
What is rule-making power?

No one who can come to the battlefield of all races is a fool.

Of course they know what this means.

Chu Xiu, who has the power to make rules, is the omnipotent god in the ancient times.

without any exaggeration.

He only needs to make rules now, and all other monks except human monks will be wiped out within the battlefield of all races.

So, the next moment.

Except for the human monks.

All other monks must die...

As long as the monks are in prehistoric times, they will be controlled by Chu Xiu.

Nowadays, for these ten thousand races, the prehistoric place is still a blessed land for cultivation. It is simply an abyss, and Chu Xiu controls both life and death.

Let's go, let's go quickly -

The Ten Thousand Races Battlefield has given all the power to formulate rules to Chu Xiu, a human race, and they don't want to leave us a way to survive at all!

Why, why is this happening?


However, they have forgotten that the Ancient Wilderness was originally a testing ground opened up for the human race by the great powers of the human race.

The human race is the master of this place.

The races in the starry sky have been active in the prehistoric world for countless thousands of years, and they just took advantage of the decline of the human race.

Now most of the monks have reacted and led their tribesmen to escape from the battlefield of all races.

Let's run away -

If you don't run away, you will really die here.

Most of the monks also reacted, abandoned the temple, and rushed towards the teleportation formation madly.

Grandpa, do we want to leave?

The blond little mare was being led by the old man's horse, moving quickly through the void.

Old Man Ma frowned, looked at the sky, and said solemnly: Liya, if we continue to stay here, our life and death will be controlled by that person.

With that man's decisive and decisive temper, our grandfather and grandson may not even be able to save their lives.

Panic flashed in the blond filly's eyes.

She raised her head, wanting to see the man in the sky.

Coincidentally, at this time, the man also turned around.

The little mare saw clearly, the corners of Chu Xiu's mouth gradually raised, and his smile was bright and sunny, but it didn't make anyone feel warm. Instead, it only made people's hair stand on end and sent chills down their spines...

Just listen.

Chu Xiu said loudly: Make rules.

From now on, except for the monks of Tianqiong Continent, other living beings can enter and cannot leave.

Make rules to prohibit other living beings, except monks from the Sky Continent, from delivering messages to the outside world in any way.

As his words fell.

The battlefield of all races, the prehistoric starry sky square, the situation is changing suddenly.

In the prehistoric world.

There are two more rules of heaven and earth.

The monks of all races who happened to rush to the entrance of the teleportation array were shocked to find that the teleportation array was ineffective.

It can't be passed on, it can't be passed on at all.

Not only that.

Their communication equipment also failed.

From now on, not only are they unable to leave the prehistoric world, they are also unable to send any information to the outside world...

Even they died here.

The people of Starry Sky Universe are also unable to detect it.

Because the prehistoric rules restrict them from conveying information to the outside world in any way. Even if they die, their soul jade tokens will not be broken.

Above the sky.

The beautiful scrolls of mountains and rivers gathered together and gradually disappeared into the void.

Chu Xiu walked out of the sky step by step with his hands behind his back, the aura of rules lingering all over his body, the terrifying coercion shook the universe, and all the spirits prostrated at his feet.

Now he gives people a sense of oppression that is no different from that of a real emperor.

The battlefield of all races, the Starry Sky Square, was deathly silent.

Countless creatures buried their heads deeply, trembling and uneasy, not daring to make even the slightest sound for fear of being noticed by the people in heaven.

Chu Xiu stood on the Nine Heavens with a calm demeanor, like a heavenly emperor, lowering his eyes to look down at all living beings.

The entire prehistoric world no longer has any secrets from him.

can achieve this effect.

His improvement in cultivation is one reason.

The most important thing is the increase brought to him by the supreme authority.

Now he is the true god of Prehistoric.

If you want to survive, send representatives to come to the human temple to worship me.

I'll give you three days to wait.

The rules are established. After three days, any race that visits me in the future will be directly obliterated!


The sky suddenly changed.

The rules are established.

The monks of all races had pale faces and remained as silent as cicadas.

If you don't go see Chu Xiu for three days, you will be killed by the rules!!

What should we do? Are we really going to meet this murderer?

Go, you must go. You may not die if you pay homage to him. If you don't go, you will definitely die miserably.


Human temple.

The monks of Tianqiong Continent were all dumbfounded, their mouths opened wide, and they felt that all this was like a dream.

This reversal is so dreamy and shocking.

A moment ago, they thought that Chu Xiu's challenge reward was going to be wiped out from the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

The next moment, Wanzu Battlefield packed itself up and gave it all to Chu Xiu...

Ah this...

Monsters, barbarians, and human monks were all stunned.

It didn't take long for them to react.


Lord Chu Xiu controls the entire Ancient Wasteland, which means that all the resources of Ancient Wasteland belong to our monks in Tianqiong Continent. Ancient Wilderness is vast, with many secret places, and the cultivation resources are so rich. Hahaha, now we, Tianqiong Continent, are rich. .

Sure enough, by following a strong man like Lord Chu Xiu, we have a chance to get ahead!

I just don't know, Master Chu Xiu, why do you want to keep those alien races? Why don't you just wipe them out.

My lord, you must have your own considerations. Let's just obey your orders.

Lord Chu Xiu has returned. Someone shouted.

I saw Chu Xiu flying into the human temple through the void.

this moment.

Millions of monks paid their attention to the man with a slender figure and flawless appearance.

Lord Chu Xiu is invincible forever.

Someone shouted, as if a fire was lit in hot oil.

The entire human temple exploded instantly.

Tens of millions of monks shouted in unison.

Lord Chu Xiu is invincible forever.

Lord Chu Xiu is invincible forever.

Master Chu Xiu is so handsome!

Many female cultivators in the crowd were so excited that they rolled their eyes and fainted because they couldn't bear Chu Xiu's damn charm.

Someone fainted again, drag her away quickly!

This is the 3560th female nun who fainted.

No, dozens more fainted over there.

Chu Xiu stood in the void with his hands folded, overlooking the excitement of the human temple.

The breeze blew, blowing his long hair, and the sleeves of his black robe were fluttering.

His face was expressionless, and he slowly raised his right hand and pressed it softly.


It's like pressing the pause button.

The human temple was instantly quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

Thousands of monks looked up at the handsome man in the sky who was the focus of attention, with expressions of admiration and admiration, and all of them turned red with excitement.

outside the crowd.

Qi Mengdie, Hua Luofei, Die Qingge and other women stood together, staring at the god-like man.

Only then did he realize that Chu Xiu’s status in the minds of the monks in Tianqiong Continent was already so transcendent?

In the past, he was always laughing and joking, but he had no integrity. In the past few decades, he has become much more stable. The master's thin peach lips curled up, revealing a faint smile, and his phoenix eyes were full of soft colors.

He is now the uncrowned king of Sky Continent, and he must not be as noisy as before.

Zhu Biyue said with a smile.

She clearly remembered every detail of the time when she first met Chu Xiu. The guy was simply a master of affairs.

Concubine Hua Luo shook her head, her red lips parted slightly, The false king hides under the false crown, but the true king does whatever he wants.

And he, from beginning to end, is the king who does whatever he wants.

Mengdie said that he is mature and stable, but that is not necessarily true. I feel that he is like this because he has something on his mind.

Wait a minute, go talk to him.

Qi Mengdie's slender eyebrows furrowed slightly. When Luo Fei said this, she also felt that something was unusual.

After the rebels came back from the starry sky battlefield, they always gave her a disharmonious feeling of depression.

Wait, let me go talk to him!

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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