Chapter 236 Demon Fire Master! The closest existence to the Great Emperor ever! Cangyan Demon Emperor!!!

Forcibly refining Daohuo!

This generally requires extremely strong strength, with the advantage of absolute crushing, so that Dao has no resistance.

The disadvantages of this method are too obvious.

after all!

The higher the ranking of Daohuo, the more wise it is.

Even among the quasi-emperor-level powerhouses, this kind of power is extremely rare.

But Su Lie is different!

He just wants to use this method because he has absolute confidence.

Burning Heaven Jue!

Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame!

At this time, Longtu Daohuo life, powerful and trembling.

Even without Su Lie!

He also has unmatched strength and the power to suppress the third fire.


In the demon fire space, the two great fire lives burst into death.

One is the third fire of the real old brand!

One is a new type of Daohu that integrates four types of half-dao fires, which is comparable to the third fire.

this moment!

As if to compete, who is the third existence on the Daohuo List…


Cangyan Demon Fire roared and was angered by Su Lie’s words: “I am the ultimate form of Daohuo!”

“If you want to forcibly refine me, it’s tantamount to an idiot…”


The word “Dream” hadn’t been spoken in 06, the voice of Cangyan Demon Fire stopped abruptly;

Need time!

It seems like encountering such a terrible existence, it is silent for an instant!

I saw the dragon and phoenix supreme sacred flame’s Dao fire, but there was a supreme aura lingering around, releasing an extremely terrifying aura;

There is a domineering aura that suppresses all Dao Huo!

Burning Heaven Jue!

Facing this kind of emperor-like aura of supreme cultivation technique, even Cangyan Demon Fire felt a sense of fright.

“How can it be!

“This is impossible. I was refined by the Cangyan Demon Emperor to help him become the strongest closest to the emperor, invincible in the world, and I have never seen such a terrifying technique!”

“You are no more than a seven-star saint, how could it be possible to have such a technique, it’s impossible!”

“It’s absolutely impossible…

Cangyan Demon Fire roared, unbelievable.

“Cangyan Demon Emperor?!

Su Lie chuckled indifferently: “What he can’t do doesn’t mean I can’t do it.

For this person!

Of course Su Lie knows who it is, but so what?

This is not his time!

As soon as the voice fell, Su Lie stopped talking.

In the next step, the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame and Su Lie are connected, and instantly kill the Cangyan Demon Fire!


The fireworks filled the air, and the Cangyan Demon Fire made a screaming scream instantly.

As the third-ranked existence on the Daohuo List!

If it really wants to fight normally, although it is afraid of the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame, it will not be afraid

What he didn’t expect was!

The Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sage Yan possessed the kind of aura that suppressed all Dao Huo as soon as he moved his hands.

Even it is extremely difficult to resist, even more terrifying…

That power method:

For his life form that has evolved into the ultimate form of Daohuo, it is even more lethal.

Point! Boom!

Being suppressed by the Supreme Sage Flame of the Dragon Emperor, the Cangyan Demon Fire finally slumped down with the aura of Dao Huo.

at the same time!

A wave of crazy Dao fire impacted.

Continuously erupting from his body, turning this demon fire space upside down…


In the Demon Fire Space “Retreat steadily!

After a while.

The Cangyan Demon Fire flickered, turning into a figure-like appearance again.

Su Lie knew that this must be what the Demon Emperor Cangyan looked like when he was alive, but it was a pity that the demon fire life in front of him had only its shape, but no temperament at all.

As a powerful person like a quasi-emperor, he will dominate everything, and his spleen will be common!

How could he be like him at the moment?!

“what the hell do you want?

“With your current strength and the Dao Huo you have, you don’t need to refine me at all. Changing Dao Huo is even more meaningless.”

“Let me go, we can discuss what you want!”

Cangyan Yaohuo, those monsters and tyrannical pupils, stared at Su Lie firmly.

He is scared!

In the face of absolute strength, he was still scared after all.

At the same time, Cangyan Demon Fire also understood that the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame in this state was far more terrifying than him.

“No need to discuss!”

“Hand over the origin of your Daohuo!”

Su Lie didn’t care about Cangyan Yaohuo’s soft words. After smiling, the Supreme Sacred Charcoal of Dragon Phoenix also moved.


While roaring, that terrifying power of Daohuo completely swept the Cangyan Demon Fire.

“I’m fighting with you!

Feeling the origin of the fire in the body, there is a faint sense of being drawn away.

Cangyan Yaohuo finally understood–

At this moment, Su Lie is determined to refine him. If he doesn’t work hard, he will die completely.


The flames in his body were flourishing, and faintly, it seemed that he was about to burn the origin of Daohuo.

However, just when the origin of his Tao was about to burn.

A terrifying imperial realm soul pressure directly interrupted his burning origin.

It is Su Lie!

With his current control of Dao Huo, how could Cang Yan Demon Fire burn the Dao Huo’s origin in front of him?

Like at the beginning, Xiao Fannas blew himself up to the origin of fire

In the end, before Su Lie refined his Dao Huo, he had been pregnant for several years before completely returning it to its peak state.


How could Su Lie make that kind of mistake again?


At the same time, the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame also seized the opportunity to devour the Dao Fire of the Cangyan Demon Fire and departed…

“No! Give it back to me!”

Feeling the loss of the origin of his Dao Fire, Cangyan Demon Fire roared crazily.


The Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame didn’t care about him so much, it swallowed even more fiercely.

“Ha ha!

“In the Monster Beast Realm today, is there such a terrifying young man unexpectedly?”

Right now!

A very savory sound rang out from the demon fire space.


I saw the complete ancient picture outside the demon fire space, slowly twisting.


It seemed that there was a figure, manifesting from within.

Break the boundaries of time and space!


After this voice came out.

The one who has always calmed Su Lie, now his eyes are finally at this moment, and Wei Wei is a little serious:

“Cangyan Demon Emperor?”

The demon fire space is distorted!

A terrifying flame vortex, 000 finally slowly formed.


A slightly prosperous figure, just like this, appeared in front of Su Lie’s eyes.

And with the appearance of this figure!

This demon fire space seemed to become riot at this time, as if welcoming its true owner.


Even the endless demon fire power in the demon fire space is at an astonishing speed;

Converging towards this figure!

“Cangyan Demon Emperor?!”

“Save me… Save me!”

Upon seeing this, Cangyan Yaohuo’s expression was extremely panic, and it was also a meal.


As if seeing a savior, he kept shouting, asking for help.

“The origin of my Daohuo will be swallowed up!”


The person in front of him was exactly the same as the appearance of the Cangyan Demon after cremation.

It is the former, known as the peak power closest to the emperor, who has become a legend of an era.


At this moment, the Cangyan Demon Emperor’s cry for help from Cangyan Demon Huo seemed unheard of.

Demon Fire Space!

In midair, Cangyan Demon Emperor and Su Lie faced each other far away.

this moment!

Between the two, the temperament of the supreme person who eats the pinnacle is surprisingly somewhat similar.

But it is terribly clear…


PS: This plot is what the writer of the street has always wanted to write. It has been brewing for a long time. I hope everyone likes it.

Then, of course, I am shamelessly continuing to seek subscriptions.

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