Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 204 The Shocking Supreme Treasure House


The clouds roll and relax, the rain disperses and the clouds close——

The baby Master is lying on the throne, with messy black hair, flushed and plump cheeks, and undulating white snow.

The two peach blossom lips are slightly open, and the Qiong nose is singing softly.

Pushing the person who was pressing on him, he said angrily: Get up quickly, Luo Fei and the others are still waiting!



Half an hour later.

They were both fully dressed.

Leave the hall side by side.

The three girls, Hua Luo Fei, Die Qing Ge, and Zhu Bi Yue, were waiting at the foot of the high steps outside the hall.

Saw two people coming out.

The three girls took a look at Qi Mengdie's fair and fair cheeks, the blush that had not yet faded away.

I thought: Okay, okay, this is how you communicate with him in depth, right?

I feel the weird or teasing looks from the sisters.

The baby master, who was always shy, lowered his head in shame, his cheek almost buried in the snow.

Husband, congratulations on taking a step forward in your cultivation.

Die Qingge withdrew her teasing gaze and walked up to Chu Xiu. She looked at him with soft eyes and a smile on her lips.

She was wearing a luxurious purple skirt, which made her temperament even more noble and dignified. Her peach-like mature figure showed her maturity and charm, and her smile was indescribable.

Concubine Hua Luo and Zhu Biyue also came up to congratulate him.

The four women have different styles, and the faint fragrance exuding from their bodies is also different.

Why didn't Sister Luo come? Chu Xiu looked at the girls and asked doubtfully.

Zhu Biyue shook her head lightly, her eyes complicated, She went into seclusion.

Qi Mengdie's phoenix eyes moved slightly, and she probably guessed why Luo Qingyu didn't come.

She was deliberately avoiding Chu Xiu so as not to make it difficult for Chu Xiu.


Chu Xiu also reacted, hummed, and waved his sleeves to communicate with the battlefield weapon spirits of all races.

Let's go!

A beam of blazing white light with a diameter of 100 meters fell from the sky, penetrated the temple's defense formation and enveloped the five people.

Space rules oscillate.

next moment.

Five figures were teleported away at the same time.


A flower in front of my eyes.

The five people arrived in a strange space instantly.

There is a snow-white floor under your feet, and above your head, the surrounding area is also a vast expanse of white, with no edges visible...

Not far in front of them, there was a column that reached the sky. .

It has a diameter of tens of thousands of miles, and is dark as a whole. You can't tell what kind of material it is made of. It is densely covered with Dao patterns, shining with colorful fairy lights that flicker on and off.

Lord Chu Xiu, welcome to the Supreme Treasure House.

The distant voice of the weapon spirit resounded in the ears of the five people.

It guided Chu Xiu and others to the front of the Tongtian Column.

The cylinder is the core hub of [Prehistoric]. You can use it to view the list of all treasures in the Supreme Treasure House and take out the treasures at any time.

Chu Xiu flew to the core hub and stretched out his palm to press it.


The towering column vibrates——

The countless lines attached to the surface glowed with dazzling light.

After a while.

A shocking scene appeared.

I saw that on the surface of the dark cylinder, Dao patterns turned into nebulae.

A nebula contains thousands of projections of treasures.

This... Qi Mengdie's peach blossom lips parted slightly, and she looked up at the sky-reaching column blankly, How many nebulae are there...

Visual estimation, at least hundreds of millions...

Concubine Hua Luo spoke concisely and concisely, but she could not hide the shock in her eyes. Even she felt like her head was buzzing at this moment...

Immortal weapon refining materials, magic wings.

The treasures of heaven and earth, the rising dragon and Buddha flowers.

The innate treasure, the five elements rest in the soil.

The divine fire of heaven and earth, the true martial pure Yang fire...

Die Qingge raised his hand and pointed at a nebula, in which a blue star was suspended, Eclipse Shengang, like the Ten Thousand Stars Iron Mother, is a supreme treasure for sacrificially refining imperial weapons, and every kilogram is worth immeasurable value. However, Is there a piece as big as a star here?

Among several women.

Zhu Biyue had the most limited knowledge, and there were not many treasures she could recognize. However, she could see the Principle Source Fruit that Chu Xiu had obtained at a glance.

It was a nebula.

Among them are two life stars with extremely rich spiritual energy, and hundreds of thousands of Tao fruit trees are planted in them.

There are at least two Dao fruits on a Dao fruit tree.

There are even as many as five or six.

That's right, those are all Principle Source Fruits...

The Principle Source Fruit that even the peak holy kings would go crazy for.

Just like ordinary fruits, you can see them everywhere...

Zhu Biyue's apricot eyes widened and she was speechless.

Tsk, tsk, isn't this damn treasure storage capacity too exaggerated?

Chu Xiu's eyes widened.

Tongzi, I feel like you can come in handy again.

[Quack, drooling]

[The host exchanges all these treasures for breakthrough points, why don’t you take off instantly? 】

Chu Xiu nodded, his expression excited and his heart beating wildly, If the breakthrough point is enough, when I break through the Great Emperor, I can try to deduce the Great Chaos Freedom Method, and my cultivation will be further advanced, and I may even touch the level of an immortal.

[Quack, get rich, host, let’s get rich! Flies rubbing hands]

Chu Xiu gathered his thoughts and said to himself in a deep voice, These treasures are all fairy-grade at the lowest level, and many of them have even disappeared from the outside world. It would be too wasteful to directly exchange them for breakthrough points.

It's most cost-effective to replace them with divine essence stones.

He turned his head and said to the four girls, If you lack any treasures while you are training the quasi-emperor soldiers, go and get them yourself.

There are so many treasures here.

Of course, the four girls would not be polite to him. They flew to the column and picked out the materials and treasures they needed.

Qi Mengdie and Hua Luofei, two best friends, gathered together and whispered to each other.

As the owner of Taisu Holy Land, Concubine Hua Luo is well-informed and knows many treasures. She quickly recommended several refining materials that are most suitable for Qi Mengdie.

Qi Mengdie took some more treasures that the two children could use.

Zhu Biyue frowned slightly, looking embarrassed.

Sister Biyue~ Die Qingge saw her embarrassment, took her hand, and said with a smile: Your great road is the origin of the five elements, the way of water.

You can choose that drop of five-source weak water, and...

An hour later.

After the four girls had selected the materials and treasures, Chu Xiu stepped forward. He owned the Heavenly Emperor Sword and did not need treasure materials to refine the weapon, so he packed up a few nebula treasures and took them away.

Let's go!

Chu Xiu communicated with the weapon spirit and teleported the four girls away from the Supreme Treasure House.


Return to the Human Temple.

Chu Xiu and Qi Mengdie exchanged a few words before teleporting away and returning to Tianqiong Continent.

He was going to get the secret inheritance left by Xue Yueqing.


Qi Mengdie stopped him, You ordered all races to come to the Human Race Temple to pay homage to you. If you leave, wouldn't they be unable to find anyone?

What if they jump over the wall in a hurry?

Chu Xiu smiled and said: Don't worry, as long as they have representatives and enter the human temple, nothing will happen.

On the contrary...hehe~

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