, pressed her cheek against his cheek, lightly parted her red lips, and whispered softly in his ear: The fact that you are entangled like this means that you are by no means a vindictive, ruthless and murderous person. People. In fact, you will also forgive those who have hurt you.

Have you forgotten?

Back then, I also participated in the siege against you in the Howling Forbidden Land and on top of the Soul-Desolating Cliff.

With your ruthless style, you should take revenge on me and let me die in endless pain.

Of course, you didn't do that. You forgive me.

We have different positions on what happened back then... Chu Xiu argued, Baby, you are pregnant with my child. I am not a beast. How can I bear to kill you.

Qi Mengdie's gentle and jade-like face gently stroked the side of his face, Silly husband, since you can forgive me, why can't you forgive yourself?

Forgive me for being so weak.

Perhaps your Taoist heart is as strong as a rock, but you didn't realize that you drew a strange circle called the Big Devil and surrounded yourself without your knowledge.

You are like a hedgehog, curling up in a circle, using the barbs on your body to hurt everyone who wants to get close to you, and you are constantly hurting yourself.

If you can't let go, you won't be able to get out of this vicious circle.

This is where your confusion arises.

Qi Mengdie stretched out her hand and placed her palm on his chest, feeling his strong heartbeat. You don't have to worry about being a big devil or a hero to save the world.

You just have to be yourself.

I like you to do whatever you want.

Chu Xiu was stunned for a long time, as if he was waking up from a dream.

Yeah, why do I have to worry so much?

I am strong enough. I can save people if I want to, and I can't save people if I don't want to. Why should I use the character of Old Demon Chu to limit myself?

Isn't this mental internal friction?

I pursue strength for the sake of freedom and longevity, not for making myself miserable...

Love the freedom to do whatever you want, that's your true intention!

Chu Xiu's thoughts were clear at this moment, and all the tangles in his heart were gone.

He felt relaxed all over.

Have you figured it out? Master Baby tilted his head and looked at him, pursed his thin peach lips, and smiled lightly.


Chu Xiu nodded and smiled.

At this moment, Qi Mengdie clearly felt that the depression that enveloped Chu Xiu dissipated.

Come to your senses.

Then he found that he was picked up by someone.

What are you doing!


Two red clouds appeared on Baby Master's beautiful and fair cheeks, and he said angrily: It's still broad daylight, don't act nonsense...

Chu Xiu opened his mouth and smiled evilly, Jiejie, baby, you asked me to do whatever I wanted before... Why, have you forgotten now?

Now I just want to have in-depth communication with my baby.


Who told you to do whatever you want in this kind of thing?

The master's baby is ashamed and angry, and the red clouds on his beautiful and refined face are getting more and more gorgeous.

The elegant and refined temperament,, made Chu Xiu feel itchy.

Chu Xiu placed her on the big and soft throne.

With a wave of his sleeves, there was a boom——

The heavy door of the main hall closed automatically.

We need to finish things quickly. I will take you to the Supreme Treasure House later. There must be a lot of good things in it...

Say it.

Looking down at the baby who was half lying on the throne with blurred phoenix eyes, Chu Xiu smiled strangely and pressed on him.

Rebel, you - um -

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone, and Happy National Day

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