Chapter 235 Strong Refining! Follow Me and Take You to the Peak!


With Su Lie’s space shuttle ability to this day, it is not difficult to enter the Demon Fire Space…

Even if there is no time for the demon fire to come to the world!

Relying on the soul of the Emperor Realm, the Dragon Phoenix bloodline’s ability to control the void, plus the coordinate guidance of the ancient monster fire map.

all of these!

Su Lie couldn’t help it at all.


Feeling the presence of Su Lie’s deity, Cangyan Demon Fire was also taken aback, somewhat unexpected.


The terrified roar sound resounded crazily in the demon fire space:

“How can it be…

“You can find my space coordinates, shuttle space?

This scene!

It was clearly unbelievable to fall into Cangyan Demon Fire’s eyes.

Stormy waves are set off in my heart!

A dragon and phoenix supreme sacred charcoal is no longer an opponent, and now he has another master.

How to fight this?


However, Su Lie ignored the others and took a step forward, falling into the “Zero Zero Zero” space of the demon fire, with a leisurely pace like walking in the courtyard.

“Huh, I’m really afraid that you won’t make it!”

While roaring, Cangyan Demon Fire no longer hesitated, and immediately released all the controlling hono in the space.

In the endless years!

All those who tried to come to subdue him were refined into hono by him.

This is a huge quantity!

With such a large number of Huo Nu, together, Su Lie went to kill, turned into a fierce attack, and set off the entire demon fire space, a radiance.


It also contains endless terrifying power, like a violent storm, blasting towards Su Lie.

after all!

Be able to have the strength to enter the demon fire space.

That is at least the realm of saints!

no doubt!

With so many sages joining forces, you must not be underestimated in any seven-star sage!


Unfortunately, what they met was Su Lie.

An existence that possesses the soul of the Emperor Realm at the stage of the Seven Star Saints!



Just at the offensive of those Hono, just before the moment of coming.

From Su Lie’s whole body, there is a layer of imperial soul protection, and the endless light falls, forming a soul mask on the surface of Su Lie’s body!

Under countless killings, Su Lie was unscathed!

Continue to move forward safely.

At the same moment, the Supreme Sacred Flame of Dragon Phoenix also appeared behind Su Lie in an instant, bursting out!

In an instant, the flames skyrocketed!

Wherever the demon fire space goes, there are terrifying dragon encirclement flames, between gold and silver.

That terrible flame seems to be able to burn everything, even the demon fire space is burned!


When the Huo Nuo saw this, although they did not have a sense of autonomy, they were afraid of them under instinct.

“Today, I will send you to wait for relief!

With Su Lie’s heart moving, the flames are full of flames!

The entire demon fire space is filled with dragon electric phlegm in the sky, like a realm of Tao, falling on everyone in an instant!


Su Lie had already turned away from the guest, and swept the space of Cangyan Demon Fire with Dragon and Phoenix Charcoal.

In the sky full of dragon encirclement flames!

Su Lie was alone and suddenly moved again.

He still moves like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, and here is like a demon-fire space, like a young emperor walking on fire;

It seemed slow but fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the enslaved fire slaves.





Almost at the same time!

As Su Lie went all the way, those hoonos, with no resistance, completely perished.

In the entire demon fire space, dragons raged, and the flames shone.

Only Su Lie stands proudly alone!

Stepping on the dragon encirclement Daohuo life, as if in this monster fire space…

The only master!

The depths of the demon fire space!

At this moment, the Cangyan Demon Fire, who had returned to the base camp, was completely shocked: “It’s terrible…

“This guy, where did the werewolf come from?”

“How can it be so terrible?!”

Then he changed his mind again, and couldn’t help roaring: “Obviously, the strength is already so strong, why are you still refining me?”



Cangyan Yaohuo did not forget his own situation, “What should I do, what should I do?”

In an instant, the thoughts are turned!


In such a situation, I am about to face the pressure of Su Lie, and also have to deal with the ubiquitous Dragon Encirclement…

How can it be possible to think of a good solution in a short time.


Su Lie didn’t pay any attention to it, like a hunter, reaping everything in the demon fire space.


Finally, the entire demon fire space was penetrated by Su Lie.

At this moment, the depths of the space where the Cangyan Demon Fire was suddenly lit up, and endless Dragon Phoenix resources spread in the void.

It was like a large area surrounded by dragons, with amazing vision.

With such a vision coming to the world!

Su Lie’s figure, but also appeared in the deepest part of the demon fire space.

Stepping on the Dragon Dao Fire Life, standing proudly on the void, the terrifying coercion, overflowing from his body, it is very incomprehensible!

“Cangyan Demon Fire!”

Su Lie looked at the third fire in front of him, and finally opened his mouth, saying 0.

Under the pressure of the soul of the emperor realm, his words resounded in every corner of the monster fire space;

Like the voice of the emperor.

With a special rhythm: “Follow me, I can take you to the top!”

“Don’t think about it, no one wants to refine me

“I’m tired of the days of being refined. Since I am the ultimate form of Daohuo, I have a life form that belongs to me!”

“I can reach the top by myself!

Talk to the end!

Cangyan Yaohuo even raised his head and confronted Su Lie: “So why should I recognize you and take me to the top!”


Cangyan Yaohuo was also angry.

The black flames all over his body were beating frantically, releasing a wave of mania.

It’s not hard to hear!

Cangyan Yaohuo possesses extremely high intelligence, and he rejects being a vassal.


As the real third fire!

Cangyan Demon Fire is different from Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame.

Although it is the same as the ultimate form of Daohuo, it has a real life form and its own intelligence;

But the Supreme Sacred Flame of Dragon Phoenix!

It was created by Su Lie’s fusion time and time again. From the ninth fire’s three thousand starry sky dragon bag, step by step, he achieved the top three of today’s rival Daohuo list.


He naturally likes this process of continuous integration and continuous strength.

But Cangyan Demon Fire is different!

Its power is the inherent horror. It can be obtained by itself when it evolves to the ultimate form of Daohuo, possesses intelligence and life.


He rejects being refined by others, and recognizes others as the master.

At this point, he and Xu Wuxie Huangyan are together.



He does not have the strength of Void Huangyan;

And Su Lie is not the Demon [Heaven] Emperor who doesn’t care much about Dao Huo.

“Hehe, you may have misunderstood.

Su Lie just chuckled softly at Cangyan Yaohuo’s roar.

Then, his eyes gradually became cold:

“What I want is not your approval, but your following…

“That’s it!”


An endless pressure suddenly surged from Su Lie’s body.

It seems to be compared to the previous Dragon Emperor Supreme Sacred Flame!

It’s even more terrible ten times a hundred times:

“It’s only the third fire. Do you think that you can stop me?

The voice fell off!

Su Lie stopped talking.

The Dragon Emperor Supreme Sacred Flame slammed out at his feet.

That terrifying and majestic Dao Fire power swept the Cangyan Demon Fire suddenly, and it was absolutely necessary to forcibly refine this third fire…

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