Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

403: The Emperor's Sister-In-Law Has Given Up All Emotions And Desires! Zhou Chen Becomes Huo&#

"The Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivator is the most apex existence in the Kunlun world. Even the Lord of the Holy Land Dynasty must bow before them!"

"But today, the three Transcend Tribulation monsters joined forces, but one of them was beaten to pieces, and the two of them fled in a hurry!"

"If today's news comes out, the entire Kunlun world will probably tremble!"

"This Holy Son of Daotian is already invincible under True Immortal!"

"I must inform Sect immediately and establish a good relationship with Tianshengdi!"

In Tiandu City, all forces gathered together and sent this news back to their respective Sect Holy Lands.

At a branch point of the Tiandu Formation, several Imperial City Imperial Guards looked up at the sky.

"Although this Holy Son of Daotian saved our Destiny Dynasty, I am not happy at all. Her Royal Highness Xuannv is the lover of my dreams!"

"Not only Her Royal Highness Xuannv, why do I feel that the relationship between the Holy Son of Heaven and our Queen is also unusual?"

"Hush, be careful, Commander Zhang, do you want your life? Her Majesty the Queen dares to make such unreasonable remarks!"

"What are you afraid of? Her Majesty the Queen has no time to listen to the conversations of little people like us!"

"If I were the Holy Son of Daotian, I would definitely collect these two sisters flowers, hehe!"


Commander Zhang was directly hit by a True Qi handprint, causing him to vomit blood and fly away.

As soon as his body hit the ground, a sword light struck from the top of his head.


Commander Zhang was directly split in half by this sword light.

Blood flew everywhere, and the internal organs and intestines were scattered all over the floor. It was so miserable.

Yuan Shen wanted to escape, but was killed directly by another sword beam, both physically and mentally.

The surrounding cultivators looked in horror.

A commander of the imperial army, although he was only in the early stage of Divine Transformation, except for the imperial court, even those cultivators who burned the void did not dare to kill him easily.

Several imperial guardsmen who reacted immediately shouted in a deep voice:


"Beheading the Imperial Guards is regarded as provoking the imperial dynasty, and they should be punished for their crimes!"

"I'm talking privately about the Queen. Are you guys worthy of serving as Imperial Guardsmen?

A young man with a gloomy face walked slowly over.

Seeing him, several forbidden soldiers were frightened and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

"Your Highness, King Chen, spare your life. Commander Zhang alone said it, and we didn't agree with him!"

"Huh, you guys are all in the same boat, so die!"

There was a hint of cruelty in Zhou Chen's eyes, and the long sword in his hand slashed out several sword rays, directly killing all the forbidden soldiers.

Looking at the two people hugging each other in the air, Zhou Chen's face was full of ferocity.

"Bitch man and woman, just be proud of yourself (bjbd)!"

"One day, I will make you pay the price!"

Zhou Chen said bitterly, and when he looked at Karen Ji, the ferocity on his face calmed down a bit.

Now, Ji Qinghan betrayed him, his aunt was conquered by Yang Chen, a bastard, and Taizu died.

All he has left is the emperor's sister-in-law.

Fortunately, the emperor's sister-in-law practices the ruthless way, has no love and desire, and will definitely not have anything to do with Yang Chen, a bastard.

It's just a pity that his soul was planted with Restrictions by the black-robed woman, so he couldn't reveal the secret of Yang Chen's practice of magic.

Otherwise, even if we can't deal with him now, he will definitely be ruined.

"Yang Chen, what the f*ck, just wait for me, as long as I, Zhou Chen, don't die, I will definitely give you no peace!"

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth and roared.

"Boy, you have a lot of hatred for Yang Chen!"

"It's a pity that you, the Cultivation Base of the God Transformation Realm, are hopeless if you want to seek revenge from him!"

At this time, a joke came from behind.


Zhou Chen turned around suddenly.

Then his eyes froze.

In front of him, stood a girl in a red dress.

Childlike face, hot body.

He couldn't help but swallow.


Huo'er snorted coldly.

Zhou Chen Yuanshen suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard and fell to his knees on the ground.

"So strong!"

Zhou Chen was shocked.

With just one look, he couldn't bear it and knelt on the ground.

Moreover, my own Imperial Sacred Body is a top-grade Sacred Body, and it has the remaining immortal power of Taizu True Immortal. However, facing this girl in a red dress, I don’t even have the courage to stand up.

Is it possible that the girl in front of me is an old senior who has returned to his original nature, and like those old Transcend Tribulation monsters, he also took the opportunity to come to Tiandu City to get a glimpse of the true nature of the emperor's wife?

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen hurriedly said respectfully:

"Junior Zhou Chen is the younger brother of the previous emperor of the Destiny Dynasty. I offended senior just now. Please forgive me!"

Seeing Zhou Chen become so respectful, a trace of pride appeared on Er's face.

This is the treatment she, Huo'er Tangtang Holy Spirit, should enjoy.

That bastard Yang Chen actually dared to let her call him master, he really deserves to die.


He coughed lightly, trying his best to make his voice sound a little more vicissitudes of life.

"Zhou Chen, I don't like your word Chen very much, so I'll call you Xiao Zhou. What grudge do you have against Yang Chen? Why do you want to seek revenge from him so much that you don't know what you can do?"

"Don't you see that the Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivator is vulnerable to that bastard?"

"Senior doesn't know something, then Yang Chen..."

Zhou Chen also heard it at this time. The girl in the red dress in front of him had an 80% relationship with Yang Chen, and he immediately told all the grudges he had with the bottom of the ladder.

Huo'er listened, especially when he heard that Yang Chen had obtained an Exotic Treasure that contained the power of time, he immediately stamped his feet in anger.

"No wonder that bastard could easily kill a Transcend Tribulation cultivator. It turned out that he relied on the Exotic Treasure to use the power of time!"

"Hateful, hateful!"

"If I had known that this bastard could make a fortune from a True Immortal, I would have shared the fortune with him no matter what!


Zhou Chen's voice brought Huo'er back to his senses immediately.

Realizing that he had lost his composure just now, he hurriedly returned to his calm and expert appearance.

"Yang Chen, this bastard, is indeed a despicable villain!"

"I only regret that I didn't kill him directly. I regret it to this day!"

When Zhou Chen heard this, he hurriedly asked:

"Senior, I wonder if your current strength can compete with Yang Chen?"

Hearing this, Chuan Dai frowned.


"Who is Yang Chen? In a hundred years, I can destroy him directly!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chen suddenly banged his head on the ground.

"Senior, as long as you can help Junior get revenge, Junior is willing to use all the resources of the Destiny Dynasty to support senior!"

Huo'er's little face was slightly startled, his eyes rolled a few times, and then he said with a smile:

"Xiao Zhou, we need to take a long-term approach to deal with Yang Chen!"

"However, I can accept you as my disciple first!"

"Disciple Zhou Chen, pay homage to Master!"

Zhou Chen was very happy when he heard this.

He hurriedly kowtowed three times and completed the apprenticeship ceremony.

Looking at the beautiful master with a childlike face and huge peaks in front of him, all the gloom in Zhou Chen's heart was swept away.

Although the ancestor died, he turned around and worshiped a beautiful master again.

God still favors me, Zhou Chen.

The strength of this beautiful master should not be inferior to that bastard Yang Chen.

Moreover, as long as you show enough talent, you might be able to impress this beautiful master in the future and become a master and a rebel disciple, hehe.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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