Chapter 234: The Real Dao Fire Ranking Third! Cangyan Demon Fire!


Under Su Lie’s imperial soul, everything hidden

Nature has nowhere to hide.

At this moment, in an inconspicuous corner, there is a white and flawless jade box, randomly placed;

Compared with the treasures everywhere, it is not taken seriously.

But this is only relative.

Being able to be such a hidden sacred place for appreciating treasures into the treasury itself is enough to prove everything.


Feeling a tremor in the ring, Su Lie understood that in the jade box…

It was the last broken picture he was looking for!

The third fire!

Immediately, Su Lie saw that Su Lie mentioned it, and suddenly, the jade box fell into Su Lie’s hands.

“It turns out that what the Dragon Emperor is looking for, is this Dao Huo picture?”


The Lord of the Holy Land was also relieved, and then said:

“This is just a picture of Daohuo, there is neither an array restriction nor any special energy on it.

“When we got this fire map, we were so excited!”

“But then it was discovered that this is only a part of the broken picture. If there are no other broken pictures, it is useless!”

“So, it has been kept in the treasure house, and it is ready to be processed in the next space auction!

It is clear!

With their eyesight, it was also the first time to see the origin of this Daohuo picture.

As he said!

This picture of the remains of fire is said to be precious and precious, and it is neither precious nor precious.


Will be so casually thrown into the treasure house.

“If I read Jianbaoshan correctly, this broken picture should be related to the legendary third fire, Cangyan Demon Fire.

“It’s a pity that this picture is extremely incomplete, and it is impossible to judge more information!”

That’s right!

Cangyan Demon Fire!

It is the existence that ranks third on the Daohuo List.

This is a kind of Daohuo that only existed in ancient times. According to legend, his last master was the pinnacle powerhouse between heaven and earth.

He heard that for unknown reasons, he chose to seal it!

As for the specifics!

Because the age is too old, it can’t be verified.


No matter what the reason, Daohuo ranked third, such a ranking is enough to explain everything.

That is a truly terrifying existence!

It’s not hard to imagine!

If anyone can meet and control this third fire, he will definitely be able to leap over the dragon gate and become a rare peak powerhouse in the world.

“I want this picture!”

Listening to the other party’s explanation, Su Lie didn’t say anything, just said lightly.

At the same time, put the image of the broken road into the ring of fire.

“Dragon King, please!”

Now that Su Lie has spoken, the Lord of the Holy Land naturally cannot have any opinions.


He dared not comment.

Immediately, Su Lie’s treasure hunting trip came to an end.


This treasure hunt is extremely simple and simple.

This is the difference in strength!

If it’s Manfan’s rhythm, I’m afraid it will have to participate in the auction again, and it will have to fight for life and death, and it will have to be this and that.

Looking back at Su Lie!

Now that it’s just moving your mouth, naturally the other party will obediently offer Dao Huo pictures

The gap among them is simply unreasonable.


As the Lord of the Holy Land, the other party was obviously aware of something.

After all, it is impossible for Su Lie to go straight to them for no reason, including taking away this tragic picture.

But there are some things that Su Lie didn’t mention…

He didn’t dare to ask!

They are all smart people, so naturally they know everything.

After leaving the Holy Land of Human Race!

I saw huge space cracks, and voids emerged, and then extended;

One bite is to suck in Su Lie.

This is the space of the Emperor’s Tomb!

Today’s Su Lie is the new owner of the Emperor’s Tomb, so naturally he can easily enter and exit the space of the Emperor’s Tomb.

The flow of time in the tomb of the emperor was much slower than the outside world.

Enough Su Lie let go!


The third fire, all the broken pictures of Cangyan Demon Fire were in hand.

Su Lie didn’t hesitate either.On the palm of his hand, the Supreme Sage Flame of the Dragon Phoenix rose suddenly.

Directly, all the broken pictures will be enveloped away.

What a drop of blood!

Su Lie didn’t bother to try any soul power snooping.

The methods are simple and rude!

Boom! Boom!

Sure enough, under the burning of the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame, this third fire image showed no sign of turning to ashes.

On the contrary, the lines on the ancient Daohuo pictures are getting brighter and brighter.

At some point!

All the fragments of the Daohuo Remnant Picture tremble suddenly, and the lines are directly pieced together.

Finally, it turned into a series of ancient pictures, suspended in front of Su Lie.

After a while!

In Su Lie’s eyes, scenes of Daohuo space emerged.


“Is the Cangyan Demon Fire’s Daohuo space?”


Su Lie’s eyes flickered slightly, and immediately jumped up.

With a sudden movement of mind, the majestic soul power of the emperor realm swept out…

Look at it at a glance!

This demon fire space seems to have no end, and Su Lie’s emperor realm soul entered it;

There is no hesitation!

Directly rushing to the depths of the equivalent demon fire space.

“who is it!?”

“My Demon Fire Space only opens to the outside world every 10,000 years. Now that the time has not come, how did you come in?”

There was an angry rebuke!

I saw that there seemed to be endless shocks in the demon fire space, and Su Lie could feel that this was not an illusion, but the emotion of the Cangyan Demon Fire!

And in the space shock!

When sensing the soul of Su Lie’s imperial realm, a figure suddenly swept out with the power of Daohuo;

Want to burn Su Lie’s imperial spirit.


This figure is the body of the Cangyan Demon Fire.

Undoubtedly, as the third-ranked Daohuo on the real Daohuo list, Cangyan Demon Fire is the same as the ultimate form of Daohuo Huangyan.

Daohuo life form!


He still has the strength of the Seven-Star Saint!

“Is the strength of the Seven Star Saints?”

Su Lie chuckles, his emperor realm soul is a bit more terrifying than most of the seven or eight star saints…

Plus the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame Protector!

Even if Su Lie is not visiting the Demon Fire Space at this moment, it is just a soul power;

But after making full preparations, he was still fearless.

The terrifying Cangyan demon fire swept across, and a dragon and phoenix figure flashed out of the emperor realm divine soul that Su Lie had seen.

Automatically protect the Lord and take it to the moment.

“What a powerful Daohuo aura, it seems that you are the third Cangyan Demon Fire on the Daohuo list?!”

“Just right, I also want to try how strong you are!”

Seeing the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sage Flame enters the demon fire space, it reveals a terrifying aura.


Then the power of Daohuo instantly counterattacked!

Surrounded by the Cangyan Demon Fire’s body figure, it circulates frantically, and wants to refine it!


Suddenly, the Cangyan Demon Fire uttered pain, and he realized that he didn’t seem to be the opponent of the Supreme Sage of the Dragon Phoenix.

The surging demon fire suddenly became a little bit weak.

“You’re not Huangyan Wuxie!?”

“But why do you also evolve to the ultimate form, and you are even more powerful than I am? How can this be possible?


Although this is its territory, its own strength is also extremely high.

But I didn’t expect that the opponent in front of him was stronger!

That’s right!

As an existence that merges the four half-dao fires, the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sacred Flame, the current cultivation base is the same as Su Lie.

The strength of the Seven Star Saints!

Under the same cultivation base, Cangyan Demon Fire was injured in an instant.

This also made him unbelievable!

If it weren’t because this place was his territory and had a natural advantage, it would still be a question of whether to escape!


Next moment!

The person transformed by the Cangyan Demon Fire knew that he was not the opponent of the Supreme Sage of the Dragon and Phoenix.

To act decisively is to choose to escape directly.

As the owner of the Demon Fire Space, he knows very well that as long as he can survive this period of time…

The external demon fire channel will inevitably be closed automatically.

Until then!

Dragon Phoenix Supreme Sage Yan can only leave, and can no longer attack him.


“Do you think that if you are in the demon fire space, I will help you not only?”

The corner of Su Lie’s mouth lifted slightly, and he smiled playfully.

Immediately, beside a pair of dragons, there was endless gleaming divine light, which seemed to see through the void and fell within the demon fire space.

The next moment!

Su Lie’s figure disappeared in the tomb of the emperor.

Place of reappearance.

It is the Demon Fire Space where the Cangyan Demon Fire is located,

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